
  • 网络work life;Lifespan;operating life;Life
  1. 特别是,间隙工作寿命试验超过38000次以上,达到高可靠质量要求。

    Particularly , the interrupt work life of transistor is more than 38000 , so that the devices are of very high reliability .

  2. 半导体激光器是一个对温度很敏感的器件,它的输出波长和功率会随着温度的变化而改变,工作寿命也会因此而缩短。

    While the temperature changing , the output wavelength and power of laser diode will change , and its work life will be shortened .

  3. C型双车翻车机工作寿命评估二通插装阀在双车翻车机液压系统上的应用

    Working Life Estimation of a C-type Dumping Car at the Second The Application of Two-way Cartridge Valve on Double-train Dump

  4. 有Al激光器和无Al激光器的工作寿命对比研究

    Study on the Mean Lifetime Comparison of Al-Containing and Al-Free High Power Semiconductor Laser Diodes

  5. 本文报导提高室温封离式选支CO激光器工作寿命的实验结果,以及影响寿命的一些因素。

    Experimental results on the lifetime of a sealed-off branch-selected CO laser operating at room temperature are reported .

  6. 基于线性规划的WSN最大工作寿命之节点调度

    Nodes Scheduling for the WSN 's Maximal Lifetime Based on Linear Programming

  7. CCD器件的可靠度及耐辐照能力关系到CCD相机的工作寿命;

    The reliability and the ability of anti irradiation of CCD is concerned in the lifetime of CCD camera .

  8. 本文对GaAs微波场效应管工作寿命试验中的防振荡问题作了进一步研究。

    The measure of preventing microwave GaAs FET from oscillating during operation life test has been studied .

  9. IC自带预热功能,可以极大地延长灯管的工作寿命,使灯管长期使用而不发黑。

    High-frequency preheat functions IC , greatly extend the lamp 's working life , so that long-term use without lamp blackening .

  10. 在场发射显示器(FED)中使用消气剂,是维持FED内部真空度的最主要的手段,对延长FED的工作寿命起着重要作用。

    Getters play an important role in vacuum maintenance and in lengthening the life time of a field emission display ( FED ) device .

  11. 通过加入Cu、Cr元素进行微合金化处理改善了制动鼓显微组织和力学性能,以提高制动鼓的工作寿命。

    The microstructrue and mechanical properties of wear brake drum were improved by means of microalloying with Cu and Cr to increase its service life .

  12. 各项LED专用灯比目前食品、药品制造工厂所使用的传统灯直接节能63%以上,工作寿命是传统照明的5倍以上。

    These LED lamps could help the relevant customers in saving energy up to63 % , in the mean time , their running life is5 times of the traditional lamping devices .

  13. 通过对内腔式He-Ne激光管的工作寿命试验,由威布尔分析定量地描述了激光管的各项寿命特征,并讨论了管子的失效模式。

    Several life-time characteristics are described quantitatively and the failure modes are discussed through lifetime test of He-Ne lasers and Weibull analysis .

  14. 对V形密封在整个工作寿命中,轴向挤压应力、轴向压力分布、摩擦力等特性变化进行实验研究。

    The variation laws of wearing character on V - packing are studied in the whole working life . The wearing character include the friction force , axial extrusion stress and axial pressure distribution .

  15. 白光LED由于其工作寿命长和能耗低的特点,为无线通讯产品的应用提供了完美的背光方案,其驱动芯片的设计大部分采用电压模式和电流模式两类控制方案。

    Because of the advantages of long life for use and low power dissipation , white LED provides a perfect backlight method . Most of white LED drivers consist of either current controlling mode or voltage controlling mode .

  16. 本文首先从抽气平衡方程推导得到了检验FED漏率是否合格的判别公式,并从此判别公式出发,对真空环境和FED工作寿命之间的关系进行了计算。

    A discriminating equation , derived from the pumping balance equation can be used not only to check the leak rate , but also to evaluate the dependence of the working life time of the FED on vacuum environment .

  17. I(th)变化率低的激光器,外推室温连续工作寿命8×10~4小时以上。还研究了自脉动和功率扭折现象等。

    For lasers of lower changing rate of threshold current , at the extrapolated room temperature , the CW operating lifetime is over 8 × 104 hrs , self-pulsating and kinking of lasing output have also been studied .

