
  • 网络Life Mission;Life Purpose
  1. 它们如果被放之任之则会阻止我们实现人生使命。

    That can , if allowed , prevent us from fulfilling our life purpose .

  2. 你的人生使命包括和身体有关的工作,比如按摩治疗、能量疗愈、身体治疗或者体能训练。

    Your life purpose involves bodywork such as massage therapy , energy healing , physical therapy , or exercise training .

  3. 这是他的人生使命,也是他最渴望完成的工作。

    This was his life work and the great desire of his heart .

  4. 耶稣很清楚自己在世上的人生使命。

    Jesus clearly understood his life mission on earth .

  5. 你的人生使命既是共有的也是独有的。

    Your life mission is both shared and specific .

  6. 只有实现我的人生使命,才能成为真我。

    Only by fulfilling my life mission can I become my true self .

  7. 你的人生使命是通过某一种服务,为自己和他人带来喜悦。

    The purpose of your life is to serve in a way that brings the great joy to yourself and others .

  8. 不要担心如何去寻找你的使命,而是聚焦于如何做出服务,到那时,你的人生使命自然会为你服务。

    Don 't worry about finding your purpose instead focus upon serving your purpose , and then your purpose will serve you .

  9. 他们良善的本性导致他们做了超越自己本分的事,而忽略了自己特殊的人生使命。

    Their good nature leads them to do more than their own share of work , and in so doing they may neglect their own particular mission in life .

  10. 但是创建了一份”生命线“揭露出了某个令人惊奇的东西:每次我的疼痛爆发,我都在做着一件后来发现自己偏离的人生使命的事情。

    But creating a Lifeline revealed something surprising : Each and every time my pain flared , I was doing something that I later realized was steering me away from my life 's purpose .

  11. 这两类男性以两种身份践行着作为男性的人生使命,即作为自然身份与社会身份的父亲、儿子、丈夫与臣民。

    The two categories of males , using two identities , implement their life missions as males , that is , they act as fathers , sons , husbands and subjects with both natural and social identities .

  12. 而且感觉到帮助别人是他人生的使命。

    And felt that it was his mission in life to help others .

  13. 每个人都有一项人生的使命,需要做的就是弄明白自己真正的使命是什么,并投身其中。

    Everybody has a calling , and your real job in life is to figure out what that is , and get about the job of doing it .

  14. 来京开会,兼带访问在京名人的使命。而且感觉到帮助别人是他人生的使命。

    I 've come to attend a symposium in Beijing and in the meantime I 'm visiting some celebrities here . and felt that it was his mission in life to help others .

  15. 人生最大的使命,就是去找出自己的使命,活出自己的人生。

    What your great mission is that to find your own mission , live your own life .

  16. 创作的这种转变主要基于他对人生社会的使命感、责任感的重新发现。

    The transformation of creations was based on his new recovery to mission and responsibility to human society .

  17. 大约10%的成年人自我感觉不良,这些人被称为“衰弱者”。活泼开朗的人拥有积极的人生观、使命感和集体感,比“衰弱者”更健康。

    Flourishers have a positive outlook on life , a sense of purpose and community , and are healthier than " languishers " - about 10 percent of adults who don 't feel good about themselves .

  18. 你人生最伟大的使命是什么?

    What is your great mission in your life ?

  19. 人生是一项使命,完成它。

    Life is a mission fulfill it .

  20. 可能最重要的远见,是发现自我,发现自己的人生目标,你个人独特的人生使命,生命中你扮演的角色,人生的目的和意义。

    Perhaps the most important vision of all is to develop a sense of self , a sense of your own destiny , a sense of your unique mission , and role in life , a sense of purpose and meaning .

  21. 他认为文学是人生的表现,文学必须表现道德理想与承载道德人生提升的历史使命。

    He thought that literary is the representation of life , and literature must be seen to carry the moral ideals and bear the mission to enhance moral life .

  22. 把握人生真谛乃演员职责所在,领悟人生真谛乃其困难所在,而表现人生真谛乃其使命所在也。

    To grasp the full significance of life is the actor 's duty , to interpret it is his problem , and to express it his dedication .