
  • 网络French feminism
  1. 法国女性主义在西方女性主义的后现代理论转向过程中做出了突出贡献。

    French feminism contributes a lot to the postmodern theoretical transformation of the western feminism .

  2. 拉康与法国女性主义

    Lacan and French Feminism

  3. 但如果从法国女性主义的观点来分析亚契的人物塑造,我们又可得出不同的结论。

    However , if we analyze the characterization of archer from the perspective of French feminism , we may draw a different conclusion .

  4. 卫慧们的身体写作与法国女性主义创立的女性写作理论惊人契合,是中国女性书写的一次新尝试。

    The surprising similarities between those writers and the French female writers who create the theory of women writing , which is a novel attempt of Chinese females .

  5. 笔者从各种各样的理论中选取了波伏瓦的《第二性》及法国女性主义理论来分析《天真时代》的人物塑造。

    Among various kinds of feminisms , I apply Beauvoir 's the Second Sex and French Feminism as theoretical basis to analyzing the characterization in The Age of Innocence .

  6. 而生态女性主义一词则首次被提出是在法国女性主义学者弗朗索瓦·德·埃奥博尼与20世纪70年代发表的《女性主义或者毁灭》书中。

    The " eco-feminism " is the first proposed feminist scholars in France ? Germany ? Didier Fran ? ois Boni and published in the 70s of the 20th century " feminism , or destruction " in the book .

  7. 第一部分:研究法国的女性主义理论与身体的关系。

    The dissertation was divided into three parts as follow : The first part : The relationship between France feminist theories and body .

  8. 第一章首先介绍了西方现代女性主义文学批评的时代背景、思想来源及两大重要派别&英美派女性主义和法国派女性主义。

    In Chapter 1 , the author first introduces the social background and sources of thought of feminist literary criticism , and discusses Anglo-American feminism and French feminism .

  9. 法国后现代女性主义述评

    Some Comments on French Postmodern Feminism

  10. 女性主义作为一种教育思潮可以追溯到18世纪的法国,传统女性主义教育持两种妇女观,一是父权制妇女观,二是父权制批判妇女观。

    Feminist thought can be traced back to France in the 18th century as an educational wave , which holding two women concept in the traditional feminist education . First , the " patriarchy " Concept of Women ," patriarchy " Critical View of Women .

  11. 法国与美国的女性主义理论和身体

    Feminist Theory of France and America and Body

  12. 第三部分:对于法国和美国的女性主义理论与身体关系的比较。

    There are two same points about feminist theories between American and France and body .

  13. 本文主要探讨了法国与美国的女性主义理论和身体的关系。

    Abstract : The relationship between feminist theory of France and America and body was studied .