
xiānɡ duì ɡuò shènɡ rén kǒu
  • Relative overpopulation;relative surplus population
  1. 我国社会主义初级阶段仍存在相对过剩人口,大学生失业问题是我国总体失业现象的具体表现形式之一。

    Chinese primary stage of socialism still has relative surplus population , and college students ' unemployment problem is one of the specific manifestations of overall unemployment in our country .

  2. 马克思的相对过剩人口理论与当前我国的失业人口问题

    Marx 's Relative Overpopulation Theory and the Present Issue of Unemployment in China

  3. 第一章介绍马克思相对过剩人口理论和西方经济学流派中主要的失业理论并运用马克思主义批判武器进行简要的分析述评;

    In the first chapter I introduced west theory about unemployment and made a brief comment with Marxism weapon ;

  4. 过去我们把资本积累引起相对过剩人口,看作是马克思对资本主义失业的唯一解释。

    In the past , we took it for granted that relative excess population caused by capital accumulation was the complete content of Marx ′ s theory on unemployment .

  5. 马克思认为相对过剩人口是伴随着资本积累和资本有机构成提高而产生的,它是资本主义生产方式存在的条件。

    Karl Marx believes that the relative overpopulation , as a byproduct of the capital accumulation and the increase of the organic component of capital , is a condition for the existence of capitalist mode of production .

  6. 广义相对人口过剩不仅包括人口相对于生活资料或(和)生产资料的过剩,而且还包括人口相对于资源环境的过剩。

    Relative overpopulation in the broad sense includes not only the population surplus compared with means of subsistence and production but also the surplus compared with resources and environment .

  7. 传统意义上的相对人口过剩是指人口相对于生活资料或(和)生产资料的过剩,这种理论可以概括称之为狭义相对人口过剩论。

    Relative Overpopulation in Broad Sense Traditionally , relative overpopulation refers to population surplus compared with the means of subsistence and production , which can be labeled as relative overpopulation in a narrow sense .