
chéng fēng
  • become a common practice;become the order of the day
成风 [chéng fēng]
  • [become a common practice;become the order of the day] 形成潮流;成为风气

  • 经商成风

成风[chéng fēng]
  1. 这是个腐败成风的国家。

    It is a country where corruption is rife .

  2. 他们是一家腐败成风的银行的主要股东。

    They were the principal shareholders in a bank riddled with corruption

  3. 节约成风。

    Thrift has become the prevailing practice .

  4. 如今攀比成风。

    It is nowadays a common practice to keep up with the joneses .

  5. 虚夸成风。

    Boasting has become daily practice .

  6. 党的新闻舆论工作的职责和使命是:高举旗帜、引领导向,围绕中心、服务大局,团结人民、鼓舞士气,成风化人、凝心聚力,澄清谬误、明辨是非,联接中外、沟通世界。

    The mission of the Party 's media work is to hold high the banner , provide guidance for the public , focus on the core issues , serve the country 's overall interests , unite the general public , instill confidence and pool strength , tell right from wrong and connect China to the world .

  7. 但现今董事会构成更加多样化,节俭成风,《反贿赂法案》(BriberyAct)已经颁布,我怀疑这两种运动的流行程度正在下降。

    But I suspect their popularity is waning in the era of diverse boardrooms , austerity and the Bribery Act .

  8. 在网络约会成风的时代,Ghosting已成为了结束一段恋爱关系的主要趋势。

    Ghosting is the trend of disappearing from a relationship - common among a generation of online daters .

  9. 用湿热成风、相对中层涡旋、等熵位涡、惯性稳定度等讨论了MCC的发生发展机理。

    The MCC develops mechanism is analyzed based on moist thermal wind theory , relatively mesoscale convectively generated vortex , Potential Vorticity Thinking , inertial instability theory and so on .

  10. 本文用一基于第二类条件性不稳定机制(CISK)的简单数值模式研究了由于非热成风的存在和环境风场垂直切变的水平变化对台风低压发生发展的影响。

    Using simple dynamic model based on the theory of CISK , this paper discusses the influence of basic flow with horizontal change of vertical shear and with non-thermal wind on the formation and development of tropical cyclones .

  11. 中国曾对奢侈品送礼成风的行为严加打击,导致奢侈品行业陷入低迷期,如今腕表市场似乎有所回暖,TambourHorizon因此全方位进入了中国市场。

    The Tambour Horizon 's ability to operate seamlessly with China 's internet comes as the market is witnessing a rebound in demand for luxury timepieces following a rocky period for the industry caused in part by China 's luxury gifting crackdown .

  12. 在此基础上分析了生成低涡的500hPa环流背景和九龙涡生成的地理环境,试图揭示西南涡生成的机理,最后,文章利用非热成风适应原理,对低涡生成机理进行了理论分析。

    In this paper the circulation on 500 hPa and geographic environment about Vortex source , and endeavor to reveal the generative mechanism of the Southwest China Vortex are analysed . Here it is discussed theoretically in the non-thermal wind adjustement principle of nonadiabatic and topographic effect .

  13. CAD/CAM市场热销企业合伙成风

    CAD / CAM Hot Market , Partnerships Between Enterprise Become Popular

  14. 如果我不在,你把我当成风。很浪漫啊。

    When I am out , take me as the wind .

  15. 五是美术社团林立,活动频繁,展览成风;

    Plenty of art associations organizing a variety of activities and exhibitions ;

  16. 任何人都可能成为受害人,跟踪还在日渐成风。

    Anyone can be a victim , and it 's on the rise .

  17. 非热成风平衡基流的对称不稳定

    Symmetric instability of non thermal wind balance basic flow

  18. 我也多希望自己能变成云、变成花、化成风、化成蝶啊!

    How I wish that I could become a butterfly , Fluttering after Your footsteps .

  19. 发展成风湿热的链球菌感染之后获得性主动脉狭窄可能发生。

    Acquired aortic stenosis may occur after a strep infection that progresses to rheumatic fever .

  20. 非热成风涡度的变化与热带气旋中心气压变化有较好的一致性。

    Non-thermal wind vorticity variations and the TC central pressure changes are in a better consistency .

  21. 分析表明:正的非热成风涡度是低涡生成的一个重要指标;

    Analysis shows , positive non-thermal wind is an important symbol for the vortex growing up .

  22. 用热成风适应物理过程来解释这种天气区分布的原因。

    This distributions of weather can be explained by the adjustment physical process of thermal wind .

  23. 切变风螺旋度和热成风螺旋度在东北冷涡暴雨中的应用

    The Application of Shearing Wind Helicity and Thermal Wind Helicity in Northeastern Cold Vortex Rainfall Event

  24. 利用热成风适应原理对暖性西南低涡生成机制的再分析

    Apply the thermal wind adjustment theorem to analyse genesis mechanism of the warm south-west vortex of China

  25. 国产动漫原创匮乏、抄袭成风早已有之,于今更烈。

    Lack of domestic original animation , plagiarism has long been rife , even more strongly today .

  26. 引入切变风螺旋度和热成风螺旋度,并将其应用于东北冷涡暴雨的诊断分析。

    Application of screwing degree of cyclone in the analysis of spring hailing weather with gale in Guangxi ;

  27. 多亏了喜爱揭发丑闻的英国记者,国际足联内部腐败成风的严重现象得以曝光。

    Thanks mainly to muck-raking British journalists , a deep culture of corruption within FIFA has been exposed .

  28. 第二,讨论了环境位温与热成风因子对中尺度对称不稳定的影响。

    Second , we discuss the influence of environmental referance potential temperture and thermal wind on Mesoscale symmetric instability .

  29. 由于腐败成风,该国的司法系统反而是最没有公平和正义的地方。

    Plagued by corruption the country 's judicial system , of all places , has become a major source of injustice .

  30. 而地转流分量在翻转环流的下分支主轴深度达到最大值,并在垂向上满足热成风关系。

    The geostrophic flow reaches its maximum at the depth of return flow axes and its vertical pattern satisfies the thermal wind relation .