
  1. 菏泽尔先生很有科学家精神地排除了多数情况。

    Mr Holzer , ever the scientist , dismissed most of that .

  2. 当科学发展为一种社会建制的时候,科学家的精神气质自然提升为科学本身的精神气质(theethosofscience),成为科学共同体的价值观和规范体系。

    When the science has been developed as a sort of social construction , the ethos of scientists naturally has been promoted as the ethos of science and becomes the scientific community consisting of values and norms .

  3. 先前,科学家把精神联系到缺少筛选出的刺激。

    Previously , scientists associated psychosis with the failure to screen out stimuli .

  4. 但现在科学家发现精神重创事件并不注定会给我们无休止的痛苦。

    But scientists now know that a traumatic event doesn 't doom us to suffer indefinitely .

  5. 科学范式与科学家的精神气质&作为一种科技制度安排的可持续发展分析论科学精神与大学生科学精神的培养

    Sustainable Development as a Scientific Institution ; Analysis of the Scientific Spirit and the Cultivation of College Students ' Scientific Spirit

  6. 当科学成为一项社会建制后,科学家的精神气质又发展为约束科学共同体成员的价值规范。

    When science became a social institution , the ethos of scientists developed into some social criteria which restricts the members in scientific community .

  7. 科学精神根源于科学的精神传统,表现为科学家的精神气质和科学的精神特质。

    The spirit of science roots in the spirit tradition of science , and is represented by two kinds of forms which are the ethos of scientists and the ethos of science .

  8. 科学结构、科学革命与科学家的创新精神

    The Structure and the Revolution of Science , The Innovative Spirit of Scientists

  9. 科学家的批判精神;

    The critical spirits of scientists ;

  10. 科学家说,精神疾病影响着发展中国家相当数量的人,但是这个领域没有得到足够的资源用于治疗和服务。这是一项世界卫生组织报告的结论。

    Mental health disorders affect a significant number of people in developing countries , but the sector does not receive enough resources for treatment and services , say experts .

  11. 本着自身的感受和政治现实主义思想,艾伦认为,科学家会把精神全部集中在科学研究的内容上,无暇考虑其意义。

    With both personal honesty and political realism , Alan pointed out that in scientific research it was inevitable that one became absorbed in the work , and did not think of the implications .

  12. 这篇研究文章的第一作者亚当·切克劳德是一名首席科学家,也是纽约精神健康创业公司SpringHealth的联合创始人,还是耶鲁大学精神病学的助理教授。

    Adam Chekroud , the senior author on the study , is a chief scientist and co-founder of Spring Health , a New York City-based mental-health startup , and an assistant professor of psychiatry at Yale University .

  13. 责任:科学家不可或缺的伦理精神

    Responsibility : The Internal Ethics Spirit of Scientists

  14. 它内化为科学家本人的人格魅力,是科学事业和科学家本人前进的精神动力和精神源泉。

    It internalizes scientist 's the personal charm ; it is the spiritual power for the scientists and science .