
  • 网络legal aid center
  1. 阿萨姆.阿鲁里是约旦河西岸城市拉马拉的耶路撒冷法律援助中心主任。

    Issam Arruri Directs the Jerusalem Legal Aid Center in the West Bank city of Ramallah .

  2. 司法部法律援助中心成立于1996年12月16日,现有工作人员23名。

    The Legal Aid Center of the Ministry of Justice was established on December 16 , 1996 with 23 staff members at present .

  3. 车祸后,他们刚能自由活动时就到太原的一家法律援助中心寻求帮助。

    When they were first able to after the accident , they looked for help at a legal assistance service in Taiyuan .

  4. 本文从大学生法律援助中心的特征入手,以广西师范大学法律援助中心为个案进行调查和分析。

    This article investigates and analyzes the Students ' Legal Aid Center Of GuangXi Normal University from the characteristics of Students ' Legal Aid Center .

  5. 通过对法律援助中心工作进行全方位的实证考察,旨在总结成绩和经验,挖掘实践中存在的问题,并提出具体的改进建议。

    Through the work of legal aid center conduct the empirical research at every level , the point is to summary result and experience , and to find the problem in practice , to pose concrete suggestions for improvement .

  6. 一是通过收集桃江县法律援助中心最近三年的年度资料和对法律援助工作者、法律援助主管机关的工作人员进行访谈,对法律援助进行对比研究,得出法律援助在桃江的现状的结论。

    Three years ' annual materials of the local Legal Aid center have been collected , the social workers and executive members of the center have been interviewed and thus the current situation of the Legal Aid in the county has been concluded .

  7. 按照法律援助办案流程,以法律援助办案过程为中心,可以将法律援助办案质量控制制度分为事前控制、事中控制和事后控制,本文从这三个方面构建了法律援助办案质量控制制度。

    According to the process of legal aid cases , legal aid case quality control system can be divided into three parts . They are pre-control , control in process and control after the event .

  8. 您想要的法律代表,你想与您的律师,法律援助中心和您的家人联络。

    You want legal representation and you want to contact your lawyer , the LAC and your family .