  • hard;rigid;firm;unyielding
  • just;exactly;barely;only just
  • 硬,坚强,与“柔”相对:~强。~直。~烈。~劲(姿态、风格等挺拔有力)。~健。~毅。~决。~正不阿(ē)。~愎自用。

  • 恰好,恰巧:~~(a.恰好;b.才)。~好。

  • 才:~才。~来就走。

  • 姓。


(硬; 坚强) hard; rigid; firm; unyielding; strong; indomitable:

  • 血气方刚

    full of sap;

  • 柔能克刚。

    The soft can overcome the hard.

  • 她的舞蹈柔中有刚。

    There is strength as well as grace in her dancing.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 刚冰

    Gang Bing


(恰好) just; exactly:

  • 刚合适

    fit perfectly


(表示勉强达到某种程度; 仅仅) barely; only just:

  • 刚成年

    be barely of age;

  • 刚赶趟儿

    be only just in time;

  • 这条裙子刚过膝。

    The skirt comes just below my knees.


(表示行动或情况发生在不久以前) only a short while ago; just:

  • 刚刚离开这儿

    has just left here;

  • 刚到

    have just arrived;

  • 电影刚开始。

    The film has just started.

  • 他刚到农村时, 连麦子韭菜都分不清。

    When he first came to the countryside, he couldn't tell wheat from Chinese chives.


(用“就”字呼应, 表示两件事紧接) as soon as; just; only at this moment; it so happened that:

  • 汽车刚要开他就赶来了。

    He came just as the bus was about to leave.

  • 我刚进屋就下雨了。

    I had hardly come into the room when it began to rain.

  1. 刚管调制器预调器电路的改进设计

    An Improved Design of Driver in Hard Tube Modulator

  2. 希腊罗马神庙内部空间和装饰所体现的刚柔性

    The hard and soft expressed in the interior space and decoration of the Grecian and Rome Temple

  3. 我刚一到她就劈头盖脸地批评起我来。

    She started pitching into me as soon as I arrived .

  4. 我不断回想起刚到这儿那一天的情景。

    I keep thinking back to the day I arrived here .

  5. 我刚在牙科诊所拔了一颗牙。

    I 've just had a tooth out at the dentist 's.

  6. 她刚读完法律硕士学位。

    She 's just completed a master 's degree in Law .

  7. 这个赛季他刚获得了他的第四个“最有价值球员奖”。

    He has just earned his fourth MVP award this season .

  8. 许多刚踏出大学校门的孩子可能面临着失业。

    For many kids leaving college the prospect of unemployment beckons .

  9. 你刚认识她就对她作出评价,这是不公平的。

    It was unfair to judge her on such a brief acquaintanceship .

  10. 他刚放下电话,门铃就响了起来。

    He had scarcely put the phone down when the doorbell rang .

  11. 我们刚坐下用晚餐,电话就响了。

    We had hardly sat down to supper when the phone rang .

  12. 我们就住在路的前面,刚过邮局的地方。

    We live just up the road , past the post office .

  13. 他刚睡着电话铃就响了。

    He had just drifted off to sleep when the phone rang .

  14. 她刚庆祝了自己在公司任职25周年。

    She has just celebrated 25 years ' service with the company .

  15. 第一枪刚响他们就跑了。

    They ran away as soon as the first shot was fired .

  16. 真是巧了!我也刚买了那张光盘!

    Snap ! I 've just bought that CD too !

  17. 他刚尝到了自由的甜头,却又失去了。

    He had tasted freedom only to lose it again .

  18. 我刚买了塔伦蒂诺最新影片的音乐磁带。

    I 've just bought the soundtrack of the latest Tarantino movie .

  19. 他称得体重刚过80公斤。

    He tipped the scales at just over 80 kilos .

  20. 在刚过去的七月,双方签订了和平条约。

    The two sides signed a peace accord last July .

  21. 战争刚开始时,形势看上去很不明朗。

    At the beginning of the war things were looking very doubtful .

  22. 她刚走开我就想起了她的名字。

    Immediately she 'd gone , I remembered her name .

  23. 话刚出口,她就后悔不迭。

    Hardly had she spoken than she regretted it bitterly .

  24. 她的母亲刚又生了孩子,她的第五个孩子。

    Her mother had just given birth to another child , her fifth .

  25. 她刚和老——你叫他什么来着——一块出去了。

    She 's just gone out with old what-d'you-call-him .

  26. 我刚一按门铃,门就开了。

    I scarcely had time to ring the bell before the door opened .

  27. 他刚从外地回来。

    He 's just arrived back from foreign parts .

  28. 他刚得到一个机会,在斯皮尔伯格执导的下一部电影里担任主角。

    He 's just landed a starring role in Spielberg 's next movie .

  29. 她定在3点钟刚过到达。

    She timed her arrival for shortly after 3 .

  30. 房子刚刷过白漆,显得光洁明亮。

    The house was gleaming with fresh white paint .