
jiǔ liàng
  • capacity for liquor;one's drinking capacity
酒量 [jiǔ liàng]
  • [capacity for liquor] 能喝酒的限度;饮酒的量度

酒量[jiǔ liàng]
  1. 人和人酒量可以相差很远。

    Capacity for liquor differs greatly from person to person .

  2. 他没有酒量,喝点儿色酒就会醉倒。

    He has no capacity for liquor , and gets drunk after little wine .

  3. 他酒量很大,没有丝毫醉意。

    He carries his liquor like a gentleman .

  4. 他酒量大,灌不醉。

    He is a heavy drinker , so you can 't drink him down .

  5. 但是我酒量很好。

    But I can hold my liquor .

  6. B.脑子很好使,酒量也不错。

    B. Is a smart guy and can hold a drink .

  7. Jane酒量很差。

    Jane has a low tolerance to alcohol .

  8. Sarah酒量很好。

    Sarah has a high tolerance to alcohol .

  9. 经济收入对酒依赖的影响退居次席。Logistic回归分析年饮酒量、职业、受教育年限、婚姻、性别、年龄、经济收入等因素都相继进入酒依赖的回归方程。

    In Logistic regression analysis , the factors including annual alcohol consumption , employee , education level , marriage , sex , age , family income entry the equation for alcohol dependence continuously .

  10. 安倍昭惠曾做过电台DJ,有点酒量,还是个韩剧迷。一些人猜测,这样一位第一夫人可能有助于改变安倍首相在国际上的保守形象。

    Now there is speculation that Akie , a former DJ and fan of South Korean television dramas who is known to take an occasional drink , may help soften her husband 's conservative image overseas .

  11. 关于酒精所致小鼠急性肝损伤模型,以二锅头酒原液0.1ml/10g一天1次,5-7天的酒量为好。

    The model of alcoholic liver disease in mice was induced by alcohol 0.1 ml / 10g , once a day for 5 to 7 days .

  12. 他的酒量只有他们俩知道。

    The degree of his drinking was known only to them .

  13. 让别人喝超过他们酒量的酒。

    Make other people drink more spirits than they can take .

  14. 提高翻糟产酒量的正交试验

    Orthogonal Tests of Increasing Liquor Yield of Turnup Distiller 's Grains

  15. 大多数饮酒者能较理智地适当掌握酒量。

    Most people who drink can handle alcohol reasonablely well .

  16. 我可得警告你,我酒量不好。

    I have to warn you , I 'm a cheap drunk .

  17. 我的酒量,可是在这呢。

    My tolerance is , like , way up here .

  18. 我酒量浅,而且我不是很贪杯。

    I 'm a lightweight and I 'm not normally a drinker .

  19. 酒量差的人在二杯酒之后,就变得醉醺醺了。

    A weak-headed person becomes drunk after two drinks .

  20. 你和你妈妈一样,酒量不行的。

    You don 't take alcohol to well , just like your mom .

  21. 21.你酒量如何?

    21 . How much can you drink ?

  22. 保罗:小薇不喝酒,所以她酒量不好。

    Paul : Wei doesn 't drink , so she has a low tolerance .

  23. 男性酒量比女性好吗?

    Can Men Handle Alcohol Better than Women ?

  24. 我来知道你酒量大。

    I know you can hold your drink .

  25. 没酒量的人就不该喝酒。

    You know , people who can 't handle liquor shouldn 't drink it .

  26. 亨利:他只喝烈酒,而且酒量很好。

    Henry : He only drinks shorts and he can certainly put them away .

  27. 你的朋友酒量不大。

    Your friend has no head for wine .

  28. 我酒量不行,别劝我喝了,拜托了。

    I don 't handle alcohol well . don 't make me drink , please .

  29. 没有,那是演的。我酒量不好。

    No , I was just acting . I 'm not really good at drinking .

  30. 你酒量变差了。

    Your tolerance level for alcohol degraded .