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  • 网络operation sequence;operational sequence;Sequence of operations
  1. 操作顺序应符合api标准和业主指南。

    The sequence of operations shall comply with api , employer guidelines .

  2. 在侧栏“构建脚本的要点”中,我们给出了实际的操作顺序,其中每个步骤都是用Ant目标名表示的。

    The sidebar " Build script outline " shows the actual sequence of steps represented by their Ant target names .

  3. FMS调度控制模块,它根据加工任务和加工路径要求,协调并控制着FMS系统各个功能组件之间的逻辑动作操作顺序;

    The second is the control module which corresponds with all of the function components according to the task and process ;

  4. 介绍PS-1恒电位仪的特点和它在输油管道阴极保护系统的使用,总结出判断恒电位仪故障的方法和操作顺序,并列举应用这种方法和顺序处理恒电位仪故障的实例。

    The article introduces characteristic of PS-1 constant potential instrument and its applying in pipeline cathodic protection system , summarizes method of breakdown judgement and operation sequence , also gives some examples of them .

  5. 这指定了编译过程执行的操作顺序。

    This specifies an order of operations for the build process .

  6. 存放托盘的操作顺序与之相反。

    Depositing a pallet operates in the reverse sequence .

  7. 矿山变电所电力系统的重合闸功能及操作顺序分析

    Analysis of Reclosing Function and Operating Sequence of Power System at Mine Substation

  8. 介绍了用于小型空分设备的简易洗塔设备及洗塔的一般要求、洗塔的操作顺序和安全技术。

    The requirements , operating sequence and security techniques for column cleaning are described .

  9. 安排控制装置以便指示操作顺序。

    Arranging controls to indicate sequence of operation .

  10. 事务操作顺序不正确。

    The transaction operations sequence is incorrect .

  11. “操作顺序”到底是什么玩意儿?

    What the hell is relation priority ?

  12. 系统保证来自同一个进程的写操作顺序执行。

    In this case the system guarantees to serialize the writes by the same process .

  13. 用于特定产品生产中的步骤或操作顺序的示意图表。

    The schematic diagram applying to the steps or operation orders in manufacturing specific products .

  14. 并详细分析了采用该操作顺序生产的优点;

    Furthermore , the paper details the advantages of using the new operational sequence in production .

  15. 两组操作顺序相反。

    The operating order was contrary .

  16. 其额定操作顺序为o-3min-co-3min-co。

    Its rated operating sequence is o-3min-co-3min-co.

  17. 可以为其定义消息序列,表明所需(有效)的操作顺序。

    Its message sequence could be defined to indicate the required ( valid ) ordering of operations .

  18. data=ordered让写操作顺序由硬盘的写高速缓存决定。

    Instead , data = ordered leaves the write ordering up to the hard drive 's write cache .

  19. 操作顺序地一个接一个地执行。无法在非顺序集合中执行该操作。

    The sequential execution of operations one after another . This operation cannot be performed on a non-sequenced collection .

  20. 该算法从改变表的操作顺序及修改孔雀哈希数据结构着手,保证了片外访问的平均次数接近于1。

    This algorithm ensured the average times of off-chip access close to1 through changing the operating sequence and data structure of peacock hash .

  21. 铁路车站联锁系统是指以技术手段实现信号、道岔与进路之间的制约关系和操作顺序的联锁控制系统,是保证车站行车安全的信号系统。

    Railway Stations Interlocking System is the interlocking system which realizes restrict and operation sequence between signal , turnout and route by technical method .

  22. 数据处理的操作顺序,从数据收集到显示和存放机器所有操作的结果。

    The sequence of operations associated with data processing , from the collection of data to displaying and storing the results of all machine activities .

  23. 综合了申请利用外国政府贷款医疗项目所涉及的部门、政策规定、申请程序、工作要求等,并按照实际工作中的大体操作顺序作了较为具体的介绍。

    It tells you something about the government departments in charge of project , the policy , the operating procedure and requirement detailed for applying foreign government loan .

  24. 其中,答卡的选择与设计、阅卷程序的优化和合理安排操作顺序十分重要。

    Especially , the selection and design of the answer sheet , the optimization of paper marking process and the proper arrangement of procedures are of most importance .

  25. 还有,在跨越系统和组织边界的应用程序中,定义系统之间的操作顺序比系统内的更重要。

    Again , in an application which spans system and organizational boundaries , it is more important to define the order of operations between systems than within a system .

  26. 同时,提出了主动写回以及读预取方法,将磁带库的随机读写操作顺序化,以改善系统随机读写性能。

    An active write-back method and a data prefetching strategy are then presented to manage the random I / O process orderly and to improve the random I / O performance .

  27. 在不考虑温湿度耦合关系时,控制器的设计原则是依据温湿度的变化速度来调控执行机构操作顺序。

    Without taking into account coupling between temperature and humidity , the controller design principle is changing the order of the implementing agencies based on the change speed of temperature and humidity .

  28. 本文对用于电抗器特别是干式空心电抗器匝间过电压试验的脉冲电压法进行了介绍和分析,阐述了其基本原理、操作顺序和故障观测、辨别的方法。

    Impulse-voltage methods of turn-to-turn overvoltage test for reactors , especially dry hollow reactors are introduced and analyzed . The basic principle , operational order and failure observing , method of distinguishing are explained .

  29. 我执行读取操作的顺序是从Web层获取请求(需要执行一次数据库查询)并检查之前在缓存中存储的查询结果。

    The sequence I follow when performing reads is to take a request ( that requires a database query ) from the Web tier and check the cache for previously stored results of that query .

  30. portType所执行的操作的顺序非常重要,因为它会使第二个场景(操作级中介策略流)的处理过程变简单。

    The order operation followed by portType is important , because it makes processing easier in the second scenario , an operation level mediation policy flow .