
  1. 研究认为,旅游资源资本化只有最终落实到了企业的财务核算体系层面,才算是真正完成了资本化。

    The study thinks that , only when tourism resource capitalization is implemented in the financial accounting system of enterprises , it is really completed .

  2. 因此,自创商誉不可能被纳入现行的财务会计核算体系之内。

    So self-created goodwill cannot be bring into financial accounting system .

  3. 人力资源会计纳入财务会计核算体系的思考

    Pondering on Channeling the Human Resources Accounting into the Financial Accounting System

  4. 通过对施工企业成本的构成和分类的分析,采用建立各级责任中心和财务管理核算体系,对施工企业工程成本加以控制。

    Through analyzing the constitute and classify of cost of construction enterprise , to give the idea that the project cost of construction enterprise can be controlled by establishing the center of responsibility at different levels and the accounting system of financial affairs management .

  5. 而常规的财务成本效益核算体系,并未将外部成本效益即企业的环境成本效益、社会成本效益包含在内。

    Conventional financial cost-effective accounting system , not external cost-effective business environment , cost-effective , cost-effectiveness included .

  6. 协助财务总监完善会计核算体系,优化、整合会计工作;

    Assist financial controller in developing accounting framework and integration and maximizing efficiency and quality of accounting work ;