
  • 网络rule of law
  1. 加入WTO给民族干部提出了新的要求和挑战。面对新的挑战必须培养民族干部的政治意识、创新意识、开放意识、竞争意识和法治意识。

    To meet new demands and challenges after China 's WTO accession , we must increase ethnic minority cadres ' awareness about political - mindedness , innovation , opening up , competition and the rule of law .

  2. 论法治意识

    On Consciousness of Rule of Law

  3. 随着中国经济发展和法治意识提高,ADR适用于离婚纠纷就具有了新的现实基础。

    With the improvement of economic development and law consciousness in China , ADR has possibility to apply to divorce dispute .

  4. 培养公民的法治意识。

    E. to cultivate citizen 's consciousness of law .

  5. 把程序法治意识作为领导干部的必备思想素质。

    Regarding consciousness of procedural constitutionality as necessary ideological qualities for the leading cadres .

  6. 论税收法治意识的培育

    On Cultivation of Legal Sense of Taxation

  7. 在观念层面上,我国秘侦取证现状妨碍侦查法治意识的确立和普及。

    On ideal level , current conditions hamper establishment and popularization of consciousness of legal investigation .

  8. 其中,法治意识是现代意识的根本标志;

    Among the modern consciousness , the consciousness of law is the fundamental symbol of the modern consciousness ;

  9. 公民参与态度与公民法治意识之成长

    The Attitude of Citizens ' Participation and the Growth on the Awareness about Citizens ' Rule of Law

  10. 主要表现有:主体意识缺乏、法治意识淡薄、道德意识不强、团体意识缺失。

    The main representation is : Subject awareness is imperfect ; law awareness is unsubstantial ; morals awareness is weakening ;

  11. 因之,加快培植口民的法治意识,是决定法治国家能否实现的重要条件。

    Therefore , cultivating citizen 's consciousness of rule of law , is an important condition for law state realization .

  12. 为了实现这一目标,学校必须进一步加强公民教育,以提高未来公民的公平意识和法治意识。

    To achieve this goal , schools must further strengthen civic education to enhance the civic awareness of fairness and legality .

  13. 提高大学生的法治意识,是提高公民法治意识的主要任务。

    Enhancing students ' awareness of rule of law is the major task of increasing citizens ' awareness of rule of law .

  14. 增强各级政府法治意识是建设和谐社会的根本

    Deepening the " Rule by Law " Consciousness of Governments of All Levels for the Sake of Building up a Harmonized Society

  15. 这是本文的重点,也是接上一部分概述后对法治意识的深入分析。

    This part is the focal point of the paper and is further clarifying the connotation of the consciousness of rule of law .

  16. 法治意识对于建设法治国家,其意义不言而喻。

    It is obvious that the consciousness of rule of law to the construction of nation ruled by law is of great meaning .

  17. 部分国人头脑中,人治思想固在,法治意识淡薄。

    In the mind of some Chinese people , the thought of governing by man still exists . They lack the consciousness of law .

  18. 公民的法治意识提高了,有关法治建设的相关因素就自然会得到解决。

    With the increasing citizens awareness of the rule of law , the relevant factors about the rule of law will be resolved naturally .

  19. 笔者从我国公民法治意识的现状入手,提出了对公民进行法治意识培养和教育的措施与办法。

    The author put forward avenues and approaches of educating and cultivating legalization consciousness for the people by anatomizing the present condition of it .

  20. 本部分的逻辑顺序是逐个讨论意识、法律意识和法治意识,并将重点放在对法治意识这一概念的内涵和外延的界定。

    The Logical order in this part is to discuss the consciousness , legal consciousness and the consciousness of rule of law one by one .

  21. 他们的法治意识和法律素质如何,将直接关系到党和国家的前途和命运。

    Their awareness of the rule of law and the legal quality are directly related to the future and destiny of the party as well as the country .

  22. 我国民事权利保障的宪政化进程决定于社会生产力发展、公民法治意识和国家政治权力。

    How the civil rights stipulated in the constitutions can be improved is relied on the progress of a country society 's productivity , civil legal consciousness and nomocracy .

  23. 我国的这种保护从照抄照搬到引用宪法权利、承认宪法权利,体现了法治意识与法治信仰逐渐在我国确立的过程。

    It reflects the confirming course of legal consciousness and legal conviction in our country , that the safeguard changes from imitation to quoting and recognizing the constitutional right .

  24. 这些障碍表现在政府的投资审批中的法治意识、宏观协调制度、监管制度以及企业的跨国公司治理机制的缺乏。

    These obstacles are the lacks of government 's consciousness of administration by law , the institutions of macro-coordination and supervision , and the governing mechanism of transnational corporations .

  25. 传统政府机构法治意识和依法行政能力的欠缺已成为我国经济和社会发展的主要障碍。

    Orthodox government organization was deficient in ruling by law and administrative ability according to law , which became major obstacle in economy and society development in our country .

  26. 推进法制建设,提升行政人员法治意识,构建法治政府;

    Promoting the building of the legal system to improve the consciousness of law of administrative staff which will help to build a government under the rule of law ;

  27. 中国税收法治意识淡薄的历史原因包含历史传统、体制、法制、社会意识等多个层面。

    The cause of weak legal sense of taxation in China includes the following : historical tradition , system of organization , legal system , and social sense , etc.

  28. 要提高依法执政能力,必须提高法治意识,增强法制观念,牢固确立宪法和法律至高无上的权威;必须构建依法执政的制度和体制;

    To improve the power we should improve the consciousness nomocracy , better our concept of legal system and confirm the uppermost authority of the constitution and the law .

  29. 近年来,随着民众法治意识的日益提高,越来越多的民众关注法院的判决,对法院判决提出了更高的要求。

    In recent years , along with the increasing awareness of public law , more and more people pay attention to court decision , to put forward higher request .

  30. 公民法治意识是一种公民文化的表现形态,是人们在权利义务关系中的法治自觉意识。

    Citizens legal system consciousness , as a manifestation of a citizen culture , is a rule of law consciousness of the people in the relation between right and obligation .