
láo zuò
  • manual work
  • do manual labour
劳作 [láo zuò]
  • (1) [manual work in school]∶旧时小学生上手工课或进行简单的体力劳动

  • (2) [manual labor]∶泛指体力劳动操作

  • 田间劳作

  1. 他们在不安全的工作环境下长时间辛苦劳作,却只有微薄的工资。

    They suffered long hours , unsafe working conditions and skimpy pay .

  2. 在昏暗潮湿的工厂辛苦劳作的人们累得无力再去享受家庭生活。

    People who toiled in dim , dank factories were too exhausted to enjoy their family life

  3. 你可以一周7天、一天16小时地拼命劳作,但是如果产品质量低劣,你就白费时间了。

    You can bust a gut sixteen hours a day , seven days a week , but if your product is lousy , you 've wasted your time .

  4. 天黑了,他依然在田里劳作。

    Although it was dark , he still worked in the field .

  5. 她粗糙的双手是常年艰辛劳作的结果。

    Her coarse hands are the result of years of hard work .

  6. 人们什么时候才能停止他们的辛苦劳作呢?

    When can the people cease from their labours ?

  7. 在美国的自由理想中,公民们发现了经济独立带来的尊严和保障,而不是徘徊在生存边缘的辛苦劳作。

    In america 's ideal of freedom , citizens find the dignity and security of economic independence , instead of laboring on the edge of subsistence .

  8. 随着机器人高效地承担越来越多的农业劳作,未来的农场可能会体验到更多的自主性。

    Future farms will likely experience a greater deal of autonomy as robots take up more and more farm work efficiently .

  9. 在播种以及收割季节,可以看到长胡子男人牵着马在田间劳作,而妇女将衣物整齐地晾晒在晾衣绳上。

    In planting and harvest times one can see their bearded men working the fields with horses and their women hanging out the laundry in neat rows to dry .

  10. “远程工作狂综合征”指在家远程办公的人容易过度劳作的一种趋势。

    Teleworkaholic syndrome to be working from home .

  11. 尽管无休止的倾盆大雨迫使所有户外劳作停止,但农民会为此兴奋不已。

    Although the rain pours the utmost relentlessness , ceasing all outdoor activities , the manthethe heavens and smiles .

  12. 人们犯了一个错误,他们认为自己会设法避免劳作,但是实际上人们比自己想象的更喜欢制作东西。把自己的努力灌输到一件产品上会让人加倍重视这件东西。

    they believe they want to avoid labor a product with your own labor that makes you come to overvalue it .

  13. 但是《米纳里》也是一部关于上世纪80年代在阿肯色州一家小农场劳作的美国家庭的故事,因此一些评论人士表示,将其称为“外语片”不仅过时而且具有侮辱性。

    But Minari is also the tale of a US family working on a small farm in Arkansas in the 1980s , so some commentators9 have argued that calling its language " foreign " is outdated10 and insulting .

  14. 随着GIS技术引入地质灾害危险性评价研究领域,使得地质灾害危险性评价从传统的繁复手工劳作中解放出来,缩短了评价周期,为地质灾害危险性的动态评价提供了基础。

    By using GIS technology , geological hazard assessment is liberated from the complicated manual labor , shortens the assessment cycle and provides the basis for the dynamic assessment .

  15. ICP就像是一个绚丽斑斓的蜂窝,所有的工作人员像那辛勤劳作的蜜蜂一样努力营造这座梦想城堡。

    If we imagine ICP as a brilliant honeycomb , then all of our staffs are the diligent bees to build this dream castle .

  16. 在3.4中,PDE团队经过辛勤劳作更新了现存的关于老更新系统的工具,使其能够适应p2。

    In3.4 , the PDE team worked hard to update the existing tooling around the old update system to make it p2 aware .

  17. 可能你认为自己早就已经了解苹果在中国的故事了,了解了中国男男女女的工人们在苹果的合作伙伴富士康公司(Foxconn)苛刻的工作环境下辛苦劳作,生产着iPod和iPhone。

    You may think you know the story of apple ( AAPL ) in China & how the men and women who make iPods and iPhones for Apple partner Foxconn labor under punishing conditions .

  18. 在厨房里辛苦劳作了几个小时后,比特纳先生徒步奔向了联合广场(UnionSquare),在面包房BreadsBakery购买了几块长时间发酵、新鲜烘培出来的酸面包,以此表达了对美国低碳水摄入者和低麸质摄入者的蔑视。

    After a couple of hours in the kitchen , Mr. Buettner defied the carb-avoiders and gluten-dodgers of America by dashing over to Union Square on foot to score several loaves of long-fermented , freshly baked sourdough at Breads Bakery .

  19. 贝加尔湖的Listvyanka村,山谷中的房屋和菜园中劳作的村民。

    Houses in valley & villagers working in Garden in Listvyanka village on Lake Baikal .

  20. 现在,Nodari利用高质量的医护,可以轻松地步行到镇上探访朋友以及在他的玫瑰园劳作。

    Now , with access to quality care , Nodari can easily walk to town to see friends and work in his rose garden .

  21. 我能感受到我多米尼加妈妈Marsela的温暖和真诚,在她一天的长时间劳作之后,她坐下来和我唠家常,谈我的家乡、我的家人。

    I could feel the warmth and sincerity of my Dominican mother , Marsela , when she sat and talked with me about my home and family after a long day of work .

  22. 位于纽约皇后区的FreshDirect每填都有2500名员工在辛勤劳作,确保当地的新鲜食品能够送达纽约州、新泽西州、康涅狄格州、宾夕法尼亚州和特拉华州。

    FreshDirect , based in Queens , has 2,500 employees working each day to ensure that fresh local food gets to customers in New York , New Jersey , Connecticut , Pennsylvania , and Delaware .

  23. 我整天独自一人在前屋里劳作。

    All day long I labored alone in the front room .

  24. 那是因为劳累的缘故&十年的辛苦劳作。

    That 's because of hard work-ten years of hard work .

  25. 多年辛苦劳作使她变了很多。

    Years of hard work had changed her a great deal .

  26. 他们仍在农村老家的土地上辛苦劳作着。

    They still worked on the land at his hometown village .

  27. 农夫们终年在农场上忙碌的劳作着。

    Farmers are busy working on the farm all year round .

  28. 夏天通常会在我们的任务清单中多添上很多户外劳作。

    Summer often adds more outdoor chores to our to-do lists .

  29. 另外,农田劳作还占用大量劳动力。

    In addition , irrigation and fertilization requires a lot of labor .

  30. 上帝六天劳作,第七天才定为休息日。

    God six days labor , the seventh days as rest days .