
  1. 在财政收入政策方面,西汉初期,中央政府制定了一系列法规措施,建立并完善了赋税征收体系。

    On financial revenue policy , the central government took measures to establish and improve tax collection system .

  2. 财政收入政策和财政支出政策通过发挥乘数效应达到财政支农和促进农民增收的作用。

    Financial revenue policy and financial expenditure policy can help the farmers increase their income through the multiplied effect .

  3. 第二,调整税收政策(财政收入政策):调减农业特产税及提高出口退税率。

    Secondly , taxation policy should be adjusted ( financial income policy ): regulate and alleviate agricultural specialty tax and improve export duty drawback .

  4. 财政收入政策的具体对策主要有整合并改革现有税种,适时适度开征碳税。

    On the sides of innovating the fiscal revenue policies , the main instruments are integrating and innovating the current tax , and beginning to collect carbon tax in a proper way at proper time .

  5. 分析表明,由于我国财政收入政策存在显著的非凯恩斯效应,因此现阶段实施的以增收为主要方式的稳健财政政策没有对宏观经济产生明显的负面影响;

    Analysis shows that the current focus of stable fiscal policy on boosting revenue has not had an obvious negative impact on the macro-economy , due to clear non-Keynesian effects in China 's fiscal revenue policy .

  6. 在科技发展战略的指导下,选择合理的财政收入政策、财政支出政策及相关配套政策,才能实现促进科技进步的目标。

    Under directed by the development strategy of science and technology , select the reasonable fiscal revenue policies , fiscal expenditures policies and relative match policies , we can reach the objective of promoting advancement of science and technology .

  7. 就政府而言,财政收入、政策以及损毁度影响较大。

    Government revenue , policies , and damage impact .

  8. 消费信贷在二战后取得了迅速的发展。二战之前,西方国家调控消费的主要手段是财政和收入政策。

    Before the Second World War , the primary means of regulating consumer finance are finance and revenue policies . The consumer credit has made rapid development after the war .

  9. 财政收入、税收政策及宏观经济波动研究综述

    A Survey of Fiscal Revenue and Tax Policy and Macroeconomic Fluctuations

  10. 针对电子贸易出现的新税收难题不采取相应措施,必将威胁现有的税收体系,进而对国家财政收入和宏观经济政策产生负面的影响;

    If no corresponding measures are adopted , current taxation systems will be threatened and the national finance revenue and macroeconomic policy will also be badly influenced .

  11. 财政政策主要包括财政收入政策和财政支出政策,具体包括税收政策,投资政策和国债政策等。

    Fiscal policy includes fiscal revenue policy , expenditure policy , tax policy , investment policy and government debt policy .

  12. 为此,从财政支出政策和财政收入政策两方面提出了促进循环经济发展的路径选择。

    Therefore , we proposed the path selection in promoting circular economy development from the financial expenditure policy and the financial revenue policy .

  13. 但就稳定职能来说,财政支出政策明显地要好于财政收入政策,综合预算政策基本上与稳定职能保持一致。

    In view of Stabilizing function , the policy of expenditure should be better than the policy of revenues , the comprehensive budget policy keeps unanimity with stabilizing function basically .

  14. 首先对财政政策的三个方面,即财政收入政策、财政支出政策、财政监督政策分别进行了界定。

    First , we define the three aspects of fiscal policy : financial income policy , financial expenditure policy , financial supervision policy .

  15. 同时,财政支出政策,包括购买性支出政策和转移性支出政策,往往比财政收入政策更能促进农民收入持续稳定的增长。

    And the fiscal expenditure policy , including purchase expenditure policy and transfer expenditure policy , is better to the growth of the peasants ' income .