
  • 网络sexual exploitation;sexually exploitive;sexually exploited;sexploitation
  1. 其他人说,选美和性剥削之间只有非常细微的界线

    Others say that there 's a fine line between the pageants and sexual exploitation .

  2. 反对对人的暴力和性剥削国际专家会议

    International Experts ' Meeting on Violence and Sexual Exploitation of Human Beings

  3. 性剥削问题国际首脑会议:走出阴影

    International Summit of Sexually Exploited : Out from the Shadows

  4. 汉城宣言:争取一个没有性剥削的世界

    Seoul Declaration : For a World Without Sexual Exploitation

  5. 暴力和性剥削问题国际专家会议

    International Meeting of Experts on Violence and Sexual Exploitation

  6. 儿童被以进行商业化性剥削为目的而遭到贩运。

    Children are trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation .

  7. 联合国大会星期二全天讨论了强制性劳动和剥削等问题。联合国估计,在任何一个时段,都有250万人处于被强制劳动或者是遭受性剥削的状态。

    The United Nations estimates that at any given time 2 1 / 2 million people find themselves in situations that are defined as forced labor or sexual exploitation .

  8. 当研究某一问题主要涉及的是其政治性剥削时,身为皇帝就不能再看作只表现一个性质,所以需要再分下去。

    When the study of a certain problem mainly involves is its political exploitation , as the emperor would no longer as display only a properties , so need to points down .

  9. 总的来说,这个令人伤心的产业会在“现代文明”的掩护下,以奴隶、性剥削与活体器官摘取的形式出现,毁害受害者的生命,喂饱惨无人道的犯罪集团。

    This sad business , broadly speaking , can take the form of modern slavery , sexual exploitation , or organ harvesting , destroying the lives of its victims and enriching brutal criminal groups .

  10. 依据行为的性质与目的不同,滥用市场支配地位行为可分为妨碍性滥用和剥削性滥用两大类,此两类滥用行为对竞争产生不同的影响。

    According to the different character and purpose , this action is divided into two kinds : impedimental abuse and exploitative abuse . They have different effect on the competition .

  11. 马克思强调,资本主义管理的二重性是不能相互混淆的,即不能以其生产性取代其剥削性,亦不能用其剥削性否定其生产性。

    He stressed that the nature of Capitalist management can be not obscured , that is , its production nature can not take place its exploitation nature and its exploitation nature can not be used t.

  12. 我也想过我们需要什么来保护其他性工作者,远离剥削和暴力。

    I 've thought about what 's needed to protect other sex workers from these things .

  13. 两个或两个以上像土地市场和劳动力市场等要素市场的不完全性造成农民被剥削或自我剥削,此为强制性制度变迁发生的边界条件。

    The incompletion of two or more element markets causes farmers are exploited by others or themselves , this is the confine condition of system-forced system reform .

  14. 土地法大纲规定:废除封建性及半封建性剥削的土地制度,实行耕者有其田的土地制度;

    It stipulated the following : Abolish the land system of feudal and semi-feudal exploitation and put into effect the system of land to the tillers .

  15. 本文针对既往在人口拐卖问题上的政策空白和认识盲区,结合对女童和女青年的多重脆弱性的分析,提出综合性的防止以劳动剥削(包括性剥削)为目的的拐卖的政策建议。

    With reference to the policy gap and the blind spot in understanding , as well as to the manifold weakness of little girls and young women , this essay concludes with some policy-related suggestions on preventing human trafficking with labor exploitation ( including sex exploitation ) as its aim .