
  1. 教育引导学生树立高远志向,历练敢于担当、不懈奋斗的精神。教育引导学生培养综合能力,培养创新思维。帮助学生在体育锻炼中享受乐趣,提高学生审美和人文素养,在学生中弘扬劳动精神。

    Efforts should be made to educate and guide the students to set their sights high , foster their sense of responsibility , striving spirit , comprehensive capability taste and hard-working spirit .

  2. 对中世纪基督教来说,劳动具有精神和物质双重意义。

    For medieval Christian , Manual labor had a dual meaning .

  3. 虽然我们已不可能那样,但作为快乐和辛勤劳动的精神我们同样能感受得到。

    Though we had never done it , as blithe and hardworking spirits we felt that we could too .

  4. 书是他们进行脑力劳动,精神生产的生产资料,一刻也不能缺少。

    Books are their conducting mental work , vigorously produced productive forces , not even one moment can be missed .

  5. 分析了物质生产劳动、精神生产劳动、服务劳动、社会公务劳动与价值的关系。

    Analyses the relations among material production labor , spirit production labor , service labor , social public affair labor and value .

  6. 尽管他们行业不同,他们共同之处在于他们对事业成功的决心以及他们依靠自己诚实劳动的精神。

    What they have in common , in spite of the differences in their fields , is their determination to succeed in their careers and the spirit to depend on their own honest and earnest efforts .

  7. 一般社会生产力的发展是在人们的由物质需要和生产劳动、精神需要和精神生产、经济交往和交往规范中组成的具体劳动过程中实现的。

    The development of generic social productivity is achieved through in the concrete labor process which can be analyzed with substance want and productive labor , spiritual want and its production , economic communication and its norms .

  8. 社会意识是分工以后人们相互交往的产物,而且人类真正的意识只是伴随着物质劳动和精神劳动分工的出现才发展起来的。

    Social consciousness is the social division of labor after a product that people interact , and a real sense of human physical labor and is accompanied by the emergence of the spirit of division of labor was developed .

  9. 为什么强调手工劳动和创业精神?

    Why the emphasis on manual labor and entrepreneurship ?

  10. 但经营这些农场和小企业的人都为自己能够通过勤奋劳动和进取精神来建设家庭感到自豪。

    But the men and women who run them all take pride in supporting their families through hard work and initiative .

  11. 这就需要相关的法律解释结合劳动法的精神与足球行业的特点,对劳动法律进行细化与补充。

    This requires legal interpretation , which combines the spirit of relevant labor law with football industry , to refine and supplement labor laws .

  12. 另一方面,运动能够帮助人们在夜以继日的脑力劳动后振奋精神,更惊人的是,锻炼身体可以使我们的大脑更加积极和富有创意地工作。

    Sports also help to refresh people 's mind from brainwork all day and night , and even more surprisingly , exercising can stimulate people 's brains to work more actively and creatively .

  13. 我谨代表广交会新闻中心,对大家的辛勤劳动和敬业精神表示衷心的感谢!

    Hereby , on behalf of the Press Center of the Canton Fair , I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your excellent work and dedicated spirit .

  14. 后者主要融合在文学话语当中,谈不上有什么政治目的,属于较纯粹的知识分子意识,其基本内涵是对民生疾苦的同情和向劳动人民寻求精神认同等;

    The latter , mainly melted into literary speech , had no political purpose , but belonged to fairly pure intellectual consciousness and mainly contained sympathy for and links with the laboring people .

  15. 首先,实用主义根植于美国早期的拓荒史和边疆史。那些移民与拓荒者们经历了艰难困苦,意识到只有辛勤劳动的实用精神才能保证他们存活下来。

    Firstly , pragmatism was rooted in the early American pioneering and frontier history : The immigrants and exploiters , who had experienced the hardship , realized that only practical spirit of labor could guarantee their survival .

