
  1. 介绍将DOC文档转换为国际会议和国外期刊普遍采用的PS格式文档的方法,以及在工程论文中,常需输入的数学公式的对齐与编号方法。

    The paper introduces the method of transforming DOC documents to PS documents , which is popular in international conferences and journals . At the same time the method of aligning and numbering the mathematical formulas is presented .

  2. 她不是应该在写工程论文吗?

    Shouldn 't she be working on her engineering paper ?

  3. 知识系统工程论文以数学模型为研究手段,应用T。

    Knowledge systems engineering based on the t.

  4. 本论文是一篇有关河南通信宽带网的建设与优化的工程论文。

    This thesis is a piece of project thesis about construction and optimization of the Henan communication broad-band networks .

  5. 在此背景之下,结合工作实际,本文选择了中原油田销售分公司CNG市场开发及管理策略作为工程硕士论文的研究题目。

    Under this background , combining reality of work , I select CNG market development and management tactics of Zhongyuan Oil Field Sales branch as the topic for engineering master degree .

  6. 建筑技术是建筑创作和发展的土木工程本科论文立足之本。

    Architectural technique is the foundation of architectural creating and developing .

  7. 工程硕士论文(5)分析研究了车桥制动系统的调整原理与方法,提出了一种可用于生产过程的制动器间隙调整规范。

    The principle and method of adjusting axles braking system are studyed .

  8. 瑞安博士正在汉堡大会上宣读遗传工程的论文。

    Dr rvan is giving a paper on genetic engineering at the Hamburg conference .

  9. 岩土工程科技论文的写作

    Writing of Scientific Paper in Geotechnical Engineering

  10. 第12届世界地震工程会议论文综述(1)

    A review of the Proceedings of 12 ~ ( th ) WECC ( 1 )

  11. 作为一篇工程性论文,最后在第4章,给出了宽带接入网设计的规范以便工程参考。

    As a project thesis , the fourth part also provides the standard of the broad-band access network designs .

  12. 在工程硕士论文申请过程中,涉及到论文的复制检测、导师指导硕士论文、论文评审组专家评审论文等。

    Master thesis in application process involves copying paper testing , instructor master thesis and other assessment team of experts to review .

  13. 结合实践,介绍了科技论文的特征和结构,临床医学工程可选论文题材,以及论文投稿时的注意事项。

    This paper introduced the characteristic and construction of the technology thesis , thesis topics for a clinical engineer , and announcements for contribution .

  14. 中国2007年取得了国际索引的工程类论文数量全球第一,这首次取代了美国的位置。中国科技信息研究所刚刚发布的2008年中国科技论文统计结果透露了这一消息。

    China has hit the top spot in a ranking of internationally indexed engineering publications , replacing the United States for the first time .

  15. 随着信息技术应用的电子工程实践论文不断深入,越来越多的实践表明,农产品供应链管理必须依托网络信息技术。

    With the development of IT , more and more practices has shown that the supply chain of agricultural products should rely on network information technology .

  16. VBA将四川大学工程硕士学位论文MicrosoftOffice中的每一个应用程序都看成一个对象。

    VBA regards every application program in Microsoft office as a target .

  17. 结合工程实际,论文对模拟屏通信规约的远动数据进行了协议解析,最后基于RS-232串行接口实现了SCADA系统和图像监控系统的互联。

    Connected with an actual engineering , communication protocol of simulative screen is analysed , and finally the interconnection between video surveillance system and SCADA system is achieved based on RS-232 serial interface .

  18. 《中国生物医学工程学报》论文作者群的分析研究

    Analysis of author 's group distribution of Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering

  19. 工程硕士学位论文过程管理初探

    Exploration on process management of dissertation of engineering master

  20. 工程硕士学位论文质量保障体系的构建

    The Establishment of the Quality Guarantee System of Engineering Master 's Degree Theses

  21. 四川省电机工程学会优秀论文评选管理办法(试行)

    Administrative Measures for Granting Merited Nomograph of Sichuan Society of Electrical Engineering ( trial )

  22. 浅谈剧场空调送风方式第6届《暖通空调》优秀工程设计实例论文湖北剧院的空调设计

    Air conditioning system design of Hubei Theatre

  23. 第五届发展中国家海岸和港口工程国际会议论文概貌

    General Review of Papers for 5th International Conference for Coastal Port Engineering in Developing Countries

  24. 随后把计算得到的静应力状西安理工大学工程硕士学位论文态用于地震反应分析的初始应力场中。

    And the results of the static stress were applied on the analysis of seismic reaction .

  25. 工程硕士学位论文的质量是工程硕士培养工作的关键环节。

    The quality of the graduation thesis is the critical point of the cultivation of engineering masters .

  26. 第6届《暖通空调》优秀工程设计实例论文首都机场航站楼3层内区空调新风系统改造分析

    Analysis of fresh air system reforming on an inner zone in the terminal building of Beijing Capital Airport

  27. 四川大学工程硕士学位论文本论文的主要创新点在于:①以壳聚糖为载体,利用包埋法固定微生物,自制了固定化厌氧污泥小球;

    The main innovations in the research work are : ① making immobilized anaerobic sludge balls with chitosan as carrier by embedding technology ;

  28. 从作物栽培与耕作、水利水电工程的硕士论文引文看专业对文献的需求

    Exploration of Information Demand from Citations of Master Degree thesis in " Crop Cultivation and Tillage " and " Water Conservancy and Hydraulic Power " Domains

  29. 采用检索方式介绍第五届发展中国家海岸和港口工程国际会议论文概貌和特点。

    A general review and features of the papers for the 5th International Conference for Coastal Port Engineering in Developing Countries are presented by means of data retrieval .

  30. 均质型住区公共空间是以传统街巷院的土木工程生产实习论文居住模式划分空间层次。

    The public space of homogeneous pattern is based on the traditional settlements of street space and courtyard of the living model to divide the level of space .