
xìnɡ bié zhǔ yì
  • sexism
  1. James在文中写到:男女混校中的男生会觉得古典音乐很女人,所以会更喜欢主题为暴力和性别主义的现代音乐。

    Boys in mixed schools view classical music as feminine and prefer the modern genre in which violence and sexism are major themes , James wrote .

  2. 激情背后的孤寂:《秀拉》中的性别主义

    Solitude behind Passion : A Brief Analysis of Sexism in Sula

  3. 我的妻子就遇到了一个公开的性别主义者,他甚至宣称他从来不会给任何一个女生比B更高的分数,即使他做得再好。

    My wife had an overtly sexist professor who would never give a female student a grade higher than a B , no matter how well she did .

  4. 英汉语言中的性别主义现象之比较

    A Comparison of the Sexist Phenomenon in English and Chinese

  5. 反对种族主义和性别主义一直是她创作的主题之一。

    The subjects of sexism and racism are included in her works .

  6. 反性别主义是艾丽丝·沃克妇女主义的重要内涵之一。

    Anti-sexism is one of the main ideas of Alice Walker 's womanism .

  7. 英语中的性别主义、女性英语及其根源

    Sexism in English 、 Woman English and its Root

  8. 汉语中的性别主义及其根源

    The sex discrimination and the causes in Chinese

  9. 性别主义实际上是白人种族主义在黑人社会内部的延续。

    Black sexism is in fact a representation of white racism in the black community .

  10. 我叔叔是个性别主义者。

    My uncle is a real sexist .

  11. 如果女权主义始终忽视这个问题,就相当于接受性别主义者对问题根源的解释。

    If feminism keeps ignoring this issue , then it accepts the sexist narrative about why it arises .

  12. 第二次高潮出现于二十世纪六七十年代,主要目标是批判性别主义、性别歧视和男性权力。

    The second appeared in the 1960s to the 1970s and focused on criticizing sex discrimination and patriarchy .

  13. 你会遇到形形色色的老师摆明不公平对待的,懒惰的,性别主义者,种族主义者,或者其他的各式各样的。

    You may encounter teachers that are unfair , lazy , sexist , racist , or otherwise incompetent .

  14. 华裔的中华文化传承当中的性别主义及其沉默策略所制造的压迫性沉默使无名姑姑与月兰姨妈都被禁锢在内化了的女性沉默中,而这沉默自身对她们就是一种压迫。

    The oppressive silence results from the Chinese sexism with its silencing measures that confines No Name Aunt and Moon Orchid in silence .

  15. 但还是得承认那些评论透露出了一些种族主义和性别主义:比如说有些微博就评价邓文迪为忍者女或者悍女。

    The commentary hints of racism and sexism : for example , the tweets and headlines that refer to Deng as a ninja or tiger mom .

  16. 论文最后得出结论:《女勇士》中几位女主人公奇特的沉默是种族主义和性别主义共同作用的结果,这种压迫性沉默导致了她们的悲剧。

    Part Four reaches the conclusion : the oppressive silence resulting from the oppression of sexism and racism is unbearably destructive with its hideous effect on the silenced person ;

  17. 美国黑人的悲剧命运是多方面因素造成的,而根源在于种族歧视或种族主义与性别主义的双重压迫。

    While various factors should be responsible for the tragedies of the Afro-American people , racist prejudice or the double oppression of racism and sexism are the root causes .

  18. 我在想那些对于邓文迪保护她老公的行为非常欢喜的人是否有一丝性别主义。

    I wonder now if that discussion , and the apparent glee people are taking in her physical defense of her husband , is tinged with a bit of sexism .

  19. 随着性别主义研究在我国的出现,女性开始要求独立,并为此不断探索,这也使性别主义的研究深入到各个学科领域。

    With the sexism of the emergence in China , women began to demand independence , and has continued to explore , this also makes the sexism deep into each discipline research .

  20. 在文章的讨论部分,本文围绕两个永恒的主题&性别主义和自由(选择自由),提出了两个极具争议性的话题:男同性恋者与厌女症、同性恋解放与人类解放。

    Finally , two controversial questions male homosexuality versus misogyny and gay liberation versus human emancipation are to be posed , centering on two eternal themes : sexism and freedom ( of choice ) .

  21. 他认为,剧情把嘻哈文化描写为性别主义的载体,从而贬低了他视之为抒发情感关键渠道的嘻哈文化。

    In his estimation , it denigrates hip-hop culture by portraying it as a vector for adopting sexist attitudes & a perversion of what , for him , had been a vital emotional outlet .

  22. 沃克在其长篇小说《紫色》中,通过对三代黑人女性婚姻生活的细腻描写,揭示了性别主义对男女两性的影响。

    In her novel The Color Purple , she shows us the influence of sexism on men and women with a detailed description of the different mariage life between the women of three generations .

  23. 她不仅深刻地揭露了黑人妇女在性别主义、种族主义及阶级压迫下生存的艰难和痛苦,而且还密切关注第三世界妇女的生存状况,对非洲女性的割礼风俗进行了猛烈的批判。

    She not only discloses the hard and miserable existence of the black women who suffer from the sexual , racial and class oppression but also pays close attention to the existence of the Third-World black women , criticizing harshly the tradition of female circumcision in Africa .

  24. 作为一个统一、民主、非种族主义和非性别主义的南非首任总统,负责带领国家脱离黑暗的深谷。我们怀着既谦恭又欣喜的心情接受你们给予我们的这份荣誉与权利。

    We are both humbled and elevated by the honour and privilege that you , the people of South Africa , have bestowed on us , as the first President of a united , democratic , non-racial and non-sexist South Africa , to lead our country out of the valley of darkness .

  25. 麦克法夸尔之处这种性别主义的表现之一就是女性“婴儿化”,“女性不需要对她们的暴力行为承担太多责任,我们一直在把她们当做孩子看待”。

    MacFarquhar points out that one feminist critique of gender bias in the treatment of violence is that it can " infantilize " women : " In supposing that a woman can 't be truly responsible for her violent acts , we are treating her as if she was a child . "

  26. 连父亲角色在家庭中的象征意义都要去除,这是性别平等主义矫枉过正的表现,是歧视男性、荒谬可笑的典型例子。

    To eliminate even this token gesture towards the role of the father is an example of gender correctness at its most ridiculous and discriminates against men .

  27. 性别沙文主义是多么猖狂!但且慢:女性真的想把爹爹军变为娘子军吗?一支强悍刚勇的现代娘子军要在前线与她们的男同胞们并肩冲锋陷阵?

    But hold on : do women really want to turn Dad 's Army into Mum 's Army , a of latter-day braving the front line , with their male counterparts ?

  28. 由于文化、种族和性别中心主义的存在,华裔女性实际上被剥夺了言说的权利和自由,因此,要寻找自我和建构身份,打破沉默,发出自己的声音是关键的一步。

    Due to the existence of centrism in culture , race and gender , Chinese women are actually deprived of the right and freedom of speaking . Therefore , to find the self and to construct the identification is a linchpin to break the silence and utter their own voices .

  29. 拿破仑有句名言:“男人每天睡6个小时,女人睡7个小时,而白痴睡8个小时”这段广为流传的名言除了可笑的性别歧视主义成分外,它也被证明毫无科学依据。

    INTERNAL TIME [ qh ] [ qh ] " Six hours " sleep for a man , seven for a woman , and eight for a fool , " Napoleon famously prescribed . But despite the laughably sexist hierarchy , his rule of thumb turns out to be grossly unsupported by science .

  30. 社会性别是女性主义国际关系理论的核心概念。

    Gender is a core concept in feminist international politics theory .