
  • 网络The cellar door
  1. 他们打开了地窖门,在那里和所有的外屋里都撒上了石灰。

    They broke open the cellar door and sprinkled lime there , and in all the outbuildings .

  2. 这个被吓坏了的姑娘跑过庭院,穿过地窖门,李斯特在后面紧追不舍。

    The frightened girl fled across the courtyard , through the cellar door , and down the steps with Liszt in pursuit .

  3. 该磨坊的改装面粉厂以及考拉最古老的建筑物可追溯至1861年,现在已作为云达丽的地窖门使用。

    The Mill , a converted flour mill and the oldest building in Cowra dating back to1861 , now serves as the Windowrie cellar door .

  4. 我打开地窖的门,顺着梯子走下去。

    I opened the cellar door and started down the stairs .

  5. 所有区地窖的门都上锁了。

    All the doors to the cellar are locked .

  6. 我拿着锄头,战战兢兢地重新打开地窖的门,下到楼梯的底部,心里一个劲地祈祷着,但愿这一切是一场恶梦,毒蛇已经不见了。

    Hoe in hand , I reopened the basement door with dread . I reached the bottom of the stairs hoping it was all a bad dream and the snake would be gone .

  7. 他站在那扇通往地窖的镶板门前。

    He stood before the panelled door leading to the cellar .