
  • 网络Operation and Maintenance Center;OMC;OMC-R;OMC Operation and Maintenance Center
  1. WCDMA网络的网管系统从功能上分为两层,底层是厂家网管即操作维护中心(下文简称OMC),直接与网元设备交互,负责网元数据采集和对网元维护命令的执行;

    WCDMA network management system can be divided into two layers , the bottom one is Operation and Maintenance Center , it alternates with Network Element directly , OMC is responsible for NE data collection and the execution of NE maintenance command ;

  2. 中国电信乌鲁木齐网络操作维护中心是网络运行安全的第一责任人,它担负着全市本地网的网络监控。

    Urumqi network operation and maintenance center is the safe operation of the network of person of the first responsibility , it bears the local network monitoring .

  3. TD-SCDMA操作维护中心软件的功能测试和性能测试环境搭建方法研究

    Research of Interference Test & Stability Testing Environment Building Methods for TD-SCDMA Operation Maintenance Center

  4. 界面自动生成工具是电信OMC(操作维护中心)中CAF(公共应用功能)模块3大核心技术之一。

    Interface Auto-generate Tool is one of the three core technologies in CAF module of OMC .

  5. 本文结合复合移动通讯系统之操作维护中心子系统(OMC)中数据的XML化描述需求,致力于研究基于XML的数据库中间件(本文中命名XMLDBMW)的设计与应用问题。

    With the requirement of describing the data of OMC in Composite Mobile Telecommunication , this dissertation is devoted to the researches of designment of DataBase Middleware based on XML .

  6. 操作维护中心(OMC)是CMT的网元管理平台,负责管理CMT系统所有的网络资源。

    In CMT system , Operations Maintenance Center ( OMC ) is a network element management platform for the maintenance and administration of distributed network elements .

  7. 江西NOC作为全省交换、传输、数据、C网等骨干核心的操作维护中心,已拥有众多的专业网管系统,但是随着市场的快速变化,网络规模及网管数量还在不断增加。

    As owning the core network of switch , transmission , IP and CDMA , Jiangxi NOC has various network management systems . However the scale of network and network management system increase continuously with the rapid growth of market .

  8. OAM是其中的操作维护中心,它提供了整个CMT系统中所有设备的配置管理、故障管理、性能管理、帐务管理、安全管理等功能。

    Operation Administration Maintenance ( OAM ) is a maintenance and administration Center . It offers the configuration management , malfunction management , performance management , security management functions of all equipments in the whole CMT system .

  9. 在TD-SCDMA系统操作维护中心(OMC)的功能测试中往往要涉及到一些与真实网元进行交互的测试用例,而普通的测试方法是无法成功完成此类工作的。

    There are some test cases which involve interacting with real network elements ( NEs ) and are difficult to be completed by using common testing method in functional testing of operation maintenance center ( OMC ) of TD-SCDMA system .

  10. 在第三代移动通信系统的建设中,操作维护中心(OMC)系统的设计和建设是一个重要的组成部分,而在OMC的建设中为其提供一个实时的测试平台是必要的。

    In the construction of the third generation of mobile communication system , the designing and building of the Operation Management Center ( OMC ) is an important component . So it is necessary to provide an real-time test platform for the construction of the OMC .

  11. 无线接入网操作维护中心OMC-R是无线接入网中的网络管理系统,它实现了对无线接入网中各被管网元设备的监控与操作。

    The operation & maintains center of wireless access network is the network management of the wireless access network ; it has implemented the monitoring and operation of each of the network element equipment in the wireless access network system .

  12. 应用头脑风暴法将搬迁项目中的所有风险识别出来,然后用专家打分法对所有识别风险进行评估,最后提出网络操作维护中心搬迁项目风险的应对和监控。

    Application of brain storming the relocation project all risks identified , then using expert scoring method for all identified risk assessment , finally put forward the network operation and maintenance center relocation project risk measure and control .

  13. 在结合本单位实际情况章节,首先将搬迁项目做一简述,提出了搬迁项目风险管理的目标,提出了网络操作维护中心风险管理流程。

    In combination with the actual situation of the unit sections , the relocation project to make a brief , removal was proposed the goal of project risk management , puts forward the network operation and maintenance center of the risk management process .

  14. 尤其在网络操作维护中心搬迁过程中,如何使网络不中断,不影响用户业务,及时响应用户需求,使我们顺利搬迁是重点也是难点。

    Especially in the time of network operation and maintenance center relocation process , how to make the network is not interrupted , the user does not affect the business , timely response to customer needs , we smooth the relocation is a key and difficult problem .

  15. 系统还可以把不同厂商的OMC(操作和维护中心)上的配置数据自动采集,解析并录入数据库。

    System can automatically collect configuration data , parse and load into database through configuration data from OMC ( Operation Maintenance Center ) of various vendors .