
cāo zuò ɡuī chénɡ
  • Operating procedures;operating instructions;working rule
操作规程 [cāo zuò guī chéng]
  • [operating rules] 具体劳作所遵循的规范、程序和要领

  • 电工操作规程

  • 消防操作规程

  1. 对各个指定的百叶,提交配备要求的组件、安装及相关硬件、操作规程及担保的完整百叶。

    For each blind specified , submit one complete blind with required components , mounting and associated hardware , operating instructions , and warranty .

  2. 结果表明:生产工艺符合操作规程,但裂纹内部有夹杂物,两侧有脱碳现象,裂纹末端沿铁素体偏析带延伸,偏析带内部也存在夹杂物。

    The results showed that the production engineering matches the operating instructions , but the crack inside contains inlcusion and two sides exist the decarbonize phenomenon ; The crack bitter end extends along the plain body in iron segregation band and the segregation band is inner to also exists inlcusion .

  3. 在两架喷气机差点出事故之后,起飞和降落的操作规程更加严格了。

    Take-off and landing procedures have been tightened after two jets narrowly escaped disaster .

  4. 不得擅自修改操作规程。

    No unauthorized changes may be made in the rules of operation .

  5. 我国的卫生杀虫剂中药材黄芪GAP标准操作规程

    Public health insecticide of China Standard operating procedure for Astragalus membranaceus

  6. 中药材黄芪GAP标准操作规程

    Standard operating procedure for Astragalus membranaceus

  7. 审核临床试验数据的操作规程与SAS程序

    Operating procedure and SAS programs for data verification in clinical trials

  8. 目的:为规范我国ART医疗机构伦理委员会的伦理监督行为,建立我国ART伦理委员会操作规程或指南提供参考;

    Objective : To offer a model for reference on the operating guideline of ART Institution Ethics Committee to regulate their conducts on ethical supervision in China .

  9. 在简述GIS互操作规程的基础上,提出用组件技术来实现GIS互操作,并指出实现GIS互操作的关键在于把GIS功能分解为具有标准接口的可管理的软件组件。

    Based on GIS interoperability specification , component technology is proposed to realize GIS interoperability . The key is to discompose GIS function to controllable software component with standard interface .

  10. 黄芪种子规范化生产操作规程SOP的制定

    Study on Formulation of Normalized Operational Regulations for Production of Seeds of Astragalus Mongholicus

  11. 结论:严格HIV/AIDS病人护理操作规程,可以避免护理人员自身感染HIV。

    Conclusion : The chance of HIV infection may be avoided of the nurses abide by safety regulations strictly in the course of HIV / AIDS patients nursing .

  12. GLP实验室标准操作规程的管理和质量保证

    Management of SOP and their Quality assurance of GLP Laboratory

  13. Biolog微生物自动分析系统&酵母菌鉴定操作规程的研究

    Biolog Microbial Identification System & Study on the Operating Regulation of Yeast Identification

  14. 指出严格按照操作规程正确选择穿刺部位及操作方法,严谨的管道排气,正确的编程,适当的造影剂注入量、流量及总量的计算保证了CT增强扫描的成功。

    It shows that choosing a correct puncture place in a rigid operation method , a strict pipeline air discharging , a right programming and a right calculation of discharge , speed and total volume ensures the CT enhancing scan success .

  15. 实验中检测以下指标:血清中IL-4、IL-13浓度,支气管灌洗液中IL-4、IL-13浓度。严格按照试剂盒说明书操作规程进行。

    Experimental testing of the following indicators : serum levels of IL-4 , IL-13 concentrations , bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of IL-4 , IL-13 concentrations .

  16. 目的按照国家GAP认证要求,研究和制订三七规范化栽培标准操作规程及建立质量管理保障体系,为三七GAP认证提供依据。

    Objective According to the authentication request of GAP of nation , to formulate the standard operating procedure of Panax notoginseng and establish the guarantee system of quality control in order to provide evidence for the authentication of GAP of Panax notoginseng .

  17. 标准操作规程(SOP)的制订、管理和实施是GLP实验室建设的重要软件内容。

    The preparation , management and implement of standard operating procedures ( SOP ) are important soft content in the construction of GLP laboratories .

