
  1. 改善蒸馏提高糖蜜酒精产品质量

    Improvement of Quality of Molasses Ethanol by Ameliorating the Distillation

  2. 桃乐丝中国不销售任何含酒精产品给18岁以下人士。

    Torres China will not sell any alcoholic product to anyone below the age of18 .

  3. 烟草在线据《马来亚》报道编译来自菲律宾吕宋岛北部的烟农们表示,对阿基诺政府最近将烟草与酒精产品的消费税率提高的举措表示失望。

    Tobacco farmers from Northern Luzon have expressed disappointment over the Aquino administration 's recent moves to increase the excise tax rates on tobacco and alcohol products .

  4. 坎戴里诺还称,像男士须后水这种含有酒精的产品也会引发红肿。

    Alcohol-based products like after-shave can also cause irritation , he says .

  5. 避免使用普通的肥皂或含有十二烷基硫酸钠及酒精的产品。

    Avoid plain soap or products that contain sodium lauryl sulfate or alcohol .

  6. 如果你的皮肤有粉刺,皮肤敏感或干燥,避免含有酒精的产品。

    Avoid alcohol-based products if you have acne , sensitive skin , or dry skin .

  7. 2.避免含有酒精的产品

    Step 2 Avoid alcohol products

  8. 不必使用紧肤水,因为紧肤水会逐渐干燥。但是如果一定要用的话,使用比较柔和的柔肤水,例如玫瑰水,避免使用含有酒精的产品。

    Toner is not essential as it can be drying , but if you do use it , use a gentle toner such as rose water and avoid alcohol-based toners .

  9. 玉米酒精厂副产品玉米油生产技术

    Production technology of maize oil from the byproduct of producing corn alcohol

  10. 介绍了以玉米为原料的酒精厂副产品玉米油提取的两种方法。

    Two methods of extracting maize oil from the byproduct of producing corn alcohol were introduced .

  11. 不要使用含有酒精的洗面产品,这种产品可能会导致皮肤脱皮,导致出油增加。使用洗面奶和含油清洁剂。

    Avoid alcohol based cleansers which strip skin and encourage more oil production.Use a face wash or oil-based cleanser .

  12. 建厂当年即生产了一批11马力低速柴油机和酒精塔等产品。1952年厂址由潍县坊子迁于现址。

    In the same year , the factory has set up and manufactured11hp low-speed diesel engines and alcohol towers .

  13. 我们要采购种子,罐装食物,酒和饮料,酒精,塑料产品,化妆品配件。

    We want to buy Seeds , Canned Food , Liquor and Beverages , Alcohol , Plastic Products , Cosmetic Accessories .

  14. 后来人们发现,谷物受潮后会在空气中自然发酵,变成盘中餐,酒精这个副产品就是这样被发现的。

    When grain gets wet , it becomes food for naturally occurring yeasts in the air , which produce alcohol as a byproduct .

  15. 国外燃料酒精和淀粉加工产品的生产和发展

    International production and trade in ethanol , starch and starch products

  16. 一种把传统方法酿造的发酵饮料中的酒精去掉,最终产品酒精含量不超过0。5%的啤酒。

    A fermented beverage brewed by traditional methods that is then dealcoholized so that the finished product contains no more than 0.5 percent alcohol .

  17. 开发燃料酒精等石油替代产品,采取措施节约石油消耗,是我国一项重要的能源方针。

    Developing fuel alcohol to replace petroleum and finding some methods to save petroleum exhaustibility is an important energy sources policy of our country .

  18. 木糖发酵是生物转化木质纤维素产生酒精及其他化工产品最为重要的一环,但自然界中缺少能将上述生物质有效转化为乙醇的微生物菌种。

    Efficient fermentation of xylose constitutes a major part of successful bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass for ethanol and other important chemical production , but there is no natural microorganism suitable for efficiently transforming the renewable lignocellulosic materials .

  19. 生成并进入酒精的方式有:在甜菜蒸煮过程中形成甲醇,并随蒸汽进入酒精产品;

    The ways of its formation and its entry into alcohol covered the following : formation of methanol during the cooking of beet and then entered into alcohol products along with steam ;