
  • 网络work obligation
  1. 但是P2P环境中各节点随机加入和退出网络的、工作承担者事先不确定等特点也为工作的顺利完成带来了困难。

    However , it is difficult to accomplish such works successfully because of some inherent facts of P2P environment , such as peers could randomly join in or quit the P2P network , which make it hard to choose appropriate task undertakers before the project is constructed .

  2. 伙伴国家必须自主实施艾滋病项目,为资助国内抗击艾滋病的工作承担更多的责任。

    Partner countries must have ownership of their AIDS programs and share more responsibility for funding the fight against AIDS within their borders .

  3. 一个好的过程需要定义各个角色的工作承担责任,产品的建立,不同角色之间的协同工作等等。

    A good process defines the roles involved , the activities undertaken , the work products created , and the handoff points between the different roles .

  4. 在当代社会经济发展中,科学技术工作承担着创造和发展第一生产力的重要职能,科技劳动愈益成为价值的重要来源,经营管理是保证现代经济正常运行的关键因素。

    With the development of the present social economy , technical labor undertakes the important responsibility for producing and developing the first productive force , and technical labor increasingly becomes the key source of value . Management and administration are the important factors to assure that modern economy properly works .

  5. 本文将以桩-土-垫层之间的相互作用为重点,对以下问题进行了研究:1、CFG桩复合地基由桩一桩间土一褥垫层协同工作共同承担上部荷载。

    The vertical loading on CFG pile composite foundation is borne by co-action of pile cushion , piles and the earth .

  6. 创建于1874年的欧洲第二大中央供暖锅炉制造商Vaillant拥有1.2万名雇员,其中三分之一在服务端工作,承担着维护和修理等工作。

    Established in 1874 and Europe 's second-biggest maker of central heating boilers , Vaillant has 12000 employees - a third of whom work in the service side of the business in jobs such as maintenance and repair .

  7. 在工作中承担额外的责任是一件充满压力的事情。

    Taking on extra duties in your job is stressful .

  8. 德瑞克决定在工作上承担更多责任。

    Derek decided to take on more responsibilities at work .

  9. 既抚养孩子又做全职工作,承担着双重负担的妇女

    shoulder sth women who shoulder the double burden of childcare and full-time work

  10. 卡拉总括了让她成功的不二秘诀,即努力工作与承担义务。

    Carla summed up the key to her success as hard work and commitment .

  11. 你就回答,你对薪资的要求是灵活的,根据你工作中承担的职责而定。

    Say you 're flexible , or say it depends on the responsibilities of the job .

  12. A:我认为这份工作要承担的责任太多了,我不知道能否应付得了。

    A : I think there is too much responsibility for me . I wonder if I can handle it .

  13. 对于高级研究员,他们明白在中国工作要承担更多责任,也有更好的研究机会。

    For the senior scientists , they understand that there may be more responsibility and better research opportunities in China .

  14. 公务员是公共管理工作的承担者,其素质和能力更是面临着前所未有的考验。

    Civil servant is the principal of public management , and their qualities and abilities are facing an unprecedented challenge .

  15. 对利润的关注让它们无法以良好的状态完成政府要求的工作:承担抵押贷款的违约风险。

    Their focus on profit left them in bad shape for doing the job government demanded of them : taking on mortgage default risk .

  16. 企业的所有者与经营者都有一个主要的目的,那就是能在工作与承担风险中得到回报,收到或产生经济收益。

    The owners and operators of a business have as one of their main objectives the receipt or generation of a financial return in exchange for work and acceptance of risk .

  17. 翻译工作者应该知识广博,对所译对象应有足够了解,对不熟悉的工作不予承担。

    He / she must likewise have a broad general knowledge and know sufficiently well the subject matter of the translation and refrain from undertaking a translation in a field beyond his competence .

  18. 美国的超强地位靠的不仅仅是武力,还有我们的价值观念和遍地的机会。只要努力工作并承担责任,像我父母一样的人谁都可以得到这些机会。

    American supremacy was the result not just of military might , but of our values and of the abundant opportunities available to people like my parents who worked hard and took responsibility .

  19. 由于中国监管部门禁止美国上市公司会计监管委员会检查香港会计师事务所与中国相关的审计工作,承担中国业务的事务所可能会和内地事务所一样丧失注册登记资格。

    Chinese regulators have forbid the PCAOB from inspecting Hong Kong firms with respect to China work , so those that do China work will likely be deregistered along with the mainland firms .

  20. 论文作者参加了该项工作,承担了系统需求分析、功能设计、数据库设计、安全设计、网站开发及后期系统测试工作。

    Author take part in this project , and undertook to analyzed the system requirements , the system functions design , database design , the security of the internal network and so on .

  21. 行政机关赔偿损失后,应当责令有故意或者重大过失的行政机关工作人员承担部分或者全部赔偿费用。

    After paying the compensation , the administrative organ shall instruct those members of its personnel who have committed intentional or gross mistakes in the case to bear part or all of the damages .

  22. 绪论中简单阐述了城域网技术发展的背景和新兴流媒体业务的快速增长趋势,概括了论文作者进行的主要理论研究工作和承担的工程工作以及文中涉及的主要创新点。

    In the exordium , the background of MANs and the trend of new streaming media service are introduced , and summarizes the main research work and project work of the author , include the main innovation work .

  23. 它能告诉我们,在工作中承担起责任,并开始思考我是一个组织层面的人,我在做这份工作,我该如何优化?

    and it shows how accessible purpose can be when we take responsibility for it in our work and start to think about okay I 'm an organization level person , I 'm in this job , how do I optimize around that ?

  24. 作为总统,我承诺我将尽一切让美国成为一个艰苦工作和承担责任有回报的地方——每个人都有一个公平的机会和每个人都有公平的收入。

    As President , I promise to do everything I can to make America a place where hard work and responsibility are rewarded - one where everyone has a fair shot and everyone does their fair share . That 's the America I believe in .

  25. 政府机关作为比较特殊的公共组织,它是面向全体公民的服务性组织,其员工即公务员,作为政府行政工作的承担主体,也是承担政府工作绩效的主体。

    Government organs , as a special public organization , it is an all citizens , so its employees service organizations , namely civil servants , as the government administrative work of the subject , but also become the main body of work for government performance .

  26. 辅导员是大学生思想政治教育工作的承担者,他们需要引导大学生形成正确的世界观和人生观;同时要引导学生养成良好的心理品质和优良的品格,增强学生的生活能力。

    Student counselors ' main task is political education for college students , need to guide college students to form a correct philosophy about the word life , at the same time guide students to develop good psychological quality and good character , and enhance their living capacity .

  27. 即使平凡的工作也乐意承担。

    Be willing to do even mundane tasks .

  28. 知情人士表示,这家苹果(Apple)供应商上周提出的6000亿日元(约合51亿美元)的报价中,包含保留工作岗位和承担夏普债务的承诺。

    The Y600bn ( $ 5.1bn ) bid submitted by the Apple supplier last week includes promises to protect jobs and to shoulder the debt held by Sharp 's banks , according to people with knowledge of the offer .

  29. 本系统基于JAVA技术与SqlServer2000数据库结合应用的报刊管理系统的开发,论文对报刊管理系统在滨海区宣传文化中心实际工作中所承担的任务做了一定的探讨。

    This paper employs JAVA technology and SQL SERVER 2000 as the newspapers and magazines database , and it carries out discussions on development of the papers on newspapers and management systems in coastal area cultural center .

  30. 这份工作要求我承担什么样的责任?

    What duties will I have to do in the job ?