  18. 本论文提出了对模拟和数字电路适用的电路长期工作寿命的仿真预测算法,利用这些模型工具来评价和预测CMOS电路长期工作条件下整体退化情况和电路的可靠工作寿命。

    In this thesis , the simulation algorithms applying to digital or analog circuits for evaluating long-term operation lifetime is presented , which is used to predict overall degradation and lifetime of CMOS circuits under long-term working condition .

  19. PDC钻头在砂泥岩地层机械钻速高、钻头工作寿命长、耐高温能力强于牙轮钻头,因此更适合定向井、水平井施工。

    As PDC bit has higher penetration rate in the sand and shale formation , longer working life and higher temperature capability than the cone bit , it is more suitable for directional and horizontal well construction .

  20. 结果表明,改造后的轴端密封结构工作寿命显著提高,密封效果更好,N2用量减少,提高了整个生产的稳定性和生产效率。

    The results show that the shaft end seal structure has a longer working life , better sealing effect , reduced dosage after such retrofit , and the stability and efficiency of the whole system are improved remarkably .

  21. 在那之后的几年间,我们重振了NASA的科技创新精神,延长了国际空间站的工作寿命,并向未开发领域的太空企业投资,帮助美国私营企业创造出了更多的工作机会。

    In the years since , we 've revitalized technology innovation at NASA , extended the life of the International Space Station , and helped American companies create private-sector jobs by capitalizing on the untapped potential of the space industry .

  22. 改用真空固溶处理工艺后,消除了缺陷,波纹管的工作寿命由原来的不足35h提高到200h以上。

    After using vacuum solid solution , eliminate microcrack , improve ripple tube life from 35 h to over 200 h.

  23. 一支管子可测井60口,实际测井工作寿命累计达400h;

    A tube could probe 60 oil-wells and its life-time in practical oil-well logging was 400h .

  24. 鉴于涡轮钻具装配时轴向间隙的调整对钻具性能和工作寿命有极大影响,而四支点推力球轴承组与轴向间隙有直接关系,为此选择求解精度较高的ANSYS软件对轴承组轴向变形进行仿真。

    Since the adjustment of axial clearance of assembled turbodrill has great influence on its performance and service life , and the four-fulcrum thrust ball bearing pack has direct relation the axial clearance , a simulation of the axial distortion of the bearing is made by means of ANSYS software .

  25. 全内腔式632.8nm氦氖激光管工作寿命的快速测试公式

    Fast estimation formulas for the operating lifetime of 632.8 nm He Ne lasers with full internal cavity

  26. PEP-II泵的齿轮与轴共为一体,采用通体淬硬工艺,可获得更长的工作寿命。

    PEP-II of the gear pump shaft , and the body USES hardening craft , can obtain more long working life .

  27. 半导体激光器(LD)具有体积小、单色性好、能耗低、重量轻、工作寿命长等优点,在科研、军事、工业等领域得到了日益广泛的应用。

    Laser diode ( LD ) has many advantages , such as small volume , good monochromaticity , lower energy ullage , light weight and long working life , etc , leading to a wide range of applications in scientific research , military field , industry and other fields .

  28. 测试结果表明,新工艺不影响MCP的体电阻、暗电流和工作寿命,对MCP的电子增益影响较小,新工艺制备的防离子反馈膜膜层含碳量低。

    The experimental results show that the new processing technique has no effect on the volume resistance , dark current and operating life , has little effect on the gain of MCP , the barrier film prepares by new technology is low carbon content .

  29. 在要求优良抗氧化性、防锈剂、防腐蚀、低泡沫以及良好的水分离特性的运用中,NASYNFC-46能有效地延长工作寿命。

    NASYN FC-46 is formulated for extended life for applications requiring excellent Oxidative , Rust and Corrosion resistance , low foaming and good water separation characteristics .

  30. 金属膜PTC热敏材料与传统的陶瓷PTC材料相比,具有阻值极低、加热快速、安全系数高、工作寿命长、无噪音、功率衰减小、机械强度高、密封性好及灵活性强等优点。

    Compared with traditional PTC ceramic materials , PTC metal film thermistor possesses many advantages such as extreme low resistance , fast heat up , high safety factor , long working life , no noise , little power attenuation , high mechanical strength , high flexibility and good sealing properties .