
  • 网络Labor standards;Labor basic standard
  1. 劳动基准调整的是劳动领域中用人单位与劳动者之间的关系,劳动技术标准调整的是人与物之间的关系;

    Fundamental labor standards adjust the relations between enterprise and employee ;

  2. 我国台湾地区《劳动基准法》的影响及其启示

    The Effect of Labor Standards Law in Taiwan Province and Its Enlightenment

  3. 中国劳动基准若干问题探讨

    The Discussion of a Certain Number of Issues in Fundamental Labor Standards

  4. 这些现象集中反映出劳动基准法律制度还存在许多不足。

    These phenomena reflect that Labor standards legal system also have many shortcomings .

  5. 劳动基准法律制度正是这样一种法律制度。

    The labor standards legal system is such a kind of legal system .

  6. 劳动基准法律制度着眼于保护劳动者的利益。

    Labor standards legal system is focusing on protecting the interests of workers .

  7. 劳动基准法律制度同样如此。

    Labor standards legal system does the same .

  8. 而劳动基准监督署(厚生劳动省的一个部门)也这样认为。

    So did the Toyota Labour Standards Inspection Office , part of the labour ministry .

  9. 我国劳动基准实施中存在的问题及对策研究

    The Questions , the Reasons and the Measures on Our Country 's Labor Standards Being Exercised

  10. 本文第二部分用法律经济分析的方法对劳动基准和集体合同这两种调整劳动法律关系的重要手段进行了分析。

    Part II : This part analyses labor standard and collective agreement at the methods of economic analyses of law .

  11. 究其原因,主要在于劳动基准法律制度的立法、执法以及法律救济等方面的不足。

    The reason is mainly reflected in the legal system of the labor standards legislation , law enforcement and legal remedies inadequate .

  12. 其次对劳动基准法进行经济分析,剖析了最低工资法与职业安全和健康法的市场效应;

    Secondly , gives economic analysis of labor standard law , discusses their market effects of minimum wage law and occupational safety and health law .

  13. 我国目前的诉讼理念和制度在调适与处理劳动基准争议方面存在不足,不利于正确、合理、彻底地解决劳动基准争议问题。

    The application of labor standard in China is not so agreeable and became a focus of the society and a issue of controversy in theoretical circle .

  14. 在预设劳动基准的基础上,增加相应的抗辩权制度,可在日常活动中及时控制并通过抗辩权制度解决较为轻微的劳动违法行为。

    On the basis of labor standard system , establishing the right of counterplea system about labor contract can control and resolve some slight labor lawless acts in time .

  15. 劳动基准与劳动技术标准、行业劳动标准、企业劳动标准有着显著的区别。

    Fundamental labor standards of this article is different from technological standards 、 trade standards and enterprise standards in essence . In practice , fundamental labor standards also exist many problems .

  16. 主要表现为通过劳动基准、团结权、集体谈判和产业行动立法,规制双方行为,将冲突纳入法制化轨道中。

    Mainly legislated through labor standard , the right to solidarity , collective bargaining and industrial action to regulate both sides ' behavior , and brings the conflict into legal system .

  17. 笔者在本文的第四部分就台湾劳动基准法进行了全面分析,对其进行评价,同时也就它对台湾社会的影响进行了分析和总结,提出自己的想法和观点。

    For the fourth part of this paper , the author summarizes the functions of the law and evaluates it giving her own ideas of the Labor Standard Law of Taiwan .

  18. 通过一系列措施,以期使我国劳动基准法律制度适应社会发展需要,跟上时代发展步伐,真正造福于我国劳动者。

    Through a series of measures in order to make our labor standards law system suit the needs of social development , keep up with the times and bring the real benefit for our workers .

  19. 劳动基准是指以强制性规范规定的关于工资、工时、劳动安全卫生、女职工和未成年工特殊保护等方面的最低劳动标准。

    Fundamental labor standards can be defined : the lowest standards for wages , hours of work , weekly rest and paid leave , occupational safety and health and health and employment of women and children .

  20. 前二项请求权与劳动基准法规定之资遣费,退休金请求权,职业灾害劳工应择一行使。

    A worker incurring an occupational accident can only claim one of the rights prescribed in the previous paragraphs and the right of either severance or retirement payments in accordance with the provisions of labor standards act .

  21. 劳工部2012年提出诉讼,指控美国未来系统公司违反联邦公平劳动基准法,因为公司要求员工休息时间打卡且不支薪,导致员工薪资未达基本工资。

    The Department of Labor filed a lawsuit in 2012 claiming the company violated the federal Fair Labor Standards Act because employees weren 't earning minimum wage when the company required them to clock out for breaks .

  22. 劳动基准公益诉讼是公益诉讼制度在劳动基准争议方面的运用,在本质上仍是公益诉讼,因此诉讼程序与一般公益诉讼大致相同。

    As public interest litigation in nature , the labor standards public interest litigation is exactly the public interest litigation which is adopted to resolve labor standard disputes , so it has roughly the same proceedings with public interest litigation .

  23. 本文的第三部分,就台湾劳动基准法的主要内容逐一的进行介绍,包括台湾劳动基准法的适用范围和主要定义、劳动契约、工资、特殊人群保护、职业灾害补偿制度。

    In the third part , the author analyzes the main contents of the law by listing the articles respectively , including scopes and definitions , labor contract , salary , protection of the special populations , and occupational accident compensation .

  24. 劳动基准作为明确劳动者应当享有的最低劳动权利、劳动条件和劳动待遇的法律规定,其立法目的在于保障劳动者及其家庭最基本的生存发展权,惠及广大劳动者的根本利益。

    The labor standard system is the lowest standard about working conditions and labor rights prescribed by law , which is for the purpose of protecting the basic rights of laborers and their families to survive and develop and the fundamental interests of the laborer group .

  25. 非标准劳动关系的劳动基准主要包括工作时间和休息休假、工资以及劳动保护三个方面,本文分别对之提出了建议。

    The employment standards of the non-standard employment relation include working hours , rest and vacation , wages and labor protection .

  26. 对非标准劳动关系的调整重点应当放在宏观层次上,即以劳动基准法调整全部劳动关系,规定最低限度的标准,以保护弱势劳动者的社会利益。

    The adjustment of non-standard employment relationship should focus on the macro level , that is to use the labor standards law to adjust the minimum standards to protect the interests of vulnerable workers in society .