
Lacertian mott 's influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United states .
Chapter Two introduces the historical background and development of the feminist movement in the United States and explicates the budding , development and maturity of Porter 's feminine consciousness .
With the deep development of feminist movement in the 1970s , black feminist began to criticize the hegemony of mainstream feminism and request their position and contribution in the feminist movement .
Friedan re-awakened the feminist movement in the United States .
With the development of women 's movement in the 1960s , the novel was rediscovered and came to be considered something of a landmark in the nineteenth century American literature .
England inherited the worst dogmas and dogmatists of the women 's movement from america .
The Yellow Wallpaper is the masterpiece of Charlotte Perkins Gilman , a wellknown American feminist pioneer and writer .
Chapter three analyses characteristics and effects of the movement .
The first chapter reviews the rise and fall of the second-wave American feminist movement .
The Failure of the Equal Rights Amendment of the United States and the Analysis of the Reasons in the Second Wave of the Women 's Movement
Frederick Douglass was not only the most well-known American black leader in the 19th century , but also one of the forerunners of American Women 's Rights Movement .
As an important component part of the American Feminism Movement , the woman suffrage struggle , whose contents involve a good many aspects such as politics , economy , culture , etc.