
  • 网络mannequin;nude model;Human Model;HQ-C
  1. 纽约&在1961年第一个人首次进入外太空之前仍几周时,苏联进行了一次彩排,通过一个复制的太空舱装载了一个宇航员人体模特和一只活着的狗。

    NEW YORK-Just weeks before the first man shot into outer space in1961 , the Soviets launched a dress rehearsal with a duplicate of the space capsule carrying a cosmonaut mannequin and a live dog .

  2. 凯丽:你看见那个人体模特穿了吗?

    Kelly : Did you see what that mannequin had on ?

  3. 她曾是法国画家亨利·马蒂斯的人体模特和灵感女神。

    Once she was a nude model and muse to French artist Henri Matisse .

  4. 事实上,Saks商店和广告中的人体模特穿的也是混搭风格,比如在连衣裙外头穿上一件牛仔上装。

    Instead , Saks will display mannequins and models wearing , say , a denim jacket over a floral dress in its stores and advertising .

  5. 上海图画美术院在教学中使用人体模特儿。

    Shanghai Painting Art Academy uses nude model in its classes .

  6. 人体模特的酬劳是每小时100美金。

    Human mannequins are paid about $ 100 per hour .

  7. 我曾在人体模特、枕头上反复练习。

    I used to practice on mannequins , pillows .

  8. 游客:绝不允许自己的女儿去做人体模特

    Visitors : " I would never allow my daughter to be a nude model . "

  9. 十个人体模特用“蹲下和掩护”的方法,而另外十个模特使用我的“生命三角”的求生方法。

    Ten mannequins did'duck and cover , 'and ten mannequins I used in my'triangle of life'survival method .

  10. 以具体的效果图为例。分析了图层在人体模特设计、面料设计、款式设计、模拟立体试衣中的应用。

    The applications of layer in manikin design , material design , style design , and simulation in solid fitting are analyzed .

  11. 从一大群身穿香奈儿花呢套装的人体模特、各式芬迪皮草时装到他自己的同名品牌,可谓一应俱全。

    and from a regiment of mannequins dressed in Chanel tweeds , through Fendi furs to pieces from his own eponymous line .

  12. 而酬劳如此之高是因为人体模特要求长时间保持静止状态,一般人可做不来这个。

    The pay is so high because it involves staying still for periods of time that very few people can successfully achieve .

  13. 走下几步台阶,可以看到一面镜子。这面镜子的位置非常巧妙,正好反射出在隔壁房间内的人体模特或实物模型。

    Down a few steps you see a mirror positioned carefully to reflect the mannequins or the real models , who stood in an adjacent room .

  14. 据该模特的经纪人张女士介绍,她是一名在校大学生,今年20岁,在一家模特公司做兼职人体模特已有3年。

    According to Mrs. Zhang , the agent of the nude model , her 20-year-old client is a college student and has been a part-time nude model for three years .

  15. 缝纫之前,应该用大头针把省道固定或用针粗缝,然后在人体模型或模特身上试穿。

    Before stitching , a dart should always be pinned and basted , then fitted to the dress form or model .