
  • 网络Cars;automotive world;auto world
  1. 改变自己的生活以适应于汽车世界的人坚持认为,离开了汽车,生活是完全不可能的。

    Having redefined their lives to fit within an automobile world , they now insist that it 's impossible to live without a car .

  2. 这个问题可能会引你深思:你愿意生活在一个没有汽车的世界里吗?

    Here 's some food for thought – would you like to live in a world without cars ?

  3. 汽车模型世界里的精彩人生

    Toy character : " Wonderful Life " in car models world

  4. 我们从阳光城乘长途汽车去世界公园。

    We went to the World Park by coach from Sunshine Town .

  5. 2008年,丰田汽车成为世界最大的汽车制造商。

    Toyota became the world 's largest automaker in two thousand eight .

  6. 一位年轻人开着他的红汽车周游世界。

    A young man was travelling around the world in a red car .

  7. T系列汽车是世界上第一种批量生产的汽车。

    The Model T Ford was the first mass production car in the world .

  8. 两栖汽车,世界最快?(英文)

    New Amphibious Car , World 's Fastest ?

  9. 中国汽车与世界巨擘共舞

    Co-operation between China Automobile & international Giant

  10. 每个星期,1000辆汽车经过世界上最大的洗车处。

    Every week , 1000 cars pass through one of the world 's biggest car washers .

  11. 今天,在美国制造的本田汽车比世界上其他任何地方都多。

    And today , more Hondas are made in America than anyplace else in the world .

  12. 奇瑞汽车闯世界

    Chery Automobile braves the world

  13. 如今,汽车在世界范围内已经成为一种最普遍的交通工具。

    Today , the car in the world has become one of the most common means of transport .

  14. 汽车对世界石油资源的消耗,在整个石油消耗中占有很大的比重。

    The oil consumed by the vehicle accounts for a great proportion in the oil consumption of the world .

  15. 2004年我国的汽车排名世界第四,总销量超过500万辆。

    In 2004 , China automobile ranked fourth in the world , total sales more than 500 million vehicles .

  16. 汽车是世界上最重要的交通工具之一,它的发明极大的影响了人们的生活。

    Automobile is one of the most important vehicles in the world , and its invention has greatly affected people 's lives .

  17. 由于环境污染和能源枯竭,发展低排放的新能源汽车成为世界瞩目的焦点。

    Because of environment pollution and energy depletion , development of new energy vehicles with low emissions becomes a hot spot in worldwide .

  18. 这辆威尔•斯密斯汽车在世界任何地方都畅通无阻,但坐上去会叫你感到惶恐不安,片中汽车中途突然换挡,这着实叫观众心惊胆战。

    This Will Smith vehicle did well worldwide , but sat uneasily with many viewers , who found its abrupt change of gears halfway through the movie disconcerting .

  19. 该公司称,SD-03飞行汽车是世界上最小的垂直升降电动车,大约要占据两辆普通汽车停放的空间。

    The SD-03 is the world 's smallest electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle and takes up the space of about two parked cars , according to the company .

  20. 同样,在过去,匹兹堡是钢铁城,阿克隆是橡胶城,而如今日见萎缩的底特律过去则是大规模生产汽车的世界汽车城。

    Pittsburgh , similarly , was the city of steel , akron , the city of rubber and detroit , now slowly imploding , was the world capital of the mass-produced automobile .

  21. 以及确保解放油罐车客户的捷豹的一个最雅致的汽车在世界上,增加一些新的技术特点保证他们也拥有一个最安全。

    As well as ensuring Jaguar customers own one of the most refined cars in the world , the addition of several new technology features guarantees they also own one of the safest .

  22. 随着对环境的日益关注,汽车给世界带来了现代物质文明,但同时也带来了环境噪声污染等社会问题。

    The automobile industry brings the modern material civilization , and meanwhile it also brings the pollution of atmosphere and noise and with the increasingly attention to environment , it becomes a social problem .

  23. 一位政府发言人更进一步,表示如果能帮助萨博去年在全球仅售出9.8万辆汽车打入世界最大的汽车市场之一,那么北汽的参与可能是个好消息。

    A government spokesman went further , saying BAIC 's involvement could be good if it helped Saab which sold only 98,000 cars worldwide last year break into one of the world 's largest car markets .

  24. 加利福尼亚圣地亚哥联邦法官小组将针对是否将全国范围对丰田的大量法律诉讼合并作出裁决。由于安全隐患,丰田汽车在世界范围内召回850多万辆汽车,由此引发的大量法律诉讼使该公司应接不暇。

    Massive Legal Battle A panel of federal judges in San Diego , California is expected to rule on whether to Toyota has been d with lawsuits due to safety concerns that have led to the recall of more than eight-and-a-half million vehicles worldwide .

  25. 我们的汽车可与世界上任何地方生产的汽车媲美。

    Our cars are the equal of those produced anywhere in the world .

  26. 汽车产业是世界性支柱工业,而随着加入WTO我国的汽车制造业发展迅速,到2003年底产销汽车均已突破400万辆,成为世界第四大汽车生产国。

    In 2003 , China has become the 4th largest country of automobile manufacturing in the world and both the output and sales of vehicles were more than four millions .

  27. GM仍然领导着美国市场,尽管丰田汽车是目前世界上最大的汽车制造商。有迹象表明,美国三大汽车制造商已经度过了最糟糕的时刻。

    GM still leads the American market , though Toyota is now the biggest car company in the world . There are signs that America 's big three may have put the worst of their recent troubles behind them .

  28. 汽车工业在世界上的工业中受到的打击最严重。

    No industry in the world got hit harder than autos .

  29. 我国汽车工业与世界水平的差距比较和对策探索

    Proposals and Comparison of China Auto with the International level

  30. 我国汽车集团进军世界500强的战略思考

    Strategic Thinking of China Auto Groups March Towards Top 500 in the World