
  • 网络Automobile exhaust pollution;exhaust pollution of motor vehicle
  1. 露天矿重型自卸汽车排气污染及控制

    Heavy type dump truck 's exhaust gas pollution and its control

  2. 上海市汽车排气污染管理的现状与对策

    Existing Situation of Automobile Exhaust Gas Management and Countermeasure in Shanghai

  3. 深圳市汽车排气污染的管制与防治

    The management and prevention of automobile gas emission pollution in Shenzhen

  4. 汽车排气污染影响因素分析

    Analysis of Factors on Exhausted Gas Pollution of Gasoline Automobile

  5. 汽车排气污染与控制的若干问题

    Some Problems on Automobile Emission Pollution and Its Control

  6. 汽车排气污染与治理的发展和动向

    Advance and Development in Exhaust Gas Pollution and Control

  7. 催化转化净化技术已成为降低汽车排气污染的后处理的有效措施之一,并得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Catalytic technology has been applied popularly because it can decrease exhaust pollution .

  8. 我国汽车排气污染净化研究

    Research on motor vehicle exhaust cleaning in China

  9. 同时利用此模型对2010年上海的汽车排气污染作了预测。

    Then a prediction of automobile exhaust pollution in Shanghai in2010 is also made .

  10. 汽车排气污染浓度预测

    Predetermine the Concentration of Automobiles Exhaust Gas

  11. 汽车排气污染及其净化

    Pollution of Automobile Exhaust and Its Purification

  12. 汽车排气污染检测存在的问题及技术监管探究

    Vehicle Exhausts Inspection Problems and Technical Supervision

  13. 文摘:目前,汽车排气污染已成为城市空气污染的主要因素。

    Abstract : In recent years , exhausted gas contamination of vehicle becomes the main factor for air pollution in cities .

  14. 以梯度理论为基础,根据城市大气污染和扩散的特点,建立了一种城市汽车排气污染扩散模型。

    Based on theory of gradient transport , an urban air quality simulation model suitable for automobile exhaust pollution is developed .

  15. 汽车排气污染法规的频繁修改和苛刻化,加快了发动机油规格的升级。相应地对基础油和添加剂化学提出了更高的要求。

    The upgrading of engine oil specification is being driven by automotive exhaust emission regulations , accordingly demanding more on base oil and additive chemistry .

  16. 本文分析了汽车排气污染的现状,阐述当前控制汽车排气污染的现状,同时介绍了多种净化措施。

    This article analysed the present status of automobile exhaust pollution , explained present control level of this kind of pollution and finally introduced various purification measures .

  17. 机内催化燃烧技术是降低汽车排气污染、提高燃料燃烧效率的有效措施,得到越来越多研究者的重视。

    Catalytic combustion in the engine is an effective method to improve the combustion of nature gas and to reduce the pollutant in the exhaust gas , more and more researchers have been attracted into this area .

  18. 发展双燃料汽车,降低排气污染若干问题的研究

    Research on the some problems of developing double-fuel automobiles and reducing exhaust gas pollution

  19. 为减少汽车带来的排气污染,许多国家均对车用柴油机制定了相应的排放法规。

    To reduce automobile emission pollution , many countries lay down emission control regulation of automobile diesel engine .

  20. 与传统燃油汽车相比,氢能汽车排气污染小,噪声低,在新能源利用和环境保护方面都具有可持续发展的特征。

    Hydrogen-powered vehicle has many advantages comparing with the traditional gasoline-powered automobile , e.g. , lower noise and lower pollution , it is a continuously developing energy mode in view of the utilization of the new energy sources and environmental protection .

  21. 随着世界汽车工业和交通运输事业的发展,汽车排气污染已成为当今大气污染的主要来源之一,引起了世界各国的广泛关注。

    Air pollution caused by motor vehicle emission has been a widespread problem with global development in automobile industry and transportation , and of a major concern in many countries .

  22. 论述汽车有害排放物的危害、生成机理与控制技术,就宁波市控制汽车排气污染问题提出若干建议。

    The paper analysed the gravity and harmfulness of motor vehicle exhaust pollution from airborne pollution condition and proposed relative countermeasure .

  23. 从我国的汽车保有状况、道路状况、汽车产品质量状况等方面,谈了治理汽车排气污染的迫切性。

    Urgency of eliminating automotive engine exhaust gas pollution is discussed from situation of motor vehicles in operation , road condition and quality of motor vehicle products etc in this country .