
  1. 在世界各地,劳动世界中每天都在发生着这种或那种形式的歧视,成千上万的人们仅仅是由于他们的性别、宗教和皮肤的颜色而受到歧视。

    Everyday , in the working area , lots of discriminations in different forms will happen . Tens of thousands of people are suffering the discriminations just because of their sex , religion and skin color .

  2. 自由贸易与劳动世界的进步及社会的全面发展都是人类所追求的目标,然而利用贸易制裁的方法促进劳工标准水平的提高却具有不合理性。

    The free trade , the progress of labor field and the development of the society are all goals that the mankind pursues , but it is irrational that the labor standard is improved by utilizing trade sanction .

  3. 劳动创造世界。

    Labour creates the world .

  4. 劳动创造世界,生产劳动的不断改造才能使社会不断向前发展。

    Labor creates the world and the continuous transformation of productive labor leads to the continuous development of society .

  5. 我们党始终坚持“劳动创造世界”“劳动创造了人本身”这一马克思主义基本观点。

    Our Party has always been holding the basic viewpoint of Marxism that labor creates the world and man itself .

  6. 是劳动创造了世界。

    It is labour that creates the world .

  7. 劳动妇女问题世界会议

    World Conference on Problems of Working Women

  8. 目前,劳动就业是世界各国普遍存在的重大经济社会问题。

    At present employment is an important economic - social problem all over the world .

  9. 异化成为一种过程,即人类在劳动创造的世界里逐渐转变为异己者的过程。

    Alienation becomes a process in which humanity is progressively turned into a stranger in a world created by labour .

  10. 人的世界是人的劳动创造的世界,在劳动之外的自然界是人之前的自然界。

    The human world is a world created by working , before that , nature is not changed by human .

  11. 必须继续加强努力废除童工劳动,确保世界上的儿童不受剥削。

    It is essential to continue to strengthen efforts to abolish child labor to ensure that the world 's children remain free from exploitation .

  12. 不仅如此,中国的丝绸还是中国劳动人民对世界的巨大贡献,中国是世界蚕桑的起源地。

    Moreover , silk wais one of the major contributions of Chinese people for the world . China was the origin of sericulture in the world .

  13. 中国取得今天的成就,不是靠打仗,而是靠广大人民的辛勤劳动和与世界的公平贸易得来的。

    China has come this far not through war , but through hard work by its vast number of people and through fair trading with the world .

  14. 为了降低生产成本,提高采煤的经济效益和可靠性,改善劳动条件,世界各先进产煤大国都在积极开展液压支架的研究。

    In order to save money and improve the economic efficiency of mining , many advanced Countries that yield coal have launched research of hydraulic powered support actively .

  15. 你既然活着,你又是否为了未来的人类生活付出你的劳动,使世界一天天变得更美丽?

    When you are alive do you always remember to work hard and realize your efforts will affect future lives and let the world become more beautiful day by day ?

  16. 第四,劳动是现实生活世界之根。

    Fourth , labor is the root of the real life .

  17. 国际劳动节是全世界劳动人民共同的节日。

    The International Labour Day is a festival for laborers all over the world .

  18. 经济全球一体化条件下中国劳动就业机制受到世界就业规律的调节。

    The work employment mechanism of China has regulated in the employment law of the world under the whole world of economy situation .

  19. 第一次科技革命,英国以蒸汽机为动力部分实现机械化,迅速提高了劳动生产率,成为世界经济与贸易强国。

    In the Industry revolution , By using the steam engine to realize the mechanization , raise productivity , British became the leader in region of economic and international trade .

  20. 毕竟,一直以来年轻人都跟长辈一起劳动,而且在世界各地的农村,他们也帮忙帮补家庭和社区;

    After all , young people had worked side by side with adults throughout history , and they still helped support their families and their communities in countries around the world ;

  21. 中东与北非地区的妇女劳动参与率是世界上最低的之一,使之成为该地区的一个最关键的性别挑战。

    The participation of women in the workforce in the MENA region is among the lowest in the world & making it one of the key gender challenges for the region .