
The system of techno-economic analysis norms for architectural engineering project cost statistics , designed in excel-software environment
About the collection and treatment work of the work cost data
PROJECT DATA Accumulation of construction engineering cost data
The effective application of the method will need the database with domestic FGD engineering cost information .
The effect of the collection and treatment work of the work cost data in the work cost management is stated .
Re-discussion on Accumulation , Analysis and Application of Engineering Cost Information ; Applicability Evaluation for Several Reanalysis Datasets Using the Upper-Air Observations over China
However , owing to the large number of analytical norms and large amount of calculation task , it is extremely difficult to perform the analysis and calculation by the traditional method .
The statistics of architectural engineering project cost are collected , accumulated and generalized by engineers through their valuable experience . These statistics afford a sound basis for macro-administration and policy-making and , also , can be employed as essential resources for the study of economic characteristics of architectural engineering .
The collection and arrangement methods for the basic cost information of project design are described . The establishment of database , the network construction as well as development and application of computer software are discussed .
This article gives an introduction to the structure , composition , construction and cost of the slab track for passenger dedicated lines with a view to accumulating data of construction cost for projects of a similar nature .
Through the cost analysis of the construction process of the underground continuous wall beneath Fumin Station of Shenzhen Metro , cost data are herein accumulated for projects of similar nature with reference info provided for the work in the future .
Meanwhile , it also introduced some new methods adopted by cost management authorities i. e. to accumulate the relevant cost information , and then establish data base and information management system for highway cost .
Based on the data informations collected from the existing railway constructions , a data management system for the cost of railway engineering has been established to implement the modernized management of these data imformations .