
  • 网络auto lamp;car light;headlights
  1. 公司主要生产LED节能产品,LED节能灯,定时器电池灯,LED汽车灯,可代客开发,IC编程,IC销售。

    The company mainly produces LED energy-saving products , LED energy saving lamps , timer battery lights , LED car light , can valet development , IC programming , IC sales .

  2. 汽车灯配光镜CAD的数据结构及搜索方法

    Data Structure and Search Method in CAD of Automobile Headlamp Lens Arrays

  3. 汽车灯配光镜是一种面形复杂、边界不完全规正的微透镜阵列,其数据结构及搜索方法是CAD软件实现的难点之一。

    Profile of a automobile headlamp lens arrays is complex and its boundaries are not completely regular . Data structure and search method are two key points for CAD software .

  4. 汽车灯用热熔胶的研究及性能表征

    Research and characteristics of hot melt lamps adhesive for vehicle

  5. 电灯,便携式(摩托车和汽车灯除外)

    Portable electric lamp ( excl. those for cycles and motor vehicles )

  6. 自动化汽车灯色度测试仪的原理与结构

    Principle and Structure of Automation Chrominance Testing Instrument for Motor Vehicular Lamp

  7. 汽车灯负载下银基触头材料熔焊性能的研究

    Welding characteristic of Ag-based contact material under automobile lamp load

  8. 汽车灯配光镜中环面的光路计算

    Ray-tracing of Toroidal Surface in Automobile Headlamp Lens Arrays

  9. 其广泛应用于汽车灯。

    Its widely used in car lights .

  10. 防止汽车灯过热的措施

    Overheat Protection of Automobile Lamps

  11. 各种汽车灯必须符合国际认可的标准,如那些采用欧盟、日本和美国。

    All vehicle lights must comply with internationally recognized standards , such as those adopted in the European Union countries , Japan and the United States .

  12. 介绍了生产汽车灯用热熔胶的各种原料及其在胶粘剂中所起的主要作用,为汽车灯用热熔胶原料的选择提供了参考。

    This paper introduces the raw materials and their functions in hot melt vehicle lamps adhesive , which provided a reference for raw material choosing of hot melt adhesives .

  13. 卡巴兰说,许多学生晚上到外面去借着路灯或汽车灯阅读,但女生通常因为安全原因留在室内,使她们更难跟上功课。

    Many students go outside at night to read by streetlamps or car lights , but girls are usually kept indoors for safety , Kabalan said , making it harder for them to keep up with homework .

  14. 该产品广泛应用于:卤素灯、汞灯、单端灯、汽车灯、舞台灯、热电偶、复印机灯、水处理灯套管、各类石英器皿、管道等领域。

    It is widely applied for halogen lamp , mercury lamp , single-ended lamp , automobile lamp , stage lamp , thermocouple , printer lamp , sleeve for water atment lamp , quartz utensils and pipes , etc.

  15. 基于MCU控制的汽车HID灯镇流器的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of Automotive High Intensity Discharge Lamp Ballast using Micro Controller Unit

  16. 随着LED技术的发展,其发光效率和发光强度都有大幅度的提高,为在汽车信号灯上的应用提供了条件。

    With the development of LED , the luminous efficiency and luminous intensity has been improved , which is the foundation that it is used on the automobile .

  17. 有关汽车信号灯的规则,世界各地都不相同。

    Rules concerning automobile lights vary around the world .

  18. 前面汽车指示灯闪着光&示意要向右转。

    The car in front is winking it 's going to turn right .

  19. CAD/CAM逆向工程在汽车方灯支架冲压模具的应用

    Reverse engineering of CAD / CAM for stamping dies of square lamp-bracket of automobiles

  20. 她因为靠近的汽车车头灯强光而几乎看不见东西。

    She was almost blinded by the glare of headlights from the approaching car .

  21. 基于视觉的汽车转弯灯识别算法研究

    The Turns Light Recognize Based Vision Survey

  22. 要是你让汽车的灯整夜开着,你会把电瓶里的电耗尽的。

    If you leave the car lights on all night you 'll run the battery down .

  23. 汽车转向灯;

    Steering light of the automobile ;

  24. 在绿色人像过路的汽车交通灯号,指示作用与路口前的交通灯相同。

    At Green Man crossings the signals have the same meaning as traffic lights at a junction .

  25. 例如,自行车交通灯变绿的时间被设定在比汽车交通灯变绿提前6秒。

    Cycle traffic lights are , for example , timed to turn green six seconds before those for cars .

  26. 红宝石激光器。可指定氙灯为泵激源。前面汽车指示灯闪着光&示意要向右转。

    Ruby laser generator . Xenon lamp as pumping source can be specified . The car in front is winking it 's going to turn right .

  27. 寻求合作,我公司生产的汽车装饰灯,现需精品店、贸易商合作、代理!

    Seeks the cooperation , our company produces the automobile fancy lamp , now needs various novelty shops , the foreign trader to cooperate , the retail !

  28. 标准仪表盘包括了车速里程表、短里程表、空挡、远光和转向指示灯。前面汽车指示灯闪着光&示意要向右转。

    Standard instrumentation includes a speedometer with odometer and resettable tripmeter as well as indicator lights for neutral , high beam and turn signals . The car in front is winking it 's going to turn right .

  29. 文章在分析现用汽车制动灯故障报警电路,发现有漏报警的缺陷的基础上,对该缺陷进行了分析、给出了实用可行的改进设计,并介绍了改进电路的工作原理。

    By the analysis of the alarming circuit to brake light of several current car models , this article presents the defects , comes up with practicable and feasible design for improvement and introduces the functioning theory concerning the improved circuit .

  30. B样条曲面在汽车前照灯设计中的应用

    The Application of B-spline in the Design of Automobile Headlamp