
  • Anniversary;First Anniversary;x'mas Mix
  1. 我们等到一周年纪念日时才去非洲度了蜜月。

    We waited until our one-year anniversary to go on our honeymoon to Africa .

  2. 他知道今天是特别的日子,是我们的一周年纪念日。

    He knows it 's a special day . It 's our one-year anniversary .

  3. 今年5月18日是FacebookIPO一周年。

    May 18 will be the one-year anniversary of the Facebook IPO .

  4. 上周五是阿里巴巴首次公开招股(IPO)一周年纪念日。

    The first anniversary of its initial public offering was on Friday .

  5. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛许多媒体举办活动,纪念人们所说的Twitter革命一周年。

    Well , there is a lot social media activity happening out there to help mark the one year anniversary of what many people call the Twitter revolution .

  6. 随着美国MBA学生将在金融危机一周年之际返校开学,美国各大商学院纷纷从本轮金融危机吸取内容,增加相关课程。

    As MBA students return to campus on the eve of the financial meltdown 's anniversary in the U.S. , business schools are incorporating lessons from the crisis into their programs .

  7. 本刊:在我们庆祝新三思加入MTS系统有限公司一周年之际,您认为这一年中的亮点在哪里?

    《 MTS 》: As we celebrate the one year anniversary of SANS joining MTS Systems Corporation , what do you see as the highlights ?

  8. EdX拥有55名员工,用户遍及192个国家,到今年5月成立一周年的时候,注册学生预计将达100万人。

    EdX , which has 55 staff and users in 192 countries , expects to reach 1m students by its first anniversary in May .

  9. 苹果公司在2016年春季发布了iPhoneSE,可能会在一周年之际发布一款更大容量的产品,传言称苹果公司已经在128GB版本上下功夫。

    Having revealed the iPhone SE at its Spring Event in 2016 , Apple could use its anniversary to introduce a larger model . The company is rumoured to have been working on a 128GB version of the device .

  10. 印度孟买恐怖袭击一周年之际,在袭击中失去丈夫和13岁女儿的琪娅·舍尔(KiaScherr)计划主持一个网络论坛,宣扬宽恕与和平的主题。

    On the first anniversary of the terrorist attack here in which her husband and13-year-old daughter were killed , Kia Scherr plans to host an online forum that promotes forgiveness and peace .

  11. 11月,棕榈滩(PalmBeach)的阿鲁巴丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton,Aruba)将庆祝开业一周年。这里的特大床有限海景房2月份的价格是每晚近729美元,5月份的价格是每晚339美元。

    A stay at the Ritz-Carlton , Aruba on Palm Beach , which celebrated its first anniversary in November , costs nearly $ 729 a night in February versus $ 339 a night in May for a room with a king bed and limited ocean view .

  12. 在和丈夫MikeComrie结婚一周年的这一天,希拉里达芙在自己的网站上向粉丝们报喜,和大家分享了和丈夫一起的幸福回忆同时还宣布了一个惊人的好消息,她怀孕了!

    On the day of her first anniversary with husband Mike Comrie , Hilary Duff wrote a note to fans on her website , sharing pictures and memories of the union as well as the amazing news that shes pregnant with their first child !

  13. 上月,国际奥委会(IOC)主席雅克•罗格(JacquesRogge)警告,空气污染可能迫使一些户外赛事改期举行,这给2008年8月8日奥运会开幕的倒计时一周年庆祝活动投下了阴影。

    Last month , celebrations to mark one year to go to the August 8 2008 opening of the Games were clouded by warnings from Jacques Rogge , president of the International Olympic Committee , that bad air could force changes to the timing of some outdoor events .

  14. 我答应在一周年庆上做一个表演。

    I agree to do a performance on the one-yr anniversary .

  15. 他说,也许在我们结婚一周年的时候会去参观巴黎的下水道。

    ' Maybe Paris for our first anniversary , 'he says .

  16. 一周年快乐!宝贝这给你的花!

    Happy one year anniversary ! Here 're your flowers baby !

  17. 我们都知道,今天离奥运开幕式还有一周年。

    It 's really really really a lucky day for me .

  18. 公司转眼就成立一周年了。

    The company will be one year old by next month .

  19. 澳门旅游塔听说是澳门回归一周年的时候落成的。

    Speaking of Macao , it is necessary to mention lotus flowers .

  20. 周三是奥巴马总统执政一周年纪念日。

    Wednesday marked Barack Obama 's first anniversary in office .

  21. 在任职一周年之际,伯南克显得越来越有把握。

    At the one-year mark , Mr Bernanke is looking increasingly assured .

  22. 他们来到动物园是为了庆祝一周年纪念日。

    They were visiting the zoo for their one-year anniversary .

  23. 但是这周你在庆祝它的一周年纪念日。

    but this week you 're celebrating its first anniversary .

  24. 上哪儿庆祝我们的一周年纪念日呢?

    Where shall we go for our first anniversary ?

  25. 在他逝世一周年的时候。

    She attained the sixty-third anniversary of her birth .

  26. 对于你和你的伴侣来说,结婚一周年纪念日是一个重要的日子。

    A first-year wedding anniversary is an important celebration for you and your spouse .

  27. 在你们结婚一周年之际,献上我们最诚挚的祝福。

    Our best wishes on your first anniversary .

  28. 本周是一项火星重大探测活动的一周年纪念日。

    This week marks the first anniversary of a major exploration effort on Mars .

  29. 事实上,下周就是我手术成功的一周年纪念。

    As a matter of fact , this coming week is my one-year anniversary .

  30. 巨大成功中的少许遗憾&五普一周年的思考

    Regrets Behind the Huge Success & Thoughts in the Anniversary of the 5th Population Census