
láo dònɡ jú
  • Labor Bureau
  1. 与招聘网站,猎头公司,劳动局等保持良好的工作关系。

    Maintain a daily working relationship with recruitment Web sites , headhunter , Labor Bureau etc.

  2. 假如你认为劳动局以不作为的形式侵犯你的申诉权你可以向其上级机关申请行政复议,或者直接向法院提起行政诉讼。

    If you think labor bureau encroachs your appeal to counterpoise with the form of nonfeasance you are OK to its administration of upper body application is reconsidered , perhaps mention lawsuit of politics of start on a journey to the court directly .

  3. 根据美国劳动局的数据,2015年5月共有505,560个注册的校车司机。

    According to the U.S. Department of Labor , in May 2015 there were 505,560 registered school bus drivers .

  4. 根据劳动局的主要业务,利用UML用例图分析系统的功能需求,并给出系统的非功能性需求。

    According to the main business of the labor , we use the UML diagrams to analyze the functional requirements of the system , and give the non-functional requirements .

  5. 年轻的工作表,健康检查,当地劳动局登记。

    Young works list , health check , local labor bureau registration .

  6. 雇佣未成年工必须先到劳动局备案。

    Company must first contact the labour department before employing underage personnel .

  7. 劳动局官员收到了这比账款,并交到了多年在工厂工作的工人手上。

    Labor officials collected the payout money , calculated by the number of years each worker spent at the factory .

  8. 然后我们求助于非政府组织,我领着100多人到区劳动局去申诉。

    Then we turned to NGOs and I led more than 100 people to the [ district ] labour bureau to complain .

  9. 她向州劳动局资助的马里兰再就业咨询中心寻求帮助。

    She sought help from the Maryland State Professional Outplacement Assistance Center , or POAC , which is funded by the state Department of Labor .

  10. 根据劳动局统计数字表明,有五分之一的人一周要工作49个小时或者更多;

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , one out of five of us put in 49 or more hours a week on the job ;

  11. 为了使这次电话取得最佳效果,找一个朋友冒充劳动局发言人,并用打开扬声器进行这次通话。

    To maximize the impact of your call , have a friend play spokesperson for the Bureau of Labor , and put the call on speakerphone .

  12. 曾在多家大型物流公司担任总经理,2007年以来被深圳市劳动局长期聘任为物流讲师。

    He had been acted as general manager for many large logistics companies , and has been engaged as a long-term logistics lecturer by Shenzhen Labor Bureau .

  13. 这项规定的出台将会使业主,商业楼的运营商还有来自于美国能源部国家劳动局的研究人员和私人技术专家加强合作。

    DOE 's CBP initiative will foster collaborative relationships among the owners and operators of commercial buildings , researchers from DOE national laboratories and private-sector technical experts .

  14. 在钱不太多时很多人选择了沉默,但越来越多的人选择了仲裁、找劳动局去帮助解决。

    Not much money when many people choose silence , but more and more people choose the arbitration and find labor bureau to help to solve the problem .

  15. 根据劳动局于2008年公布的统计数量,在所有劳动力中,妇女占百分之四十八,而1998年则为百分之四十六。

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that by the year 2008 , women will form 48 percent of the labor force , compared with 46 percent in 1998 .

  16. 月薪视乎学历、技能、经验。国家假期、劳动局标准有薪假期、认股权、月季年奖金。

    10000 RMB / month depends on qualification , skill and experience + national holiday , labor regulation leave , stock options , and monthly , quarterly and yearly bonus .

  17. 如发现童工,必须立即停止其工作,指定专人负责送该童工到医院检查身体健康状况,并通知当地劳动局。

    If found any child labor , must immediately stop their work and designate a person responsible for sending the child to the hospital for health checks and notify the Local Labor Bureau .

  18. 在附近的广州市,当地劳动局表示已经接到数十名百度员工的投诉。

    Several hundred employees of the Shenzhen office on Friday marched to their local labor bureau to file a complaint against the company , according to strikers and officials in the labor bureau .

  19. 这主要由劳动局在本局办公地点或一些人流集中地段设立的办事点,为劳动者或劳动争议当事人提供劳动关系方面的相关信息咨询等方面的行政服务。

    The consultancy is mainly conducted by the office set within the bureau or at populous sites for the employees or the parties involved as to labor-related information and other executive services . 2 .

  20. 单位克扣我的工资,我想到劳动局投诉,但是市和区都有劳动局,我应到哪个劳动局投诉?

    Unit embezzle part of what should be issued my salary , I think of Labor Bureau to complain , but city and area have labor bureau , should I arrive which labor bureau is complained ?

  21. 为了实现政务公开、简化审批手续、提高办事效率,利用工作流技术和信息网络技术,设计和实现一个劳动局电子政务系统。

    For the purpose of making government affairs public , simplifying formalities of examination and approval and improving working efficiency , we use the workflow technology and the information network technology to design and realize a labor bureau of e-government systems .

  22. 当大声说话的同事难得安静下来的时候,假装向劳动局打电话——大声一点,这样大声说话的同事可以听到“不为他人着想”,“提起诉讼”,“不良的工作环境”等等词语。

    When Loudmouth is having a rare quiet moment , fake a call to the Bureau of Labor - speak just loudly enough so Loudmouth overhears the phrases ' can 't hear myself think , ' ' take legal action , ' and ' hostile work environment . '

  23. 除了口译或者翻译这种工作以外(顺便说一句,根据劳动局预测,这两种职业的薪酬在接下来十年会增长28.7%),还有许多方面可以增加双语者的收入。

    In addition to jobs like interpreters and translators ( two professions , incidentally , which the Bureau of Labor predicts to grow 28.7 % over the next 10 years ) , there are many ways learning a second language immediately boosts a worker 's chances at earning more .

  24. 根据劳动局的数据,全美在职人员的平均年龄是37.1岁,到2022年,则有可能上升到到42.6岁。看到这个数字,你也许会对自己将在工作岗位多鞠躬尽瘁几年感到恐惧,但事实并非如此。

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the median age of the American workforce is 37.1 and it is expected to increase to 42.6 by 2022 . You might be dreading the fact that you 'll have to work even a day longer than you have to , but that shouldn 't be the case .

  25. 根据劳动统计局调查显示,一般人每天要花4.09小时用来娱乐。

    The average person spends 4.09 hours on leisure activities per day according to a survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  26. 你可以从网上搜索资料,同时可以用《劳动统计局职业前景手册》之类的政府出版物做为辅助。

    You can start your research online , with government publications such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics ' Occupational Outlook Handbook .

  27. 劳动统计局受权执行定期搜集和报告劳动力统计数字的重要任务。

    The Bureau of Labour Statistics is empowered with the important task of regularly collecting and reporting statistics on the labor force .

  28. 市劳动保障局所属的劳动监察机构,具体负责社会保险费缴纳情况的监督检查。

    Labor supervising agencies under the MLSB take specific charge of supervision and inspection of the conditions of social insurance premium collection .

  29. 广州市劳动保障局的官员说,他们最近已对环亚违反工资政策的行为作了处罚,但同时也说,他们没有发现雇佣童工的证据。

    Guangzhou labor bureau officials said they recently fined Huanya for wage violations , but also said they found no evidence of child labor .

  30. 根据劳动统计局的数据,事实上,在成年人生中,人们往往会至少换十份工作。

    In fact , workers tend to changes jobs at least ten times during their adult life , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .