
  • 网络alcolock;BAIIDs;Alcohol Interlock;Alco-Locks
  1. 酒精锁需要驾车者在汽车点火前先进行吹气测试,如果测试结果超过安全水平,汽车联锁装置将会被激活。

    The " alcolock " requires the driver to take a breath-test before the ignition can be turned on and activates a lock if the result is above a certain level .

  2. 酒精锁,正式名称为“酒精气敏点火自锁装置”,是安装在汽车的点火装置内以阻止驾车人在酒精浓度超过安全标准时启动汽车的装置。

    An alcolock , or more formally a " breath alcohol ignition interlock device "( BAIID ), is fitted to a car 's ignition to stop a driver from starting it if he 's over the drink-driving limit .