
  • 网络Shanghai
  1. 申城佛地&百佛园

    The One Hundred Buddha Park : Shanghai 's Buddha Site

  2. 从水漫申城看我国城市公共危机管理应急措施

    " Water Flooding Shanghai ": Emergency Measures on City Public Crisis Control of Our Country

  3. 专家指导:申城房产中介收费标准到底多少?

    Expert guidance : 23,000 properties intermediary charges to the end ?

  4. 《老场坊的新表情&探寻申城“新”与“旧”之五》,《解放日报》(上海)2011年5月21日。

    " The Old Factory New Expression , 'new'and'Old ' ", The Liberation Daily , 2011,5,21 .

  5. 虽然天气预报报道在接下来的假期里,申城以雨天为主,但昨晚申城的夜空如此明亮清晰。

    Though rain is forecast for rest of the holiday , the sky was clear last night .

  6. 在这次展览会上,来自世界各国的公司云集申城纷纷展出了他们最新款式的产品。

    In this exhibition , Company from around the world has showed their product of the latest model .

  7. 各项性能指标均达国际标准专家指导:申城房产中介收费标准到底多少?

    Meet all the requirements of international standards concerned Expert guidance : 23,000 properties intermediary charges to the end ?

  8. 每年春季,数以百计的中外客商云集申城,参加一年一度的华东出口商品交易会。

    Every spring , hundreds of thousands of domestic and foreign businessmen swarm into Shanghai to attend annual East China Export Commodity Trade Fair .

  9. 2007年底宾馆荣膺五星级饭店称号,成为申城屈指可数的浦东最大的五星级花园式国宾馆。

    It was granted five-star status in2007 , making this garden state guest hotel the biggest of its kind in Pudong , and one of the best in Shanghai .