
  1. 欧越莓滋润眼睛黏膜,促进眼部血管健康及血液循环,维持正常眼压。

    Bilberry moisturizes the eye membrane , enhances blood circulation and helps maintain normal eye pressure .

  2. 含主要成分欧越莓和金盏花,滋润眼睛黏膜,有助预防黄斑部退化,促进视网膜健康。

    Major ingredients bilberry and marigold help to moisturise the eye membrane , preventing macular degeneration and enhancing the condition of the retina .

  3. 中东欧国家越来越重视向东开放,不少企业瞄准亚太和中国市场。

    Countries in the CEE region are also paying more attention to opening to the east , and many companies are now turning their eyes to the Asia-Pacific and Chinese markets .