
  1. 浅议工程变更、现场签证的控制

    On Control of Engineering Permutation & Position Visa

  2. 投资控制是监理工作的一项主要内容,在施工阶段,监理工程师要搞好工程变更、现场签证的审查确认工作,做好投资控制。

    Invest control is one partial contents note of control working . In execution stage , control engineer is about to make good inquiring validation invest control of engineering permutation position visa .

  3. 浅谈建筑工程施工阶段工程变更签证管理

    Shallowly Discussion of the Project Variation Visa Management in Architectural Engineering Construction Stage

  4. 因此,施工阶段投资控制的工作重点放在控制工程变更、限制工程签证、加强甲供材料管理等。

    Therefore , we should focus on controlling the investment of engineering change , limiting work visas , strengthening of material supplied by management .

  5. 实行工程量清单报价后,工程变更及其签证费用的审计是工程结算审计的关键。

    After carrying out engineering quantity list , engineering alteration and the expenses is the key of engineering balance audit .

  6. 在工程施工实施阶段,严格合同管理和工程变更签证管理;

    During the project implementation , strict managements of the contract and visa of the project variation are necessary .