  18. 收尾工作:在车辆可以使用之前,必须执行《cayenne技术手册》的断开蓄电池后的操作规程中列出的工作。

    Concluding work : before the vehicle can be used , the work must be performed , which is listed in the Cayenne technical manual , work instructions after disconnecting the battery .

  19. 在传统SCADA功能的基础上实现一些具有较高实用价值的特色功能,如基于网络拓扑的动态着色、用于PAS事故分析的全息PDR以及考虑了操作规程的模拟操作等。

    On the basis of traditional SCADA some special functions of SCADA module such as such as the topology based dynamic coloring , the holographic PDR supporting PAS network security analysis and simulating operation considering the operation rules are implemented .

  20. 介绍了AHM系列安时计的工作原理和电路构成,给出了安时计的主要技术指标,具体介绍了该产品的操作规程。

    The operational principle and circuit structure of AHM Series Ampere-Hour Meter are described . The major specifications of the ampere-hour meters are given and the operation instruction of the products is presented concretely .

  21. 结合工程实例对新研制的XS-1型解卡剂作用机理进行了分析、应用并提出了具体的操作规程和注意事项。

    The act mechanism of the newly developing sticking reliever XS-1 was analyzed . The operation rules and points for attention were put forward .

  22. 方法按仪器及试剂说明书操作规程检测HbA1c,对其精密度、准确性、线性和抗干扰能力进行测定,并与高效液相色谱法作比较测定,观察其相关性。

    Methods Used the colloidal gold device to detect the HbA1c and also evaluate the precision , accuracy , linearity , the interference element test , and the relativity test with the high-performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) method on it .

  23. 合同研究组织(CRO)是药品临床研究主要试验机构之一,熟悉临床研究相关规范,具有丰富的研究经验、广泛的样本网络和严格的标准操作规程。

    Contract Research Organization ( CRO ) is one of the major research institutions of the drug clinical trial . It has a wealth of research experience , an extensive network of sample and a strict standard operating procedures .

  24. 建立了包括0.5%SDS溶液洗脱、过滤、离心沉淀、饱和食盐水溶液漂浮、麦克马斯特氏(McMaster)虫卵计数板观察计数等一系列程序的虫卵检验操作规程。

    We established a series of operating instruction including the elution of 0.5 % SDS solution , filtration , centrifuging sedimentation , floatation by saturated solution of NaCl and count by McMaster Counting Slides .

  25. 详细分析了产生青花瓷滚釉缺陷的因素&CMC的质量、CMC的加入量、青花釉加工工艺控制、涂胶操作规程、青花胶浓度,提出了克服方法。

    The factors in producing defect " crawling " of celadon-quality of CMC , quantity of CMC , technological control of celadon glaze , operating rules of applying glue , density of celadon glue are analyzed in detail , and the methods of eliminating the defect are put forward .

  26. 介绍了采用Ni-Co-Mn合金镀层作为电镀金刚石工具胎体的优越性,推荐了电镀液配方及新方法的具体工艺过程与操作规程。

    This paper introduces the performance of electroplating Ni-Co-Mn alloy coatings as the matrix of diamond tools . The composition of plating bath and the new process are presented in detail .

  27. 强调GEOSS成功的关键因素之一取决于其参加者能否接受并执行系统的互操作规程与统一的数据标准,以实现全球范围的数据资源共享。

    One of key factors in successful construction of GEOSS relies on whether the participators can accept and implement the interoperability and consistent data standards to share data resources from global context or not .

  28. 最后,针对应用产品开发,本文提出了基于移动银行应用的B2B2C模式的电子商务中间平台,并设计了一个以移动支付为核心的业务操作规程。

    At last , B2B2C mode of E-commerce is extended to by getting rid of the non-agent theory and the reform process as well as the operation rules is designed as far as mobile payment is concerned .

  29. 探讨药物临床试验标准操作规程的制订和管理

    Preparation and management of standard operating procedures for good clinical practice

  30. 培养原代小鼠组织细胞检验细胞实验室技术操作规程

    To Test Cell Laboratory Operating Instruction by Culturing Mice Primary Histiocytes