
rén yuán
  • man ape;anthropopithecus;ape
人猿 [rén yuán]
  • [ape] 即类人猿。外形较其他猿类更近似人

人猿[rén yuán]
  1. 一些科学家已经声称发现了早期的人猿DNA混合。

    Some scientists have claimed early hybridization between human and ape DNA .

  2. 测定了人猿超科中大猩猩、黑猩猩、猩猩和长臂猿酪氨酸酶基因全部5个外显子的DNA序列。

    The five e-cons of tyrosinase gene were sequenced for gorilla , chimpanzee , orangutan and gibbon in hominoid .

  3. 《埃德加·赖斯·伯勒斯的人猿泰山——星期天漫画:1933-1935》(EdgarRiceBurroughs’Tarzan—TheSundayComics:1933-1935)

 The Sunday Comics : 1933-1935

  4. SRY基因在人猿超科和旧大陆猴中具有不同的进化规律

    Different Evolution Rule of SRY Gene Between Hominoid and Old World Monkey

  5. 1981年,未来的周太太与宝黛丽(BoDerek)交上了朋友,她邀请周女士在《人猿泰山》(Tarzan,theApeMan)中担任制片助理。

    By 1981 , the future Mrs. Chow had become friendly with Bo Derek , who hired her as a production manager on " Tarzan , the Ape Man . "

  6. 人猿泰山像黑豹一样矫捷强大,很多优秀艺术家都描绘过他,包括伯恩·霍格思(BurneHogarth)、鲁斯·曼宁(RussManning)和乔·库伯特(JoeKubert)。

    As supple and powerful as a panther , Tarzan has been drawn by many fine artists , including Burne Hogarth , Russ Manning and Joe Kubert .

  7. 金丝猴牙齿与体重间的关系位于猴类和人猿类之间,更接近于大猩猩(Gorilla)、疣猴(Colobus)和猕猴。

    In Rhinopithecus the relationship between the dentition and body size is closer to Gorilla , Colobus , and Macaco , then to Pan and Homo .

  8. 有趣的是,人猿超科两物种比较呈现较高的Ka/Ks比值,但在旧大陆猴中及旧大陆猴与狨猴间的Ka/Ks比值显著低于人猿超科的,呈现很不同的格局。

    TO our interest , the pairwise comparison of species in Hominoid suggested a higher Ka / Ks ratio than that in the Old World monkey or between the Old World monkey and marmoset , which showed existent of different pattern of evolution .

  9. 鲁迅在整个晚年一直住在上海都市化并享有特权的外国租界中:享受天伦之乐,逛逛自己最喜欢的书店,举办晚宴或者是看看《人猿泰山》(Tarzan)的电影。

    Through his last years , Lu Xun continued to shelter in Shanghai 's urbane , privileged foreign enclaves : enjoying family life , browsing favorite bookshops , hosting dinners , going to Tarzan movies .

  10. 登山者在山峰见到了奇怪的人猿。

    Goliath climbers have seen strange apemen in the mountain heights .

  11. 从我的立场上来看,你只是一只人猿。

    From where I 'm standing , you 're an ape .

  12. 德博拉:你是《人猿星球》看多了吧?!

    Deborah : Have you seen Planet of the Apes ? !

  13. 年轻的泰山:我将会是最棒的人猿!

    Young tarzan : I 'll be the best ape ever !

  14. 所有非人类的猩猩全都归在人猿总科下的人科里。

    All the non-human apes are classified as great apes except one .

  15. 维达大人,那莉亚和人猿怎么办?

    Lord vader , what about Leia and the wookiee ?

  16. 人猿相比,谁更聪明?

    Who is smarter : a person or an ape ?

  17. 迷幻版人猿星球一定很酷。

    Planet of the apes on acid wouid be cooi .

  18. 我可是这片雨林的主人,人猿泰牛!

    I am the master of this rain forest , Ape-Man Daniel !

  19. 总之,我很爱那部人猿电影,佩妮。

    Anyway , man , I dug the ape movie , Penny .

  20. 最好奇的动物就是人猿。

    The most inquisitive creature in Africa is the baboon .

  21. 《人猿星球》,一部挺不错的电影。

    Planet of the Apes , a good film .

  22. 甚至不是人猿,你是传媒人。

    You 're not even an ape , you 're a media person .

  23. 韩星,看过《人猿泰山》没有?

    Hanbyul , have you seen the Tarzan man who was on before ?

  24. 巴勒斯在《人猿泰山》中从遗传、道德、文明三方面逐一诋毁非洲人。

    Burroughs derogates African from the perspective of heredity , moral and culture .

  25. 它让我想起在本地电影院里看到的人猿泰山系列电影。

    It reminded me of the Tarzan movies I saw at the local cinema .

  26. 如果人类看到你,就会以为你就是那半人猿了。

    If mankind sees you , it will think you are the missing link .

  27. 我人猿泰牛是无所不知的。

    There is nothing I , Ape-Man Daniel .

  28. 我觉得唯一能与之媲美的是《人猿星球》。

    I think its right up there with " Planet of the Apes " .

  29. 为什么人猿泰山的形象总是没有胡子的?

    Why doesn 't Tarzan have a beard ?

  30. 我是您的好朋友&人猿泰牛。

    And I am your friend Ape-Man Daniel .