
  1. RTK技术在工程放样中的应用

    Application of RTK Technique in Engineering Setting Out

  2. HD-STGPS超站仪在线路测设和工程放样中的应用研究

    The application of hd-stgps in Road Surveying and engineering setting out

  3. 全站仪工程放样测量辅助子系统

    Assistant subsystem of engineering setting out survey for total station

  4. 全站仪在建筑工程放样中的应用

    The application of total station in construction project lofting

  5. 通用工程放样系统的研究和开发

    Research and Development of Universal Project Lofting System

  6. 精密工程放样中测量新技术的应用及质量控制

    The application of new survey technologies and the quality control in precise engineering setting out

  7. 在工程放样测量中,直接利用全站仪进行放样测量存在许多不足之处。

    In engineering setting out survey , there is much deficiency because of direct practice for total station .

  8. 放样的技术方法及点位调整是精密工程放样的两个重要技术问题。

    The method of setting out and position adjustment are two important technical problems in precise engineering setting out .

  9. 工程放样是建筑物施工过程中的一项重要工作,作为施工的依据,它将影响施工的进度和质量。

    Setting out is important work in constructing project and both the schedule and the quality of construction will be affected .

  10. GPSRTK在工程施工放样中的应用研究

    The research of the application of GPS RPS RTK in engineering Construction layout

  11. 建筑工程定位放样和减少误差措施

    Location of survey in building construction and measures of reducing deviation

  12. 大型水利工程坡面放样及施工检测

    Discussion on testing technique of grade surface molding and construction for large-sized

  13. 虎门大桥主体工程测量放样方法与精度分析

    Surveying Layout Method and Its Precision Analysis of Humen Bridge ′ s Principal Structures

  14. 本文所介绍的理论和方法尤其适用于精密工程施工放样和变形观测的平面控制网的设计。

    The introduced theory and method are especially suited for designing the horizontal control network of construction survey and deformation observation of the precision engineerings .

  15. 分析了影响全站仪进行工程施工放样的精度的各种因素和应注意的问题。

    Analysis is made on the factors which may affect the accuracy of engineering construction site setting-out by use of ETS as well as on the issues in need of special attention .

  16. 控制测量在数据处理时,通常要进行两次投影(地面→参考椭球面→高斯投影平面),也相应地产生两次投影变形,不利于大比例尺测图和工程施工放样。

    When processing data in controlling survey , we usually project twice ( land surface → according to ellipsoid plane → gauss projection plane ) and it brings about Deformed projection twice too . It is not good for large scale mapping and setting-out of project construction .

  17. CASIO编程计算器在公路工程施工测量放样中的应用

    CASIO Calculator Programming Measurement in Highway Construction in the Application of Lofting

  18. 城市平面控制网坐标系统的选择应满足投影长度变形不大于25cmkm,从而便于城市大比例尺测图和市政工程的施工放样。

    The selection of a city coordinate system of the plane control network must be satisfied with the deformation of projective lenth to be not bigger zhan 2 5cm / km , thus it is easy for the large-scale mapping of a city and the construction lofting of municipal engineering .

  19. 工程建筑物测量放样精度标准的探讨

    On the Standard of Setting - out Precision in Construction Surveying

  20. 土石方工程开挖边坡放样方法的选择

    Selection of Setting-out Method of Side Slope in the Engineering of Cubic Meter of Earth and Stone

  21. 原理和方法同样用于确定建筑工程曲面的放样质量。

    Such rules and methods can be applied to determine the lofting quality of the architectural surfaces as well .

  22. 用全站仪进行工程的施工放样,具有操作方便,精度高,速度快的优点,其测设点位精度受到诸多因素的影响。

    Engineering construction site setting-out being conducted by use of total electric station ( ETS ) has the advantages of convenient operation , high accuracy and high speed , while the accuracy of the measured and set point location is influenced by many factors .

  23. 论述了适用于各种工程的通用放样系统的数学原理及其开发要点,在此基础上,开发了基于袖珍机的通用放样系统应用于港口工程,收到了良好的效果,实现了无内业放样。

    Abstract It introduces the mathematical principle and development essentials of the universal project lofting system , based on which the universal lofting system in view of pocket machine is developed for port engineering and good effect is achieved , realizing lofting without office work .

  24. 浅谈建筑工程测量中的放样技巧

    Brief Introduction of the Location Technique in the Construction Engineering Survey

  25. 道路工程路基边桩放样方法的改进

    Improvement of Layout Methods for Subgrade Side Pile

  26. 分析了土石方工程中坡口桩放样时,传统放样方法的不足和数字化放样方法的优点。

    This paper analyzes the lack of traditional settingout method and the advantage of digitalization settingout method when analyzing settingout of chamfer stake in cubic meter of earth and stone .

  27. 介绍了应用工程地形图、道路平面图、路线图、施工断面图,结合实际地形选择土石方工程开挖边坡放样方法的具体过程。

    The actual process to select setting-out method of side slope of cubic meter of earth and stone is introduced by means of engineering topographic map , high-speed highway plan and construction section map combining topographic situation .