- 名Labor Bureau

Maintain a daily working relationship with recruitment Web sites , headhunter , Labor Bureau etc.
If you think labor bureau encroachs your appeal to counterpoise with the form of nonfeasance you are OK to its administration of upper body application is reconsidered , perhaps mention lawsuit of politics of start on a journey to the court directly .
According to the U.S. Department of Labor , in May 2015 there were 505,560 registered school bus drivers .
According to the main business of the labor , we use the UML diagrams to analyze the functional requirements of the system , and give the non-functional requirements .
Young works list , health check , local labor bureau registration .
Company must first contact the labour department before employing underage personnel .
Labor officials collected the payout money , calculated by the number of years each worker spent at the factory .
Then we turned to NGOs and I led more than 100 people to the [ district ] labour bureau to complain .
She sought help from the Maryland State Professional Outplacement Assistance Center , or POAC , which is funded by the state Department of Labor .
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , one out of five of us put in 49 or more hours a week on the job ;
To maximize the impact of your call , have a friend play spokesperson for the Bureau of Labor , and put the call on speakerphone .
He had been acted as general manager for many large logistics companies , and has been engaged as a long-term logistics lecturer by Shenzhen Labor Bureau .
DOE 's CBP initiative will foster collaborative relationships among the owners and operators of commercial buildings , researchers from DOE national laboratories and private-sector technical experts .
Not much money when many people choose silence , but more and more people choose the arbitration and find labor bureau to help to solve the problem .
The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that by the year 2008 , women will form 48 percent of the labor force , compared with 46 percent in 1998 .
10000 RMB / month depends on qualification , skill and experience + national holiday , labor regulation leave , stock options , and monthly , quarterly and yearly bonus .
If found any child labor , must immediately stop their work and designate a person responsible for sending the child to the hospital for health checks and notify the Local Labor Bureau .
Several hundred employees of the Shenzhen office on Friday marched to their local labor bureau to file a complaint against the company , according to strikers and officials in the labor bureau .
The consultancy is mainly conducted by the office set within the bureau or at populous sites for the employees or the parties involved as to labor-related information and other executive services . 2 .
Unit embezzle part of what should be issued my salary , I think of Labor Bureau to complain , but city and area have labor bureau , should I arrive which labor bureau is complained ?
For the purpose of making government affairs public , simplifying formalities of examination and approval and improving working efficiency , we use the workflow technology and the information network technology to design and realize a labor bureau of e-government systems .
When Loudmouth is having a rare quiet moment , fake a call to the Bureau of Labor - speak just loudly enough so Loudmouth overhears the phrases ' can 't hear myself think , ' ' take legal action , ' and ' hostile work environment . '
In addition to jobs like interpreters and translators ( two professions , incidentally , which the Bureau of Labor predicts to grow 28.7 % over the next 10 years ) , there are many ways learning a second language immediately boosts a worker 's chances at earning more .
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the median age of the American workforce is 37.1 and it is expected to increase to 42.6 by 2022 . You might be dreading the fact that you 'll have to work even a day longer than you have to , but that shouldn 't be the case .
The average person spends 4.09 hours on leisure activities per day according to a survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics .
You can start your research online , with government publications such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics ' Occupational Outlook Handbook .
The Bureau of Labour Statistics is empowered with the important task of regularly collecting and reporting statistics on the labor force .
Labor supervising agencies under the MLSB take specific charge of supervision and inspection of the conditions of social insurance premium collection .
Guangzhou labor bureau officials said they recently fined Huanya for wage violations , but also said they found no evidence of child labor .
In fact , workers tend to changes jobs at least ten times during their adult life , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .