
  1. 商业性展览业市场化研究

    A Study on Marketization of Commercial Exhibition Industry

  2. 参加由《中国会展》杂志社举办的全国性展览设计大赛获奖。

    Attend by China conference & exhibition in relation held national exhibition design contest winners .

  3. 在博物馆的一楼有一个永久性展览,它展示了美国人生活中的科学。

    One permanent exhibit on the first floor of the museum examines science in American life .

  4. 同时,涉足高端艺术品藏品,定期举行主题性展览与优秀艺术家个展。

    Meanwhile , we collect high-level artworks and hold some exhibitions for public and some individual artists regularly .

  5. 展示设计是一个很广泛的范畴,他可以是博物馆、博览会等大型的展示,也可以是规模各异的商业性展览。

    The display design is a very extensive category , It can be large-scale exhibition like exposition , and also can be the various scale commercial display * etc .

  6. 作为一个对老北京城回顾的三个章节的探索性展览,一定要让观众感受到其中的气氛并能够积极地参与进来。

    Imagined as an exploration in three chapters on the urban fabric of the old Beijing , the exhibition wants to establish a relationship with the audience engaging a dialogue .

  7. 长兴岛“规划展示馆”拟建成一流的、现代化的综合性展览馆,她将成为长兴岛重要的、标志性的建筑之一。

    Changxing Island " Planning Exhibition Hall " plans to be built a modern and comprehensive exhibition hall , which will become one of the important landmark buildings in Changxing Island .

  8. 有些人担心,这些变革可能会动摇文化管理工作广受尊敬的悠久体制,代之以更注重迎合大众的体制,更看重制造轰动性展览,而非质量与研究。

    Some worry that the changes might be the first step toward dismantling an established and widely respected system of cultural stewardship and replacing it with one that favors crowd-pleasing blockbuster shows over quality and research .

  9. 提供中小型临时性商业展览场地。

    To provide small and medium-sized temporary commercial exhibition space .

  10. 第一种为回顾性的展览。

    The first kind is retrospective exhibition .

  11. 他的装置在世界各地的国际性艺术展览中得到了突出体现。

    His work is widely published and his installations have featured in international art exhibitions around the world .

  12. 其中增加的一个项目就是永久性的展览,名叫“革命:计算机最初2000年的历史”。

    One of the s is a permanent exhibit called " Revolution : The First 2000 Years of Computing . " at the museum .

  13. 张还补充说性文化展览也不应该向在公众展示那些过于粗鲁和“不合时宜”的性观念。

    Zhang added that neither the sex forum nor the expo should provide a platform for advertising bold and " unacceptable " views to the public .

  14. 她以新兴先锋艺术家的摇篮著称,经常举办开创性的展览,包括高新科技的应用以及对于媒体令人耳目一新的利用。

    The gallery is known as an incubator of emerging talent and for groundbreaking exhibitions that incorporate technology or utilize mediums in a new , fresh way .

  15. 作为最先开拓儿童艺术作品领域的国际性大型展览,亚洲儿童艺术展与“描绘明天”系列活动将有更为广阔的发展空间。

    As the pioneer in the field of international children 's art exhibition , Asian Children 's Art Show ( ACAS ) and " Painting the Tomorrow " series activities can providing a broader space for development .

  16. 全国美术作品展览作为我国最具权威、最有影响力的综合性美术展览,展示着中国美术创作的最新动态和最高水平,也全面显示着中国美术各门类发展的新趋势。

    As the most authoritative and influential comprehensive art exhibition , the National Art Exhibition not only reflects the latest development and the highest level of Chinese art but also exhibits the latest trend of the development of various art categories in China .

  17. 在慕尼黑举行一次嘲弄性的大型展览。

    A great derisive exhibition was held in Munich .

  18. 艺风社成立期间先后举办了三次全国性的美术展览,对当时整个美术界产生了深远的影响。

    The YiFeng Society had held three national art exhibitions , which produced deep influence at that time .

  19. 然而现在恐龙专家们正在进行一个开创性的新展览,能彻底改变我们对这些动物的看法。

    But now a groundbreaking new exhibition is working with the world 's dinosaur scientists to revolutionize the way we see these animals .

  20. 第六届展览会将引入更新的内容和活动,邀请更多的国内外专业人士,提高展会的权威性及业界展览声望。

    The6th show will continuously introduce new contents and activities , invite more professionals in home and abroad to enhance the academic authoritativeness and prestige of the exhibition .

  21. 正如图书展销会名称所示,自2000年以来,展出的一直都是国际著名图书,同时,也被认为是中国“最具代表性的图书展览盛会”。

    As the name suggests , it has been a fair for international famous books since 2000 , which is also regarded as the " representative books fair " in China .

  22. 例如在2008年北京奥运会前,就有40万个标识和1300道菜名进行了修订,其中包括“种族主义公园”。它是一个永久性的文化展览场所,被更名为“少数民族公园”。

    Before the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games , for example , 400000 signs and 1300 menus were revised , including " Racist Park , " a permanent cultural exhibition that was rebranded as " Minorities Park . "

  23. 性观念一向大胆开放的李银河提出的换偶在广州性文化展览遭遇了抨击,尤其是她提出的“换偶”建议成了众矢之的。

    Once regarded as " bold and open ," Li Yinhe 's views on sex , particularly topics such as " wife-swapping ," got a frosty reception from experts at the fourth Guangzhou Sex Culture Expo .