
  1. 脑力劳动者和体力劳动者家属SAS、SDS评定结果均有显著性差异。

    Families of mental and physical SAS and SDS evaluation results were significant differences .

  2. 脑力劳动者与体力劳动者心肌梗死预后观察和意义

    Prognosis and significance of myocardial infarction on mental labourer and physical strength labourer

  3. 劳动强度增大必然导致劳动者的体力消耗增加,劳动效率下降。

    A rise in labour intensity must increase strength consumption and decrease work efficiency .

  4. 目的:探讨脑力劳动者和体力劳动者不同人群的心肌梗死的预后及影响因素。

    Objective : To investigate the prognosis and related factor on myocardial infarction of mental labourer and physical strength labourer .

  5. 方法:选择符合心肌梗死诊断条件的脑力劳动者和体力劳动者各100例,分两组进行对比观察。

    Methods : 100 cases were followed and analyzed as two groups on both mental labourer and physical strength labourer whom had been treated as myocardial infarction .

  6. 从事脑力劳动者人数多于体力劳动者,但无统计学意义(P0.05),高中以上明显多于初中以下人群,统计学差异显著(P0.01)。

    The patients of intellectual workers were more than the number of manual workers , but not statistically significant ( P0.05 ), while significantly junior high school more than the following groups , statistically significant difference ( P0.01 ) .

  7. 城市非体力劳动者、城市体力劳动者25~29岁年龄段身高达到高峰值,随后逐年缓慢下降。

    The body height reached the peak value at25-29 years in urban non-manual and manual workers , and then slowly decreased years by years .

  8. 不同职业人群身高差异比较:城市非体力劳动者和城市体力劳动者高于农民。

    Comparison of body height among the subjects engaged in different jobs : It was higher in urban non-manual and manual workers than in farmers .

  9. 结果:143例患者的统计资料显示,视疲劳中脑力劳动者明显多于体力劳动者;好发于25~50岁,且女性多见。

    Results : 143 patients , according to the statistical data of visual fatigue intellectual workers than manual workers ; multiple 25 ~ 50 years old , and female more see .

  10. 不同职业人群体质量差异比较:城市男子非体力劳动者和城市体力劳动者>农民,成年乙组中女性城市非体力劳动者>农民和城市体力劳动者。

    Comparison of body mass among the subjects engaged in different jobs : It was greater in male urban non-manual and manual workers than in farmers ; In adult group B , it was greater in female urban non-manual workers than in farmers and urban manual workers .

  11. 病人组与对照组两组脑力劳动者得分都高于体力劳动者,P<0.05。

    In both groups brain workers got higher scores than manual workers ( P < 0.05 ) .

  12. 在100例溃疡性结肠炎的患者中,脑力劳动者占31%,体力劳动者占50%。

    In 100 cases of ulcerative colitis patients , 31 % mental , manual workers accounted for 50 % . 6 .