  16. 古代桥梁体现了我国文化的内涵和特点,表现出劳动人民的精神意志和智慧力量,它也是各个历史时期社会生产力和科技发展水平的典型标本。

    The ancient bridge reflects cultural connotation and characteristics of China , shows the spirit and wisdom of peoples . It is also the typical specimen of social productivity and technology development level in the various historical periods .

  17. 从地质资料的取得过程入手进行分析,是通过脑力劳动获得的精神产品,是一种可以为人所感知的具有价值的独立存在,其具备智力成果的特点。

    From the analysis of producing process of geological data , geological data meets the characteristics of intellectual achievements . The geological data is the spirit products obtained by mental labor , and independent existence which value can be perceived by men .

  18. 在智能空间的支持下,应用移动机器人进行病房巡视,能够大大减轻护士的劳动负荷及精神压力,同时也能够及时发现病人住院过程中所出现的问题,提高病人满意度,有着重要的现实意义。

    With the help of smart space , using service robots in hospital ward patrol can greatly reduce the workload and mental pressure of nurses . It can also be able to notice the problems of the hospitalization and improve patient satisfaction .

  19. 劳动人民富于创造精神。

    The labouring people are highly creative .

  20. 高血压患病率随年龄增长呈增高趋势,农村居民高血压危险因素为饮酒、吸烟、劳动强度大、精神心理因素(如精神紧张)、高体质指数(BMI)、高腰臀比(WHR)等。

    The increase of MRH was correlated with the increase in age . The risk factors of hypertension were alcohol consumption , high body mass index ( BMI ), high waist and hip ratio ( WHR ), workload , psychology factor ( e.g. stress ) .

  21. 劳动争议案件司法精神病鉴定研究

    Study on the forensic psychiatric examination of the cases of labor disputes

  22. 精神劳动所创造的精神产品,既有有形产品,又有无形产品。

    Intellectual labor can create mental products . Mental products can be visible and invisible .

  23. 写作是一项创造性的心智劳动,但凡是精神活动,都需要发挥人的主体性作用。

    Writing is a creative mental labor , but any spiritual activities , all need to play the role of human subjectivity .

  24. 传统的高校后勤有一定的德育教育功能,主要是培养大学生的劳动意识和劳动精神;

    The traditional system of university logistics contains a certain funtion of moral education for cultivating students ' labour consciousness and spirits ;

  25. 但是,我们需要你的将来、你的劳动、你的精神,如果我们要建设那样的一个社会的话。

    But we need your will , your labor , your hearts , if we are to build that kind of society .

  26. 值此欢乐盛会之际,我感到非常荣幸有此殊荣能在此代表棠中外语学校辛勤劳动并富于奉献精神的全体教职员工发言。

    I am very honored and privileged to stand before you today on behalf of all the hard working and dedicated teachers at Tanghu .

  27. 综合评价,后勤社会化对德育教育的主要不利影响是弱化了劳动意识和劳动精神、团体精神和集体荣誉感。

    The comprehensive assessment shows that unfavourable influence of system of commercialized university logistics lies in weakening consciousness and spirits of labour , group spirits and sense of collective honour .

  28. 它混有的农业与工业在郊外,星罗棋布地分布着生产饮料管、精密用具以及伞类的手工工场体现了法国劳动人民坚韧不拔的精神,他们始终觉得自己囊中羞涩、前途不明。

    Its blend of rural and industrial-artisanal workshops turning out drinking straws , precision tools and umbrellas are dotted in its outskirts-characterises the gritty spirit of working France , which feels its pockets squeezed , and its future unsure .

  29. 而这种扩展往往需要张扬人类的脑力劳动,因为只有脑力劳动所具有的精神形式才能成为人类实现普遍交往的载体。

    This expansion need lay a great emphasis on mental work because its spirit form of mental work can become a carrier to realize the worldwide contact .

  30. 本文比较全面地论述了教育作为智力劳动的几个特点,并且阐明了作为智力劳动的教育与物质劳动和精神劳动的关系。

    The article discusses specifications of education as mental labour , studying the relationship between mental labour and physical labour , both as social labour .