
  • 网络primary side;Primary Circuit
  1. 基于电容分压原理的电子式TV一次侧设计

    Design of Primary Converter for Electronic Voltage Transformers Based on Capacitive Divider

  2. 蒸汽发生器一次侧表面预处理技术

    The Surface Pretreatment Technology for Primary Circuit Pressure Boundary in the Steam Generator

  3. 当系统采用单极倍频的PWM斩波方式来跟踪一次侧电流来产生二次侧电流时,只要保持给定相同,二次侧各支路的输出完全相同。

    The coil s secondary current is generated by the means of tracking the primary current using the unipolar multi-frequency PWM in the system .

  4. 利用Matlab仿真软件搭建了仿真实验模型,通过改变一次侧电流中非周期直流分量的方向,研究了非周期直流分量对电流互感器的饱和方向、入饱和时间的影响。

    Based on the simulation model established with Matlab , influences of DC component on the saturation direction and start time are studied by changing the direction of DC component .

  5. 开发了分别基于傅立叶变换和递归卷积两种数学方法的PT一次侧过电压的反演计算方法,并用实测数据进行了验证,结果表明计算方法正确有效。

    Developed two numerical inversion calculation methods of primary system of PT based on Fourier transform and recursive convolution seperately and verified the correctness by the measured data .

  6. 针对一次侧供电,设计了以小CT供电为主,激光供电为辅的电源冷备用系统。

    It also designed the cold standby system for the power supply in the primary side , which contains the small CT as the main power supply , and the laser power supply as the auxiliary one .

  7. 电流互感器(CT)采用电磁感应的原理得到与一次侧电流成比例的二次电流,当磁通饱和时励磁电流增大,两侧电流的比例关系发生改变。

    Using current transformer ( CT ), people gain secondary side current which is proportional to primary side current . When magnetic flux is saturated , the excitation current is increased and the proportion of the CT is changed .

  8. 一次侧利用16位串行A/D结合单片机控制实现了数据的单光纤发送,二次侧的数据接收利用CPLD技术完成同步时钟的解调及串行数据的并行转换。

    The data transmission through single optical fiber is realized with 16-bits serial output A / D converter and single chip computer . Demodulation of synchronous clock and converting serial to parallel transmission of data are done with CPLD at secondary side .

  9. 叙述了5MW核供热试验堆燃料组件入口和主换热器一次侧阻力系数测定实验。

    The experimental determination of the inlet resistance coefficients of fuel assembly as well as the primary side resistance of primary heat exchanger for5MW heating test reactor is described .

  10. 周波控制交流一次侧间歇供电电源

    Power Source of AC Primary Side Intermitting Supply by Cycle Control

  11. 对于电压互感器一次侧保险频繁熔断的分析及预防措施

    Analysis and Prevention Measure to the Insurance of PT Primary Terminal Burning Out

  12. 有源电子式电压互感器一次侧电路的低功耗设计

    Design of primary converter for active electronic voltage transformers with low power consumption

  13. 核电站蒸汽发生器一次侧整体三维有限元应力分析

    Tridimensional finite element stress analysis of the primary part of a PWR steam generator

  14. 变电站二次侧向一次侧反送电故障分析

    Analysis of a reversed feeding fault from secondary to primary circuit in the substation

  15. 由于一次侧电压较小,仿真难度适中,波形显示良好。

    The voltage was small with moderate simulation difficulty and the waveform displays well .

  16. 同样变换到牵引变压器一次侧验证了该方法的有效性。

    Similarly transform to traction transformer primary side and proof the validity of this method .

  17. 该方案相比一次侧设计方案,固有安全性较高。

    The design is good for its inherent safety , comparing with the primary-side design .

  18. 对于整流器一次侧过压吸收保护装置进行了改造,由原来的混合接法改为星型接法,取消电阻器;

    Transformed absorption pressure protective device , adopt a Star Connection method , cancelled the resistor ;

  19. 六相整流系统变压器一次侧断相分析

    Analysis of a Six-Phase Rectifier with One Broken Line in the Primary Input Circuit of Transformer

  20. 得出一次侧各部件相互间的影响,管板的孔桥应力和孔达峰值应力。

    Ect of different components , maximum peak stress and minimum ligament stress of tube-sheet were obtained .

  21. 小占空比实现同样的功率输出必须使用更高的一次侧峰值电流。

    Shorter duty cycle for the same output power results in higher peak currents on the primary side .

  22. 另外,即使一次侧压力波动强烈,二次侧压力也不会受到影响。

    For another , the secondary-side pressure will not be disturbed even if the first-side pressure fluctuates strongly .

  23. 结果显示,多功能平衡变压器在任何运行方式下,一次侧均无零序电流。

    The results show no zero sequence component exists in the primary currents when the MFBT is operating at each mode .

  24. 硬开关和准谐振反激变换器之间的差异在于一次侧开关的开启时间点。

    The difference between a hard switching and quasi resonant flyback converter is the turn on time point of the primary switch .

  25. 由于避免配电变压器一次侧电信号采集,该方法有效降低了系统的硬件复杂程度。

    Because of avoiding signal acquisition in distribution transformer primary side , the algorithm reduces the complexity of the monitoring system hardware .

  26. 本文结合高电压特点,对一次侧转换器部分进行了保护设计,并对一次测量电路进行优化。

    In terms of the characteristics of high voltage , this thesis designed the protection of the primary converter , and optimized the primary measuring circuit .

  27. 对该电流互感器正常工作电流状态、一次侧大电流故障状态及一次侧开路故障状态的电磁暂态过程进行了仿真。

    In addition , the electromagnetic transients of normal operating-current state , primary side large current fault state and primary side open-circuit fault state are simulated .

  28. 该装置由一次侧热媒系统、二次侧冷媒系统、被测换热器、水处理、定压系统、检测控制系统等构成。

    This equipment is composed with one - side hot medium system , secondary side cool medium , heat exchanger , water treatment , control system , etc.

  29. 在一次侧串入耦合电感和隔直电容,使变换器实现了较宽的输入电压和较大的带负载能力。

    We employ a coupled inductor and two blocking capacitors in the primary side , which makes the converter achieve wide input voltage and large load ability .

  30. 双边励磁变压器一次侧等效阻抗可通过控制二次侧电流予以改变。

    Controlling the amplitude and phase of the secondary current can change the equivalent primary impedance in a transformer excited at both the primary and the secondary .