
  • 网络in court
  1. 此案情纯属捏造,已在法庭上被揭穿。

    The story was completely untrue and was successfully challenged in court .

  2. 他在法庭上进行了顽强的辩护。

    He put up a stout defence in court .

  3. 他们打算在法庭上对他的要求的合法性提出质疑。

    They intended to challenge the legality of his claim in the courts .

  4. 书记员把在法庭上所有的话都记录在案。

    Clerks transcribe everything that is said in court .

  5. 他在军事法庭上被判有罪。

    He was convicted at a court martial .

  6. 恐怕这份文件在法庭上是根本站不住的。

    I 'm afraid this document will never stand up in a court of law .

  7. 假如当时他在法庭上质疑那些指控,那无异于自毁政治前程。

    It would have been political suicide for him to challenge the allegations in court .

  8. 他们被要求在法庭上表现出应有的严肃态度。

    They were asked to behave with the gravity that was appropriate in a court of law .

  9. 她宁愿在法庭上撒谎也不愿承认她的罪行。

    She would rather perjure herself than admit to her sins .

  10. 他在法庭上被证明无罪,并且获得了损害赔偿金。

    He was vindicated in court and damages were awarded .

  11. 这场法庭上的争论为英格兰的司法制度做了一次拙劣的广告。

    This courtroom battle has been a poor advert for English justice .

  12. 谈话被录了下来,并在法庭上播放。

    The conversation was tape-recorded and played in court .

  13. 在军事法庭上他对自己擅离职守表示服罪。

    He pleaded guilty before a court martial to absenting himself without leave .

  14. 陪审团宣布判决的时候,听到法庭上有人倒抽了一口气。

    An audible gasp went round the court as the jury announced the verdict

  15. 在男性占主导地位的法庭上,有多少法官对妇女问题是比较敏感的呢?

    How many judges in our male-dominated courts are sensitized to women 's issues ?

  16. 如果他们能在法庭上胜诉,他们的损失将会得到全额赔偿。

    If they succeed in court , they will be fully recompensed for their loss .

  17. 法庭上的证词与他当初告诉他们的不一致。

    The evidence given in court was inconsistent with what he had previously told them .

  18. 我们有一位证人愿意在法庭上宣誓作证。

    We have a witness who would swear to it in a court of law .

  19. 法庭上一片哗然。

    The courtroom was in an uproar .

  20. 这将有利于控方律师搜集对他不利的证据以在法庭上指控他。

    This would help the prosecutor gather evidence against him which could be used in court .

  21. 很多人认为他们在法庭上不会受到公平的审判。

    A lot of people think that they 're not going to get a fair shake from the courts .

  22. 如果情况不妙,法庭上败诉,你会怎么办?

    If push comes to shove , if you should lose your case in the court , what will you do ?

  23. 区法院裁定今天波珀在法庭上的缄默将被视作是进行无罪抗辩。

    The district court ruled that Popper 's silence in court today should be entered as a plea of not guilty .

  24. 你手里没有对我不利的证据,这一点你很清楚。你的揣测在法庭上是绝对站不住脚的。

    You 've got nothing on me and you know it . Your theory would never stand up in a court of law .

  25. 许多证据在法庭上并没有用。

    Many kinds of evidence are of no use in court .

  26. 她在法庭上对杀害她女儿的凶手提出了控告。

    She brought a charge before the court against the murderers of her daughter .

  27. 在法庭上你必须面对这个事实,那就是你对别人造成了伤害。

    In the court , you 'll confront the fact that you have done harm to others .

  28. 被告自己的证词可能会使自己在法庭上处于很不利的地位。

    An accused person 's own testimony may put him in a very bad light before the jury .

  29. 这名军官在军事法庭上被判犯了擅离职守罪。

    The officer was convicted of desertion at a court martial .

  30. 他接到传讯,来到法庭上。

    He was brought up to court with a subpoena .