
  1. 文章针对乘用车使用特点,以加速时间和混合工况油耗作为评价指标,应用双响应面鲁棒设计理论,对乘用车传动系统参数进行匹配优化,并用实例优化表明其有效性。

    Aiming at the characteristic of passenger vehicle and taking acceleration time and fuel consumption at mixed work condition as evaluation index , the article applies robust response surface method in power train parameters matching of passenger vehicle , its effectivity is further testified by optimization of practical example .

  2. 结果表明,计算程序能够准确地预测汽车动力性、经济性,并得出发动机常用工况及其油耗贡献率,从而验证了计算理论的正确性和合理性。

    This work showed that the computation program can be effectively used to predict vehicle dynamic and fuel economy ; it can also be effectively used to analyze engine operating points corresponding to driving cycle . Then correctness and rationality of theory were validated .

  3. 结果证明,经过优化发动机标定工况的最低油耗降到225g/(kW·h),排气烟度小于1BSU。

    The results showed that , by optimizing the new system , the fuel consumption of the engine decreased to 225 g / ( kW · h ) when the diesel operated under the rated operating condition , and the exhaust smoke was less than 1 BSU .

  4. 文章提出一种基于发动机工作优化的多模式逻辑规则能量管理策略,以期在满足车辆驾驶性能的前提下降低车辆在城市公交工况下的油耗和污染物排放。

    This paper presents an engine-operation-optimization based multi-modes control strategy in order to reduce the fuel consumption as well as the emission pollution while satisfy the drive abilities .

  5. 通过发动机工况简化点油耗贡献率的排序,可指导发动机早期开发阶段中有侧重的优化。

    Through the sorting of the contribution rates of the fuel consumption at simplified engine operation points , the optimization with preference in the early stage of engine development can be guided .