
xiānɡ duì dìnɡ xiànɡ
  • relative orientation
  1. 从自动内定向、自动相对定向、全数字影像匹配等3个子过程论述了实现航空影像DEM全自动提取技术的全过程,并且给出了试验的结果和分析。

    All the courses of total automatically DEM extracting of aerial photography are discussed from automatic interior orientation , automatic relative orientation to total digital image matching . Experimental result and analysis are present in the end .

  2. 改进了相对定向的PH算法,使得使用该方法进行相对定向不需要初值时也能实现全局收敛,采用基于单位四元数的绝对定向的闭合解,不需要初值也能得到定向参数的最小二乘解。

    An improvement on PH algorithm in relative orientation are made , with this algorithm , the iterative procedures could be global convergent without any initial values . The unit-quaternion based closed-form solution for absolute orientation is a least square solution without initial values . 4 .

  3. 比较PSK及1818立体坐标量测仪所得相对定向的精度。

    To compare the precision of the PSK and the1818 stereo-comparators .

  4. 本文结合工作的实际需要,研究一系列适合近景摄影测量情况的影像匹配技术。4.在相对定向算法研究中,本文详细对P-H算法与传统方法在运算过程中收敛性进行比较。

    This paper integrates with the actual need of work , we researched some image matching technique that adapt to Close-range Photogrammetry . 4 . In the reach of relative orientation arithmetic , we compare the P-H arithmetic with the traditional arithmetic .

  5. 利用多层动态窗口影像匹配方法进行自动相对定向

    Automatic Relative Orientation with the Method Named Multi-level Dynamic Window Matching

  6. 大重叠度影像的相对定向与前方交会精度分析

    Analysis of Precision of Relative Orientation and Forward Intersection with High-overlap Images

  7. 利用IMU/GPS信息作为约束进行相对定向

    Relative Orientation with the Information of IMU / GPS as a Constraint

  8. 基于广义点的相对定向和绝对定向

    Absolute Orientation and Relative Orientation Based on Generalized Point

  9. 基于沿主光轴方向摄影立体像对的相对定向与核线排列

    Relative Orientation and Epipolar Arrangement based on Forward Moving Image Pairs along the Optical Axis

  10. 最后给出模拟数据的计算结果,证实了所建立的相对定向方程和相应计算策略的正确性。

    Simulated test results are shown to verify the developed equations and their computational strategy .

  11. 数字立体像对的自动相对定向

    Automatical relative orientation with digital stereo pair

  12. 双介质摄影测量的相对定向

    Relative Orientation for Two-Media Photogrammetry

  13. 星载摄像机的相对定向和姿态确定是实现对地定位的关键问题。

    The relative orientation and attitude determination of satellite-borne camera is a key problem of ground position .

  14. 基于相对定向结果和多视几何约束的序列影像直线相关研究

    Line Stereo Matching Among Image Sequence by Using Result of Relative Orientation and Geometry Constrains from Multiply Views

  15. 通过解析共线条件方程式,利用相对定向直接法进行像对的相对定向。

    By analyzing collinear equation and adopting absolute orientation method , the stereo pair of photos is relatively oriented .

  16. 由于使用了优化过程,该方法对相对定向参数的初值依赖性较小。

    Combined with optimization procedure , this method is independent of the initial values of the relative orientation parameters .

  17. 包括影像内定向、独立像对相对定向和基于数字影像几何纠正的核线解析。

    The progresses include inner orientation , relative orientation and geometric correction for digital images to generate the stereo epiporlarline images .

  18. 最后,这种算子被用于数字影像的相对定向,取得了令人满意的结果。

    At last , the new operator is applied in the relative orientation of digital image pairs and the results are very satisfactory .

  19. 普通数码影像的立体测量方法研究,其中包括对普通数字影像的相对定向方法、绝对定向方法、影像匹配方法的研究及其相应精度的评价;

    Researches on the stereophotogrammetry of digital images , which include relative orientation , absolute orientation , image matching and the evaluation of their accuracies ;

  20. 利用相对定向直接解的方法来确定同名曲线上的同名点,从而达到重建物体表面的目的。

    For the purpose of 3D-reconstruct the object , we can get corresponding point in each corresponding curve by using the method of relativity direct solution .

  21. 介绍了一种方便实用的影像匹配方法&多层动态窗口影像匹配法,并将其应用于自动相对定向中,得到了比较满意的结果。

    In this paper a simple and practical image matching method named Multi-level Dynamic Window Matching is presented , and apply the method of automatic relative orientation .

  22. 首先,通过双目立体视觉成像原理的介绍,讨论了此成像过程中两个摄像机之间的相对定向关系。

    Firstly , the theory of binocular stereo imaging is introduced and the relation of relative orientation between two cameras , during the process of imaging , is discussed .

  23. 在不同轨道上摄取立体象对,用空间后方交会建立立体模型,实行相对定向、绝对定向和测绘地形图的方法。

    The paper also introduces the method by using space resection to create stereo model , therefore , to implement relative and-absolute orientation and to plot the topographical maps .

  24. 由于畸变改正及相对定向后模型仍存在变形,按最小二乘法原理,采用数学中多项式逼近的方法进行模型的非线性改正。

    Because of distortions after aberrations ' being corrected and relative orientation , models are non-linear corrected with polynomial approached method from mathematics , according to least square theory .

  25. 论文取得的成果如下:(1)设计并实现了一种同时求解立体相机内方位元素和相对定向模型参数的方法。

    As a whole , the main achievements are listed as following : ( 1 ) A method for evaluating stereo camera intrinsic parameters and relative orientation model parameters is devised and implemented .

  26. 本试验研究的目的为:1.比较相对定向的单模型法及双模型法所得射线角的残差的大小;

    The purposes of this experimental study are : 1 . To show the relative size of the corrections to the observed space angles by the single model and the double model methods of relative orientations .

  27. 并将单位四元数表示的旋转矩阵应用于相对定向、绝对定向、光束法平差中。

    Unit quaternion are proposed for representing rotation matrix instead of traditional Euler angles , and the transformations of each representing approaches are also given . The full estimation approaches on relative orientation , absolute orientation and bundle adjustment are proposed .

  28. 因此,提出了基于广义点的相对定向和绝对定向的方法,解决了传统相对定向和绝对定向不能解决的问题,理论上证明该方法是可行的。

    So this article brought forward the method of relative orientation and absolute orientation based on generalized point , which resolved the problem that the traditional relative orientation and absolute orientation could not do . The method was proved feasible in theory .

  29. 相对光谱定向反射比

    Relative spectral directional reflectance

  30. 对于厚度相对较小或定向误差可忽略的注有○L定位公差的被测件,在投影仪上模拟最小实体实效边界是一种符合最小实体要求定义的测量方法。

    For a work piece whose orientation error is ignorable , building a minimal substance ′ s virtual boundary on a projector represents a measuring method complying with the required definition of the minimal substance .