
  • 网络Automotive Safety Systems;Car Security System
  1. 这是一种主动汽车安全系统。

    It is a kind of active safety system .

  2. 在他的公司开发了蝰蛇汽车安全系统后,他的总资产估计达到3.55亿美元。

    His worth has been estimated at $ 355 million , which Issa began amassing when his company developed the Viper Car Security System .

  3. 汽车安全系统主要分为两个方面,一是被动安全系统,另外一方面是主动安全系统。

    Automotive safety system is mainly divided into two aspects , one is the passive safety system , the other one is active safety system .

  4. 给出了实现汽车安全系统功能的多个关键技术模块的相互关系和实现思路,设计了汽车安全控制系统总布置及结构方案。

    The relationships and realization ideas of various key technical modules for realizing the functions of vehicle safety system are presented with its overall layout and structure schemes designed .

  5. 基于ARM的汽车安全检测系统研究

    Research of automobile security detecting system based on ARM

  6. ESP是汽车主动安全系统,能够在极限工况下对汽车进行主动的制动干预达到防止车辆侧滑的目的。

    ESP is the dynamic safety system . It applies the brakes to the vehicle dynamically to prevent the vehicle sideslipping .

  7. 全自动汽车安全检测系统的设计与实现&检测工位STD总线系统设计

    Design and Realization of Automatic Test and Detection System for Automotive Safety Performance ── Design of STD System for Test and Detection Working Positions

  8. 本田CR-V型汽车安全气囊系统故障诊断

    Fault Diagnosis of Air Bag System on HONDA CR-V

  9. Hybrid-Ⅲ型Dummy刚性有限元模型因具有独特的优点已被广泛地用于评定汽车乘员安全系统有效性的模拟研究中。

    The articulated rigid bodies finite element model of hybrid - b ! dummy has been widely used by engineers in crash simulations for assessing the effectiveness of occupant protection systems of vehicles .

  10. 介绍本田CR-V型汽车安全气囊系统的组成,故障码的读取与清除方法,各故障码的诊断方法。

    The structure of the air bag system on HONDA CR-V is introduced here with the method of fault code reading and clearing and the diagnostic ways of each fault code .

  11. 通过UML-RT建模语言及其支持工具应用于汽车气囊安全系统实时软件的开发,阐述了基于对象模式的嵌入式软件开发过程,提出了基于事务映射的多线程模型实现方法。

    By applying the UML-RT modeling language and its supporting tools to the development of SRS real-time software , we have described the embedded software development process in detail using object pattern and proposed the transaction mapping-based multi-thread implementation method .

  12. 随机模拟方法在汽车安全约束系统性能改进上的应用

    Application of Stochastic Simulation to Performance Improvement of Occupant Restraint System

  13. 人机工程学与汽车主动安全系统设计

    Man-Machine System Engineering and Design of Active Automotive Safety System

  14. 超声定位技术在汽车安全预警系统中的应用

    Application of Ultrasonic Detection Technology in Safety Early Warning System of Automobile

  15. 安全气囊是汽车被动安全系统的主要装置。

    Safety airbag is the main unit of automotive passive safety system .

  16. 汽车安全气囊系统两种开发思想的分析

    Analysis on Two Development Ideas of Air Bag System

  17. 电子控制汽车门安全系统的开发设计

    Design of Electronic Control Car Door Safety System

  18. 智能化汽车主动安全系统研究

    The Research on Intelligent Vehicle Initiative Security System

  19. 它是一种具有防滑、防锁死等优点的汽车安全控制系统。

    It is one kind has non-slip , antilock advantages of automotive safety control systems .

  20. 汽车智能安全系统

    Intelligent Safety System Design for Automobile

  21. 汽车安全气囊系统(I)

    Car Safety Air Bag System (ⅰ)

  22. 本文提出了基于安全行驶行为的汽车主动安全系统的原理结构。

    This paper presented the theoretical structure of vehicle initiative safety system based on steering behavior .

  23. 汽车安全气囊系统的安全防护措施

    Safety Protecting Measures of Automobile SRS

  24. 汽车安全气袋系统的研究

    Research on automobile airbag system

  25. 国外汽车安全气囊系统及其发展

    Air Bag and Its Development

  26. 在这些先进的汽车摄像头安全系统中,增强的成像和感测能力开启了一个无限可能的世界。

    Within these advanced automotive camera-based safety systems , enhanced imaging and sensing has opened up a world of possibilities .

  27. 本文说明了针对智能汽车主动安全系统,动态图像处理系统的软件系统要实现的功能:道路检测、障碍物检测及障碍物测距;

    There some function that intelligent active security system will perform : detect road , detect obstruction and detect the distance .

  28. 该文在分析了汽车主动安全系统信息流程的基础上,提出了汽车驾驶员环境模型。

    Based on analyzing the information flow of vehicle initiative safety , a Vehicle - Driver-Condition model is studied in this paper .

  29. 汽车安全气囊系统是汽车装备的安全装置,但在检修时,如果操作不当,会造成严重事故。

    SRS is the safety unit equipped on automobile . If it is not well operated when maintaining , it would cause serious trouble .

  30. 然而,汽车安全气囊系统也具有惊人的伤害无辜的负面效应,其中最主要的原因有两个方面。

    However , the auto safety aerocyst system also has the astonishing injury innocent negative effect , in which most main reason has two aspects .