
xiànɡ wèi dǒu dònɡ
  • phase jitter
  1. 本文详细介绍了四进制PWM光纤通信系统相位抖动的分析方法。

    This paper describes in detail the method to analyze the Phase jitter in the four-level PWM fibre optic communication systems .

  2. 在50欧姆负载条件下,2.37GHz时钟的二分频信号的电压峰-峰值为1.58V,信号占空比为49%,相位抖动为4psrms。

    The duty cycle ratio of the output voltage is 49 % and the phase jitter is 4ps rms .

  3. 四进制PWM光纤通信系统相位抖动的研究

    Research of phase jitter in four-level PWM fibre optic communication systems

  4. 一种高速低功耗低相位抖动CMOS锁相环

    A High-Speed , Low-Power , Low Jitter CMOS Phase Locked Loop

  5. 首先,本文利用相位抖动技术来抑制DDS相位截断误差。

    First , we employ phase-dithering method .

  6. 基于LMS算法改进Cupo相位抖动补偿方法

    Improvement of Cupo 's phase jitter compensation method based on LMS algorithm

  7. 介绍了近年来DDS杂散抑制技术的发展,研究了相位抖动法、混合式频率合成技术和相位内插法的原理与应用。

    The development in spurious reduction technology of DDS in the recent years is introduced . The principle and application of phase-moving , admixture-frequency syntheses , inside-phase are studied .

  8. 跳频系统中频率合成器的输出信号在频率切换时会产生相位抖动,对跳频OFDM(FH-OFDM)系统的性能造成很大的影响。

    Phase jitter occurs when frequency synthesizer changes its frequency in frequency-hopped communications , which severely affects the performance of frequency hopped OFDM ( FH-OFDM ) systems .

  9. 理论和实验结果表明,POOW调制解调结构抗相位抖动能力优于DMT。

    We prove that POOW has better resistance to timing jitter than DMT based on the theory analysis and the experiment results .

  10. 结果表明,在加入滑频滤波作用后,主要由放大器自发辐射噪声(ASE)所导致的孤子相位抖动,从无任何控制措施时的随距离立方增长变为随距离线性地变化;

    The results show that the soliton phase jitter induced by spontaneous emission noise of amplifier increases only linearly as the propagation distance cube in the absence of control when the sliding-frequency guiding filters are used ;

  11. 在简要介绍数字信号相位抖动和漂移的基本概念之后,重点阐述对于准同步数字序列/同步数字序列(PDH/SDH)网络的相位抖动和漂移所带来的传输损伤,并介绍ITU-T最新建议O。

    Firstly , This paper presents the basic conceptions of the Jitter and the Wander , and describes the transmission impairment caused by the Jitter and the Wander . Then , emphatically introduces the new ITU T recommendation O.

  12. 改进一种电流模压控振荡器有高的输出频率(57MHz~2.17GHz)和低的相位抖动,当电源电压在5V~4V范围内波动时,输出频率变化不超过3%。

    A current - mode VCO is modified to operate with high frequency ( 57MHz to 2.17GHz ) and provide immunity to various noises . The variation of output frequency is less than 3 % when the power supply voltage decreasing from 5V to 4V .

  13. 锁相倍频器的相位抖动及其抑制措施

    Phase jitter and restraint method for phase locked loop frequency doubler

  14. 建立了相位抖动的软件仿真环境。

    A simulation environment based on jitter is set up .

  15. 高速数传中相位抖动的自适应对消

    Adaptive Cancellation of Phase Jitter in High-Performance Data Communication Systems

  16. 光纤通信用低相位抖动时钟数据恢复电路

    A high-speed and low-jitter CDR circuit for fiber-optic communications

  17. 对引起本测距系统相位抖动的误差源进行分析。

    The phase error sources resulting in jitter of range acquisition signals has been analyzed .

  18. 相位抖动下的自适应均衡技术

    Adaptive equalization technique under phase jitter

  19. 分析了混频锁相环中输出端口与中频端口相位抖动的关系,指出了从自身中频端口测试相噪的局限性。

    The relationship of phase shaking between the signals of millimeter wave and intermediate frequency is analyzed .

  20. 采用微扰法,分析了滑频滤波器抑制孤子相位抖动。

    The effects of the sliding-frequency guiding filters on reducing soliton phase jitter were theoretically studied by perturbation theory .

  21. 时钟源的相位抖动参数指标达不到要求,会得系统性能下降。

    The performance of system will decrease if the factors of clock source can not reach our ask demand .

  22. 定量分析了数字式锁相倍频器输出信号的相位抖动。

    The phase jitter of output signal of the PLL ( phase locked loop ) frequency doubler is analyzed .

  23. 相位抖动软件仿真环境的建立为研究数字电路相位抖动的传输特性、忍受范围、时间余量预算等建立了基础。

    The jitter simulation environment establishes the basis for the research of jitter transfer , jitter tolerance and timing budget in digital circuits .

  24. 载波恢复是数字通信系统中一个必不可少的单元,它补偿了信号在信道传输和解调过程中所造成的频偏损害并且相位抖动。

    It is necessary in digital communication system that carrier recovery can compensate frequency offset and phase jitter brought by transmission and modulation .

  25. 应用于延迟线中的改进的延迟单元有效地减小了相位抖动,环路滤波电路的设计避免了电荷重新分配引入的影响。

    The improved delay unit in VCDL efficiently lowers the output jitter and a low-pass filter ( LPF ) is designed to avoid the charge-sharing error .

  26. 解码时通过正交双通道处理以及复相关运算以消除相位抖动;

    During the decoding process , the processing of the two orthogonal channels and the operation of plurality correlation was adopted to eliminate the phase error .

  27. 该方法具有电路结构简单、数据恢复快、相位抖动小的优点,对提高突发通信系统的效率有显著作用。

    The approach has the advantages of fast data recovery , small phase jitter and simple circuit structure . It is noticeable to improve efficiency of the burst communication system .

  28. 相位抖动:指的是反馈时钟和参考时钟之间上升沿差异与多次随机采样的平均偏移之间的差。

    Phase Jitter : refers to the deviation of the FBKCLK rising edge to the REFCLK rising edge with respect to the average offset in a random sample of cycles .

  29. 在基于振荡器的方法中,有效地增加了电阻热噪声以提高相位抖动,并引入了带隙基准,提高了系统的鲁棒系。

    As to the method based on oscillator , the resistor thermal noise is effectively added to improve phase jitter , and a bandgap reference is introduced that improves the system robustness .

  30. 本文从理论上分析了补偿磁控管发射机发射脉冲幅度起伏以及射频频率和相位抖动的一种新的数字稳幅稳频方法,对其极限性能进行了分析。

    A new digital technique is described for theoretical analysis of the frequency and amplitude stabilization for the compensation of the transmitted pulse amplitude fluctuation , the radio frequency and the phase jittering in magnetron transmitter .