- 网络Loop;primary system;rcp

Steam generator is the key equipment in the nuclear power system , it is the equipment of primary loop and the equipment of secondary loop , and it is the hub of primary loop and secondary loop .
Concentration measurement of 13 n in light water reactor primary loop
Reactor ~ ( 16 ) N γ Noise Monitoring for PWR Coolant Flow Measurement
Development of Electrical Penetration Assemblies for Primary System of HTR 10
HTR 10 primary cavity cooling system and its features
Seismic Analysis of the Supporting Structure of HTR 10 's Primary Loop Pressure Vessels
Study on Pneumatic Features of Primary System and Operation Parameters of Helium Circulator for HTR-10
A Soft Measuring Method of the Helium Flow Rate for the Primary Loop of the HTR-10
The range of modeling and simulation are : the reactor coolant system ( RCP ) and the auxiliary systems relative to security analysis .
The modeling of main component of the PWR nuclear power plant main circuit system and established the suitable teaching system 's physics-mathematics modeling for microcomputer simulation .
The reactor structure influence on water chemistry is described . The chemistry components for coolant water of primary loop of reactor , such as dissolved oxygen , pH , conductivity , nitrate , chloride , fluoride , corrosion products are established .
The moisture probe and infrared analyzing instrument both conform to the design requirement , and consecutive inspection of H2O 、 CO 、 CO2 can be carried out for the primary helium circuit .
Bailey series modules used in China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Company compose the main part of the control and protection system of primary loop process instrument .
Small cogeneration boiling water reactor CR-200 is proposed , and its preliminary thermal-hydraulic design and stability analysis are completed with the best estimate thermal-hydraulic code RETRAN-02 and a steam generator design program .
Submersible compact reactor ( SCR ) for under-sea research vessel has similar design concept with MRX but the primary circuit is of nature circulation .
In primary loop in nuclear plants , the Cast Austenite Stainless Steel ( CASS ) under operation temperature will face to the issue of thermal aging besides of irradiation damage .
The primary cavity cooling system of the 10MW high temperature gas cooled test reactor ( HTR 10 ) is one of the important safety related systems of the reactor .
The 13N monitoring system is used in the monitoring of the rate of leakage of the primary coolant circuit in nuclear power stations .
Moreover , an intentional Reactor Coolant System ( RCS ) depressurization , as suggested by foreign experts , might defer the progressing of the accident and mitigate the consequence during SBO .
The calculation on radionuclide concentration in the helium of primary loop for the MHTGR A METHOD AND COMPUTER CODE FOR CALCULATING RADIONUCLIDE CONCENTRATION IN PRIMARY COOLANT CIRCUIT OF LWRS
Reactor vessel cooling system is one of the important auxiliary systems in the primary system of China experimental fast reactor ( CEFR ), which can cool the reactor vessel in various conditions .
MR-100G and MR-1G , the power supply system for district heating and cooling , are a self-pressurized , nature circulated integral PWR .
The helium circulator is a key component of the 10MW High Temperature Gas cooled Reactor ( HTR 10 ), which provides pressure rise required for helium circulation within the primary system in order to assure the thermal energy transfer from the reactor core to the steam generator .
Study on Primary Coolant System Depressurization Effect Factor in Pressurized Water Reactor
Development of Nuclear Power Plants Primary System Transient Analysis Programme
Research on leakage detection of nuclear power station primary loop
Test of dissolution decontamination of simulated corrosion-oxides in primary loop of PWR
Three issues related to application of measuring instruments in the primary loop
On small-break loss-of-coolant accident in marine nuclear power plant based on emergency operation
Optimization of Leakage Calculation in RCP System of PWR