
shēn sù quán
  • right of appeal;right of petition
  1. 再论对不批准逮捕决定的申诉权

    Again on the Right of Appealing to the " Decision of Disapproving an Arrest "

  2. 水土保持行政处罚工作刍议论学生申诉权

    Discussion on Administrative Penalty Work of Soil and Water Conservation On students ' rights to petition

  3. 作为消费者他们应该有相应的权利,即安全权、知情权、选择权、申诉权、求偿权、受尊重权、监督权、收益权。

    As consumers , they should own their rights and interests including right to security , right to know , right to choose , right to appeal , right to be respected , right to pensation , right to public opinion supervision , right of profits etc.