
shā lā
  • salad
沙拉 [shā là]
  • [salad] 见色拉

沙拉[shā lā]
  1. 她洗净了做沙拉的绿色蔬菜,并用沙拉调料拌匀。

    She washed the salad greens and mixed them with the dressing .

  2. 他要了一块牛排和一份生菜沙拉。

    He had a steak and a green salad .

  3. 所谓绿色沙拉指的是只有绿色的蔬菜,如莴苣和黄瓜等凉拌生菜。

    A green salad has only green vegetables , such as lettuce and cucumber .

  4. 但是消费者不能被强制点沙拉来代替薯条。

    But customers cannot be forced to order salads instead of fries .

  5. “与世界上的其他餐饮企业相比,我们可能会销售更多的蔬菜、更多的牛奶、更多的沙拉以及更多的苹果,”他说道。

    " We probably sell more vegetables , more milk , more salads , more apples than any restaurant business in the world , " he says .

  6. 通过提供一些健康的选择,像沙拉和低热量的三明治,这些企业至少给人们留下了采取行动帮助对抗肥胖的印象。

    By providing healthy options , like salads and low-calorie sandwiches , they have at least given the impression of doing something about helping to fight obesity .

  7. 玛丽安·贝克特尔独自坐在西棕榈滩的路易酒吧柜台旁,一边静静地读着她的电子书,一边等待沙拉。

    Marian Bechtel sits at West Palm Beach 's Bar Louie counter by herself , quietly reading her e-book as she waits for her salad .

  8. 热土豆馅饼配玉米面包,感恩节汤,新鲜蔬菜沙拉,三种水果口味的冰淇淋

    Hot Potato Pie with Cornbread Topping Thanksgiving Soup Fresh Vegetable Salad Trinity Fruit Ice-cream

  9. 席间,世界各国领导人享用了用丢弃的蔬菜和水果做成的沙拉和汉堡等菜肴。

    During the meal , the world leaders enjoyed dishes like salads and burgers made with thrown-away vegetables and fruits .

  10. 我不知道是要鸡肉沙拉还是烤鱼。

    I can 't decide between the chicken marsala and grilled2 fish .

  11. 不管做什么,不要在车站点沙拉。

    Whatever you do , never order the salad from a truck stop .

  12. 要不就吃一个完整的橘子,或者做一份水果沙拉。

    Or just eat and savor6 a whole orange or make a fruit salad .

  13. 绿色蔬菜:试试用鳄梨和水煮蛋做早餐沙拉。

    Greens and vegetables : Try a breakfast salad with avocado and hard-boiled eggs .

  14. 用一片大甘蓝叶做早餐卷或鸡蛋沙拉卷。

    Use a big kale leaf to make a breakfast burrito or egg salad wrap .

  15. 我还要一份沙拉。

    I 'd also like a salad .

  16. B:还有一份沙拉,蔬菜沙拉就可以了。

    B : And salad , just green salad .

  17. 在B厅和C厅,Cibo快捷美食店提供沙拉和坚果等健康小吃。

    In the B and C concourses , Cibo Express Gourmet Markets stock healthy snacks including salads and nuts .

  18. 我们走进了WestVillage的一家咖啡店,乔纳森和我吃沙拉,而孩子们则径直走向油炸食品。

    We go to a caf é in the West Village and while Jonathan and I eat salad , the kids go straight for the heavy fried material .

  19. 谢伊说,买一份午餐不行,我必须要买两份。谢伊最近午饭吃的是从附近一家wholefoods买的小份寿司和甘蓝沙拉。

    ' Instead of one lunch , I have to buy two lunches , ' says Mr. Shea , who recently ate small portions of sushi and a kale salad from a nearby Whole Foods for his midday meals .

  20. 应用HPLC法分析了沙拉沙星及其粉剂经高温、高湿、强光照射及加速试验后物理化学性质的变化。

    After high temperature , high moisture , irradiate with strong light and acceleration test , it is analyzed by HPLC to the change of physical and chemical properties of sarafloxacin and its powder .

  21. 纽约长老会医院注册营养师AnnGaba说,在一餐中摄入一些水果沙拉能够有效抑制吃甜食的欲望。

    Ann Gaba , a registered dietitian at New York Presbyterian Hospital , says that sometimes all it takes is a bit of fruit in a salad during a meal to curb a sugar craving .

  22. 这家拥有英国和荷兰双重国家背景的消费品公司在去年出售了旗下的Wish-Bone沙拉酱和Skippy花生酱品牌,而且据报道一直在寻求出售旗下的SlimFast业务。

    The British-Dutch consumer products company sold its Wish-Bone salad dressing and Skippy peanut butter brands last year and has reportedly been looking to divest its Slim Fast business , as well .

  23. 我点了龙虾沙拉,格雷则要了份麦卡锡沙拉(mccarthysalad),它用甜菜、鸡肉、鸡蛋、西红柿、奶酪、腊肉与鳄梨而成,名字就取自波罗餐厅老板,也是由他首创。

    I choose a lobster salad while grey asks for the McCarthy salad a mix of beets , chicken , eggs , tomatoes , cheese , bacon and avocado named for the Polo lounge patron who created it .

  24. 从某种程度上说,Pret已将其概念拓宽到三明治之外,销售更多沙拉、热食、甜点、新鲜果汁和咖啡。

    To some extent Pret has already broadened its concept beyond sandwiches , selling more salads , hot food , desserts , fresh juices and coffee .

  25. 这名员工坐在办公桌旁,打开从PretAManger店里买来的法式尼斯沙拉,美滋滋地吃到一半时才赫然发现,生菜之中有一只大约两英寸、绿褐相间的死青蛙。

    After opening a Pret A Manger nicoise salad at her desk , and eating about half of it , she discovered an approximately two inch long green and brown dead frog in the lettuce .

  26. Potbelly是一家位于芝加哥的三明治专卖店,它还提供沙拉和奶昔。

    Shares of potbelly ( pbpb ) , a Chicago-based sandwich shop that also offers salads and shakes , more than doubled from their initial trading price of $ 14 last Friday .

  27. “Beyoglu”餐厅位于上东城,是全纽约最棒的土耳其餐厅之一。餐盘上摆满了水果沙拉、烤鸡肉和蔬菜。

    Plates are heaped with salad , grilled chicken , and vegetables at Beyoglu , one of the best Turkish restaurants in the city , located on the Upper East Side .

  28. 下萨克森州农业部门发言人GertHahne表示:政府会立即发出警告,要求人们停止适食用豆芽菜,特别是混在沙拉当中疫一起食用。

    Gert Hahne , a spokesman for the agriculture ministry in Lower Saxony , said an alert would be sent out immediately warning people to stop eating the sprouts , which are often used in mixed salads .

  29. 首都蒙得维的亚的Jacinto饭店主人LuciaSoria,说盐不许摆在餐桌上,市政府颁布命令,餐馆中放置盐罐是非法的,沙拉酱、番茄酱也不行。

    People are not allowed to put salt anymore on the table , says Lucia Soria , the owner of Jacinto restaurant in Montevideo . The city government made it illegal to have salt shakers out in restaurants , she says . No mayonnaise either .

  30. 早餐,她喜欢汉堡包,沙拉和水果。

    For breakfast , she likes hamburgers , salad and fruit .